
Emergency Escape Enchantment

Being a mercenary for hire was always an interesting job. The work took you to many strange and facinating places. Unfortunately, it also took you some very dark and unwelcome places.

Such as the inescapable, direbadger filled canyon swordsman Flint Ironstag and his mage partner Haruka Ariadust had found themselves trapped in.

It had started like a routine quest, some old fart requesting they check out an old temple, find the treasure within, and bring it back to the starving villiage so the townsfolk could buy some food. Pretty simple really.

Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

Turkey's Understudy

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was the day before Thanksgiving, and Mother Nature had served up a typical late November storm, a storm that made up for what it lacked in force with sheer persistence. It'd kept up a steady rhythm on the roof of the tent all of yesterday and looked to be continuing through today. I'd finished today's newspaper hours ago, down to the crossword puzzle. The only stations we could get on the old radio were fading in and out of static, making listening an exercise in frustration, something neither of us needed more of.

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Rain Delivery

Inflation Types:

The air was still and hot in Itaza village, among the handful of trees where the mountain ended and the desert began. The solstice was more than a month away, but for Itaza, summer was making an early start, the same as every year. The few, brief early spring showers were over, and the last of the snowmelt had already trickled through. 


The sun was high. It was time for everyone to rest somewhere out of the sun until the worst of the heat passed, but no one was resting today. The first rain delivery of the season was due any time, and the village wasn't prepared.

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

Musings 2: Training Day

Sexual Content:


As we grow older, there are certain things that will always trigger a momentary flash of remembrance, bypassing the thinking mind and directly stimulating that happy place in your mind with the feelings you felt when you first experienced them. The way light falls on a certain patch of carpet on a winter's morning, the smell of something you used to enjoy in your youth... the sound you heard when your deepest, most hidden fantasies came to life.

Average: 4.3 (22 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"Star, are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Do I LOOK unsure, Dick?" Starfire said with a giggle. The red-orange alien girl knelt before him on his apartment floor, naked except for a loin cloth thong. Her arms were shackled behind her head to a chain that ran up to a bolt in the ceiling. A warm smile was spread across her face as her green, pupil-less eyes watched Dick intently, whose face was almost as red as Starfire's.

"I mean, I'm all for taking our relationship to he next level, but don't you think-"

Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

Big Production, A

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My friend Wendy and I sat at a small large round table at a small restaurant in the mall. Wendy was having her usual health plate of sparkling water and a vegetarian sub. I was having pizza, four slices with all the toppings, a chocolate milk and a brownie for dessert. Seated around us were an assortment of mall visitors; a couple old ladies, three young boys at one table, two young mothers with their children and an older guy who was quite intrigued with the newspaper he was reading.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Beach Blanket Blowup

I can hardly believe I finally found some time to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend a day on the beach. I love the sun, the sand, and the sound of the ocean waves rolling up onto shore. I'm going to make the most of this.

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)

All or Nothing

Inflation Types:

Okay, what was I supposed to do? Here I was nearly 26 and my body still "developing" as it were. It seemed like my condition...the ballooning one...was not subsiding with age and now, whenever I blew up and then deflated, my boobs were staying just a bit bigger than they previously were. There was no more 44GG bustline, nor the 68 inch whoppers I had originally thought would be fun. There was no more 82 inch melons bulging from my blouses. I was stuck currently with a pair of 96 inch dandy's with a MMM bra adjustable in both cup and strap areas if I should increase another 4 inches.

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

RollerCoaster Incident, The

Inflation Types:

I remember one time I went to a local amusement park with my friends. Our agenda for the day was fun--and eating cotton candy until we felt ready to explode. I wanted to go on the big rollercoaster, but none of my friends wanted to go on the thing with me, so I went by myself.

Average: 3 (4 votes)


Knock, knock.

Alex turned his attention from monitor, put glasses on and focused on the door. Don looked up over his book in the same direction. “Who can it be?” - he asked, not really expecting any answer.

Knocking repeated. Alex replied, seeking slippers under the table : “Lets see”.

Average: 3.2 (9 votes)
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