
Catra Princess of Puffiness

Catra Princess of Puffiness
Average: 4.6 (7 votes)

Return to Her Natural State, The

Stress Inflating

Jhanavi plops down on her bed, making her bounce briefly on the padding as she rests her back on the wall. A low groan escapes between her hands which covered her face, hoping that the distressed noises would help relieve some of the stress she was feeling from work.

The sun gently shined on her as Jhan sat on her bed, mumbling under her breath. The colours of her blue jeans and dark shirt glowed under the light of the outdoors. 

Average: 4.6 (11 votes)

Collection: Getaway

They had only jogged a couple of hours before they were a distance from the manor. Maim bounded forward with the gold she carried, featherweight to ease a heavy debt. She would appreciate help carrying the hefty haul, but Lulen trailed behind. Lulen’s mind was burdened with the events from earlier which Maim knew to be the case, as she recalled telling Lulen that some underlings would foot the price of opposing her. The silence between them was enough for any creature in the woods to hear, and Maim wanted to speak to Lulen about it but waited on it.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)


*BANG* In an instant Maim was bounding down the hallway from the Countess’ bedroom before she ran into any guards. She had hoped for a silent hunt; slip in, rough up the countess for her dues and be on her way. It wouldn’t be so easy with Countess Rosemare who was infamously stubborn in every way imaginable, which Maim found out the hard way. Maim’s only choice was filling the matriarch full of air like the gas bag she was to coerce her into paying up. The only mistake made was Maim’s laziness to memorise the whole spell, so the Countess kept filling the room with no end in sight.

Average: 3.5 (2 votes)


Inflation Types:

Sometimes, someone says something so ridiculous, so out there, that you just have to commemorate it.

Average: 3 (3 votes)

Dear Diary (In a Pandemic)

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

March 13

Dear diary,

I know it’s probably not a great idea to keep our beach trip plans, but we can’t get our deposit back so we might as well? Gonna try to not think about it and spend more time in my bikinis than I do fully dressed. The weather is gonna be great, the girls all still want to go, and spring break only happens once a year. Let’s do this shit!



March 21

Dear diary,

Average: 4.5 (15 votes)

Then Prove It

"Come visit the Holy City of Globolia, like the Vatican but instead of a Pope we have papayas!"

Average: 4.4 (14 votes)

Mammoth Marathoner

Inflation Types:

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Brock. I thought you would be sick of losing by now?” came a laugh. Brock whirled around from securing his bike to a chain link fence. His  hazel eyes narrowed to glaring slits as he saw his taunter was none other than Andre. Andre and Brock had been doing marathons for years and the young men were bitter rivals. It frustrated Brock to no end that he hadn’t yet managed to defeat the dark haired French Andre that moved like a cheetah.

Average: 4 (8 votes)

Miniature Liquid Inflation

Miniature Liquid Inflation
Average: 4.6 (25 votes)

Hot for Teacher

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

I was staying late to finish up my art project. As usual, I was the last one to finish, using every last minute before the deadline. I was not completely alone, however. She was still working as well--sitting at her desk, grading the last assignments before the much anticipated and needed break, listening to the quiet sounds of Dave Grohl, Chris Cornell, and the like.

Average: 3.7 (14 votes)
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