

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

He lay listlessly on the cot, the sun's morning rays shining in on his nude body.  As he stared up at the ceiling one hand drifted downward, taking his length in a loose grip and moving his fingertips across it until it grew firm in his grasp, not really motivated to go beyond that.  Slowly blinking, he took a long breath.


His chest and abdomen rose but barely fell, three new mounds which half-obscured his manhood.


He grew higher, the mounds inching upward as his hips were lifted up, ever so slightly, by an expanding backside.

Average: 2.7 (7 votes)

Rachel's Balloon

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Rachel Hershley was dressed in her usual black top, sitting on a bench on a quiet downtown street quiet early in the morning. Even as a few more people came and went in both direction, she had her eyes closed and head tilted towards the sun, completely zoned out, ignoring the world around her. She was in a relatively calm mood, which wasn't common of her; those unlucky enough to have experienced her temper could attest to that.

Average: 4.6 (7 votes)

Self-Indulgent Competitive Inflation Story, A

Inflation Types:

Sydney gave a disparaging laugh as she looked me over, setting her hand weights onto the gym rack.  "I hope you don't think you can -really- out-grow me." The tanned blonde heaved in a deep breath, her orange sports top stretching as her breasts and belly billowed out to beach ball proportions.  Another breath and her ass and limbs bulked up, their sudden width and conical shape forcing them out to the sides before a third breath simply pushed her body out in all directions, leaving her as a six-foot balloon with two domes on her front and the vaguest implication of human anatomy.

Average: 4 (9 votes)

Then Prove It

"Come visit the Holy City of Globolia, like the Vatican but instead of a Pope we have papayas!"

Average: 4.4 (14 votes)

Dom and the Little Man, The

Sexual Content:


Average: 2.6 (9 votes)


Jessica discreetly peered over the top of her office cubicle as she absentmindedly marked off the 30+ new emails in her inbox as ‘read’, knowing that most of them were automated invitations to office events that she would never even consider going to. ‘1000 Days Without An Accident Celebration’? Give me a break. The office where she worked, with its flimsy cardboard sheets that somehow passed for walls, was about the least dangerous environment she could think of.

Average: 2.8 (9 votes)

Nibiru is a Human

Inflation Types:

"So you can inflate?" she asked me.

I nodded. "Absolutely."

"Okay, but... how does it work?"

"I just breathe in." I demonstrated, the air swirling and filling me. My gut surged out, my backside and chest following immediately after. The armpits of my shirt grew snug on me as the denim of my jeans pulled taut across my legs, and mere seconds later I was a bulging, buoyant version of my old self. Not wanting to leave things half-finished I continued, arms and legs being forced apart before growing wider, then rounder, then being absorbed almost fully by my globular figure.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Debut of Vaccum

Inflation Types:

There were over ten thousand superbeings on this planet and tonight I was going to become one of them.

Tonight I would make my debut as a superheroine. And luckily for me, one of the world’s worst was right below me.

Average: 4.1 (7 votes)

Hold My Drink Pt. 1

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

This story takes place at the birthday party of a girl named Danielle, and concerns three different groups of her friends, including Danielle herself. It would take far too long to tell you about all three of these groups and what is about to happen between them in one sitting, so we’re going to have to split this story into three parts. This first part concerns the first group.

A Miracle Biological Breakthrough Leads to Delightfully Devilish Pectoral Pumping

Average: 3 (2 votes)

Size Queen

While Dani DeGrassi had her start in the family business, there was no denying that she went far beyond anyone's expectations. Scant years after graduating with two degrees, she was the owner of several businesses, one international, and involved in a variety of foundations dedicated to the arts and sciences. She had a singular presence which tended to leave a deep impression on everyone she met; most people described her as "unique." Others, with a better grasp of language, more correctly described her as "deeply eccentric."

Average: 4.3 (10 votes)
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