
Wings of Fury

Inflation Types:

The refinery loomed in the dark, a monolith of steel and shadows, its towers belching smoke into the sky. Astrid Thorsdottir, Valkyrie and warrior, crouched behind a pile of scrap metal, her sharp eyes scanning the heavy iron doors. Clad in close-fitting leather armor that did nothing to conceal her curves, she squatted, her enchanted spear rested against her shoulder, its runes glinting faintly in the dim light. Inside, her girlfriend was held captive by Malthorax, a notorious wizard, and his coven of grotesquely bloated warlocks.

Average: 1.2 (6 votes)

The New Soda Machine

Jeff rolled his eyes at the kids across the store, their giggling and scheming giving them away completely.

The convence store had recently remodeled their soda machine, to prevent theft. Rather than filling your cup and then taking it to the register to pay for it, you now had to insert money directly into the machine before it would allow you to pour a specified amount of soda into whatever container you chose. 

These kids, however, seemed to have purchased a contraption of sorts, to pull the fizzy beverages from the machine regardless of if money was paid. 

Average: 3.3 (4 votes)


"Nice and full?"

Mandy swallowed again, having chugged the last of the 3 soda bottles. Leave it to her friends to let truth or dare get out of hand. 

"You have to eat as much as we give you, or you lose, yeah?" Gwen said, smiling deviously as she held the giant shopping bag of mentos. 

Mandy nodded. There really were no secrets between them. What was the worse that could have happened if she had chosen truth? But no, going for truth was as good as losing with this lot. 

Average: 4.3 (6 votes)

Candy Pills

Inflation Types:

Jay knew he shouldn't have listened to Clara, but he didn't have any other friends to hang out with, so here he was, trudging after her in to the woods.

"Can you please tell me what we're doing out here, Clara?"

"Yeah yeah, fine. This should be far enough."

"What is it?"

Clara took a small bag of spheres out of her pocket. "These!"

"What are they?"

"Not sure! I got them on Mercari, said they were transfromative candies!"


"Yeah I don't know how! Maybe we will turn into dragons or wolves or something!"

"Are they all the same?"

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Torture Dressed Like Therapy 2: Testing the Limits

A year, maybe two. Glen had quickly grown tired of his life hooked up to a canister. Klestofer stopped visiting him after a few months, leaving him alone most days. Sometimes therapists came in and asked him questions. He would anawer truthfully, but they never did anything about his dark thoughts.

He often wished he would just pop. Or deflate. Or fall asleep and never wake up. 

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Torture Dressed Like Therapy

Inflation Types:

It was unsuspected. Just and unfortunate draw of bad luck. They hadn't been looking for anyone specific, just whoever they could get their hands on - fast and easy. 

Some cruel, twisted minds were just looking to tinker with the limits of the human body. To see just how far it would go. None involved, of course, were bold enough to volunteer. They wanted to explore this stretch of a theory with no expense to themselves. 

And poor Glen just happened to be walking home alone on the night they decided to find a test subject.

Average: 3 (3 votes)


"She reached her limit over a minute ago, shes stopped growing! You're not even supposed to be inflating her, I have alarms going crazy over here you're going to pop her! Bad robot, stop it!"

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Revenge Inflation

Anna had always been pushed around by Terry, because Terry believes that she's better than everyone else. Terry would always tear into Anna apart anywhere. No matter what Anna does to prove herself to Terry, Terry destroys her for it. 

"Today it ends" Anna tells herself.

She arrives at Terry's house, Anna unloads the boxes from the UHUAL van into the kitchen. 

"Anna! Get in here! Now!" Terry screams from her room.

Average: 1.9 (13 votes)

Bubble Gum Boy 1

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Tyler flopped onto his bed. It had been a long day at school and he really needed to relax. He groaned at the sound of a knock at the front door. He managed himself down the stairs and yanked the door open.

"Hey Ty-Ty!"

He blinked. It was Katy. The popular girl with the blond pigtails and everything. What did she want?

"Hi." he squeaked. Giggles made him aware of the other girls flanking the steps.

"See I told you he was adorable." Katy gloated. Tyler flushed bright red. "You up for a good time?" she asked him slyly.

Average: 3.8 (16 votes)

Inflate for Me

 Warning this story contains male and female inflation, sex and popping. Don’t like, don’t read


Average: 4 (27 votes)
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