

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Daniel was a man with a lot of things going for him…money, power, and a brand-new girlfriend who was less than half his age. Just to name a few.

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)

Escape Room, The

Inflation Types:

“Let’s hope this Escape Room is more of a challenge than the last one,” Lindsey remarked to the group. “If we’re done in under ten minutes again, I’m asking for our money back.”

“Relax,” Jake reassured the curvy blonde. “I signed us up for the extreme package. From what I’m told, it’s supposed to have a few pretty wild curveballs we’ll have to contend with.”

Average: 4.5 (6 votes)

Purple Pufferfish, The

Inflation Types:

As a grad student of Marine Biology at the University, Azura was for the most part a normal 23-year-old young woman with good grades and a positive work attitude. But for as long as she could remember, Azura also had a secret dream of becoming a superhero, one she had ever since she was a little girl, with an innate desire to fight crime and look out for the public good.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Investigative Reporting

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was called ‘Body Inflation’, and it was a kink that Tiffany had stumbled across while freelancing with another writer on a larger piece. They had been working on a comprehensive exposé on fringe sexual practices in the city; that piece was done and due to be published soon, and Tiffany had sold the idea of a smaller side story to the editors as a follow up. But they said she needed to be original, and she had to give them something that appealed to a much wider audience.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Captured: A Spy Story

Jane glanced up at the compressed helium pill nestled between the fingers of her left hand. The little grey capsule was incredibly innocuous-looking, considering just how much compressed gas it contained.

When Jane was captured, the helium pill was the only thing she managed to hold on to undetected; all of her other gear had been unceremoniously stripped away the moment she was subdued. The minuscule capsule, however, was small enough that it was easily overlooked as she kept it secreted in the palm of her hand.

Average: 4.1 (8 votes)

Curse of the Eye Tyrant

Lilliandra the Half-Elf thief crept cautiously into the room, checking for traps. She was followed at a safe distance by the Human fighter Tauran and an Elven wizard named Arivul. The had just fought a small group of Goblins and retreated here to take a short break.

“Should’ve brought a cleric,” grumbled Tauran for the fifth time. “We wouldn’t have to stop every few minutes to catch our breath.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” barked Arivul. “None were around.” The group’s magic user cast Arcane Lock on the only door into the chamber, securing it behind him.


Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

Simple Watermelon Seed, Enchanted, A

Inflation Types:

Angelique waved her hands in an arcane manner, and the air in front of her became electrified with raw energy for a few seconds before it fizzled and dissipated. The hand motions alone were hard enough to memorize, and only by repetition could she hope to get them down to muscle memory. As an apprentice sorceress she, like the other students, was only granted access to the most basic spells.

She was still practicing when Cassandra came bouncing in, looking like the cat that just ate the canary. “Hey Angelique! Look what I have!”

“What?” Angelique asked, immediately on guard.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Alchemy Experiment

Louis slipped quietly into the small pub as the afternoon sun drew long shadows across the beaten-dirt road. Even by the dim light of the smudged oil lamps, he could see the place was mostly empty. Set back in the shadows, at a table in the far corner, he spied the person he came to meet. He crossed the vacant hardwood floor, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

Mars Needs Inflated Women

Inflation Types:

“But why?” the Air Force general seated at the large conference table asked loudly.

The number of incidents occurring worldwide was increasing daily. It started over isolated beaches. Flying saucers dropped down out of the sky, followed by arcs of golden lightning emanating from strange apparatuses mounted on the spaceships’ undersides.

Average: 4.5 (8 votes)


By all accounts, Chloe was in no discernable way out of the ordinary. Modest and unassuming, she held a good job, lived by herself in a nice apartment, and faithfully paid all of her bills on time. So, to all appearances, Chloe would have been completely run-of-the-mill, were it not for one small detail.

Average: 4.1 (8 votes)
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