NEW BLUEBERRY Video in the works. Need Help! Hot girls in line!

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From a legal standpoint- the girls are of age, the video is not actually being sold to anyone (so far), there is no-nudity or pornographic nature thus far (only rule 34 in Mix Masters opinion), the consent from the girls seems obvious from the test videos, and the fundraising clearly identifies an independent film.... Sounds cut and dry to me. I don't understand the MixMaster dilemma. If there is such a concern from the point of view of caring about the girls, exclude yourself from involvement, and the "community" will do what it does.


Thank God you shut the fuckface troll up. Don't listen to that asshat. I think you're too far to just stop now, but don't even listen to me if you want. All I can say is that I've been hoping for years that someone like you would do something this great, and I think I'm speaking for most on this website when I say I hope you continue to make the vids. You have the girls permission. People have done way worse and put pics up of girls who didn't even know we're havin their pictures taken. Just do what you want, and hopefully it will be what we want.

MixMaster (not verified)

So the truth finally rears its ugly head.

First off, "Don't fuck with me"? That would be intimidating of you were well... Intimidating.

He's right you know. I did offer to loan him the money to pay for the suit because I honestly didnt think he'd get the money in time. I even suggested that he make the videos for profit after several were released to give back to the people what they donated, but even when he declined that idea, I still offered my money. I see now that it couldn't be for profit if you didn't tell your models at risk of being sued. The lawyer and legalities he speaks of was my explanation of the repercussions if he took the loan and intended not to pay me back. That's how adults handle these things.

He is also right, I masturbate to women without their knowledge of who I am. But these women knew exactly what was going down, because that is simply what porn models do, get paid to show off their bodies, whereas you are exploiting your FRIENDS to do something they probably wouldn't do if they knew the full story.

Now that I, as well as everyone else knows the score, even if they still don't care, I'm glad I never gave you a penny because I would have felt deeply ashamed to have contributed to this, and I care less to see your videos at this point. You don't seem to be very mature, a good friend or a good person for that matter. Friends wouldn't try to manipulate friends into doing this. It has nothing to be coservative or liberal, it's about being an honest decent person.

For all those people that might be mad at me for possibly preventing from seeing the material: I could care less. Seriously, why should I care how a bunch of strangers on the Internet feel about my sense of right and wrong? No sleep will be lost. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at yourself for letting this rube screw you out of your cash.


"That would be intimidating of you were well... Intimidating." Isn't that from Hellsing abridged?? In any case, Vman will sort this out one way or another, so honestly, I think we should just wait and see what happens.


Shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say.

LutherVKane's picture


VManMagic (not verified)

I did this for the benefit of the community, not the money. This was initially just a pet project idea I had in my head. Profit never even came up as a thought. Sorry but everything in this world isn't money. I have already spent over $300 of my own money pullinng shit together for this and that was before the donation idea came up.

People like you fuck up this world. You think that your morals should be the end all be all for society. I'm afraid you need to straighten your shit out. You little fucker. The thing is I can't trust this on the internet anymore knowing that a little vigilante hero like yourself is lurking.

Whoever sent in $500 please PM me. If you tell me you're real name or whatever paypal has as your name I'll keep you in tune on the videos. This can go for others who donated as well. Others who have not but that I feel deserve to view this I'll get to you in the near future. Please keep in mind these videos will take time to produce especially with craftsmanship of the suit and speed of correspondance being involved. I don't want to let ou guys down.

Now for all of the aspiring lurkers like I used to be just a few months ago; I'm sorry. I truly am. I did this for you guys but it appears this can't go on much longer. 


Mmm... I don't think Vman is being uncaring. The real problem is the assosiation of the idea of a fetish to the idea of pornography. But the material isn't that at all. I actually believe in the "art purpose" part because I find inflation, women and balloons appealing in it's own way too.

If there were a site about women inflating and it weren't labeled as "fetish", it would be my favourite.
When knowing that there is a community full of people that like the same thing you do, the member's reaction is a very good incentive. These works could be just put in the mainstream without telling the community, but it lacks the excitement of seeing the reactions of people who really really like inflation as one does.

It is a delicate matter. The idea of hiding something to someone reminds dishonestity. But I think there is the fear of the misunderstanding in the explanation. When looking at this site, some stuff may look closer to bad taste by the standards. By instance, threads about getting yourself inflated anally in real life, or videos of long inflations without the reaction of the person nor a context, or some more mature stuff. Nothing against those who like it, but this is harder to fit in the mainstream.

I think anything that deals with attractive women is sexual for a lot of men. These ladies are being admired as women, fetish or not. It hasn't anything "dirty" by the standards. Again, what is dirty may vary from location and culture.

Let's extinguish the fire. MixMaster, I appreciate that you are faithful to your principles. You are doing what you think is right. But I think you got Vman all wrong. You talk as if he were a bad person. He isn't giving the phone numbers or emails of the girls.

Bapho's picture

I've seen things like this enough times to know where it's going to go. The plug will get pulled and people will jump on MixMaster for it, completely missing the larger point: that everyone involved is, right now, acting like children. I'm not going to take sides, because both sides are wrong, and acting like screaming ninnies. My cousin's three-year-old kid has more self-control than the people in this thread, and that isn't even hyperbole.

Both of you need to stop bringing private drama to the forums. It's what makes people sick of this community. The problem is one ignore button away from being solved.

VManMagic (not verified)

Duly noted.

MixMaster (not verified)

I felt like I conducted myself in a very straight forward manner, but ok, I can live with the fact that I can be a dick sometimes.

What's your position on all of this if you care to share it? 

LutherVKane's picture

While I appreciate and encourage vibrant conversation, I would like to remind everyone that I'd prefer for the posts in the forum remain at a certain level of civility. Things seem to be going a bit off of the rails here, and I'd like for the discussion to stay on a more polite track.

In short, if you can't make your point in a courteous fashion then you should consider keeping it to yourself.

Carry on.


God. I took so long writing my comment, that four posts were made meanwhile :p

Yeah! As Luther says, let's be polite. I agree.

VManMagic (not verified)

If it makes everyone feel better I ate a taco today.

pjoker's picture

You should have recorded it and put it on YouTube. I hear there's a whole group of weirdos online who whack off to 19-year-old dudes eating all varieties of Mexican food.

VManMagic (not verified)

I just died. No word can describe the lulz I just experienced.

In fact I will do just that. While I'm at it I'll sell the vides for profit because I want to take advantage of that weirdo community and shamelessly suck money out of their wallet. Surely labeling my completely normal taco eating video as business will justify it's painfully sexual overtones that only said group of weirdos can see.

MixMaster (not verified)

You know, I thought I just saw Luther just post something about being civil. Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me.

So, by your logic, BustArtist, Taylor, and all of those other people in the community who have asked for money in return for their content are just a lot of shameless money suckers taking advantage of a bunch of weirdos... Damn.

Way to put your foot in your mouth while exacerbating the situation. Really, why is that you care what it is I have to say to begin with?You're going to do what you want to do anyway, regardless of what may or may not happen in the event that things go awry. 

I guess all can do at this point is sit back at watch a house of cards sway in the wind. Perhaps it will stand, perhaps a couple angry fathers will take a bite out of your ass when the jig is up, but what do I know?

I'm just some little, conservative, money sucking, shameless, moralfag fucker who doesn't know his place.

VManMagic (not verified)

Dude you're just an asshole seriously. Fuck you. Talking about civility and shit when it's painfully obvious you're being a prick. Oh but you're civil about it!

And I KNEW you would say that. I just knew it. Taylor, Blaze, and the like don't fall under that to me. I said that because my project started off as a gift and someone with an oppurtunist mind suggested as the Joker said, "If you're good at something never do it free." These ladies intended to make money from the get go and I respect them as much as I respect the porn industry. They don't seem like oppurtunists to me. Uh oh here it comes.

I can see it now, "Oh but YOU'RE an oppurtunist VMan taking advantage of those poor defenseless girls ugh!!!!! I OBVIOUSLY care more about them than you." Gtfo Mix. 

Btw you keep throwing civility out of the window so don't come bitchin to me. Oh and fathers? These girls are of age I'm pretty sure they can handle their situations themselves. At this point parents really aren't in the pic.


Well, now that all the funds have been gathered for the production, is there anything else that we can help you with VMan? Perhaps we could create variations of the original script that would sweeten the scene, or maybe brainstorm ideas for a juicing room scene or rolling down the hall scene?

VManMagic (not verified)

Yes a script or guidelines would help. I've found that even though I have a general idea of the lines I wnt them to say it is still rough. Now juicing room is really ambitious and I think a little much. Though you just gave me an idea. I can portray them being juiced off camera?? Idk but they can end up fine in the end.
Also rolling down the hallway sounds pretty nice too.
Thats my DA page. Any literature artists can contact me there or PM me here 


Here's one question: Are you planning on having two or more girls together in the same room (for the part of Wonka or Mrs. Beauregarde)? It would produce a better video, but I can also understand the need for this to be a one-on-one effort. That being the case, it may be best if she says all of the buzz lines herself. Maybe a script like this could serve as an example:


Violet: Oh my god! I’m turning violet!



Wonka: It always goes wrong when it comes to the dessert…always.



Violet: Oh no! What’s happening to me?! I’m blowing up [belt pops off]…blowing up like a BALLOON! Wait…like a BLUEBERRY!



Wonka: Maybe I should call a doctor….



Violet: Stick me with a pin…or I’ll pop! Help, help!



Wonka: We need to call for the oompa loompas…



Violet: I keep getting bigger and bigger! Let the air out of me, quick!



Wonka: There’s no air in there, that’s JUICE! We need to squeeze you immediately, before you explode



Violet: Before I explode!? Oh my god, I’m getting so big! I look like a blimp! Help!



pjoker's picture

I politely suggest that the point at which this thread started to go to Hell was right here:

let the masses have their Spankovision

I'm not without sympathy for MixMaster's feelings on this issue. It's an important point and had to be addressed.

We've all experienced deep-set social and moral difficulties with our fetish. It's bad enough that we feel freakish, but many of us have felt immoral. Inflation isn't just unnatural, it also often involves an unwilling victim.

No matter how many times we tell ourselves it's OK, somewhere inside we never really feel comfortable with it. Some of us say they've made peace with their desires. Good. But I think many of us still hear that voice telling us it's wrong. That we're bad.

So it's not surprising that a remark like the above, reeking of moral snobbery, should start a flame war.

VManMagic (not verified)

I wanted to point this out as the start of rude comments on this thread but I figured let me not go there again. Tahnk you PrivateJoker. It's a touchy subject for all of us so the last thing we need is to write something as foolish as "Spankovision" for the sole purpose of making fellow BI users irate.

Btw I like Full Metal Jacket too. 

LutherVKane's picture

Locking this until I figure out how to deal with the mess.

Topic locked