
Happy Anniversary

Your bedroom was perfectly still. Gentle evening twilight streamed in from the gaps around the curtains and all was silent save for the gentle ambient hum of the outside world as well as electronics scattered around the flat. All things considered, it would’ve been the recipe for a cozy, relaxing evening. That is, were it not for the fact that you found yourself resting on the ceiling inflated like a gigantic balloon, your body filled to the brim with lighter than air gas and puffed out into a 7ft round sphere.

Average: 4.3 (11 votes)

Riders of the Breeze

Inflation Types:

"And you brought me all the way to this abandoned hangar… why, exactly?"  Troy glanced left and right, looking at the barren walls of what was once a storehouse for small planes at the long-closed local airport.  The sound of Jasmine's melodic giggle snapped him out of his contemplation.

Average: 4.3 (6 votes)

Prodigy, The

Sexual Content:

There is an old belief among the Gaels that the Ash Tree was one of the legendary guardian trees of Ireland. The tree is credited with a range of protective and healing properties, a magically imbued tree. One could even say that the girl named Ashley possessed such incredible power but not of a positive sort.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Ill-Conceived Escape, An

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“You have wronged me and the court,” the king bellowed, his voice echoing through the filled throne room. The lords and ladies of the court stood around, all glaring at the fellow in the center of the room. At the head of the room, the king and queen sat, resplendent and handsome. To the queen’s right sat her daughter, the princess. The young woman, having just seen her twenty-first name day, sat primly, yet could not help wiggling her fingers at the man in the middle. “The kingdom despises you, sir. Were it up to me, you would be put to death.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Torture Dressed Like Therapy 2: Testing the Limits

A year, maybe two. Glen had quickly grown tired of his life hooked up to a canister. Klestofer stopped visiting him after a few months, leaving him alone most days. Sometimes therapists came in and asked him questions. He would anawer truthfully, but they never did anything about his dark thoughts.

He often wished he would just pop. Or deflate. Or fall asleep and never wake up. 

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Torture Dressed Like Therapy

Inflation Types:

It was unsuspected. Just and unfortunate draw of bad luck. They hadn't been looking for anyone specific, just whoever they could get their hands on - fast and easy. 

Some cruel, twisted minds were just looking to tinker with the limits of the human body. To see just how far it would go. None involved, of course, were bold enough to volunteer. They wanted to explore this stretch of a theory with no expense to themselves. 

And poor Glen just happened to be walking home alone on the night they decided to find a test subject.

Average: 3 (3 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"So," she said, pacing casually back and forth in front of me, "you know what they say about girls with big feet, right?"

I stared at her. Was -this- why she brought me to this small park between the apartments? ", I actually don't, and isn't it supposed to be -guys- with big feet?"

Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

How I met your Balloon

Inflation Types:

"Hey, Dad?"

Micheal looked up from the book he was reading on the back patio of his house.  At roughly forty-five years old, he had reached his middle age rather gracefully.  Brushing a stray lock of his notoriously unkempt hair aside, he glanced over his shoulder to see his son, Timothy.  Folding the corner of a page over to mark his place in the novel, he turned to face his child. "Hey, sport. What's up?  I thought you and your friends would be playing that new game of yours. What number is it up to now, Black Ops 28 or 29?"

Average: 3 (2 votes)

Day in the Plaza, A

Inflation Types:

"What a wonderful day!" I cheered, running into the plaza. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. I couldn't help my excitement, all I knew is that I felt so happy to be here. 

"Luna, wait!" My friend Charles was jogging up to me. "You're so bloody hyper, you need to calm down." He chuckled, moving his long brown hair out of his eyes. It was a bit windier than normal, but it was dying down. I put my blonde hair into a ponytail. 

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Swell Night, A

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

“Oh, shit it’s Early” scream Verity as she ran for the bus, her hands searching her inside pocket for her bus pass as she just reached the vehicle before the doors shut.

Usually the tall brunette would just wait for the next one, but tonight was different. She had finally got a date with her crush Elijah and yet she was already out of work late and in a rush to get home and ready.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)
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