Who would you imagine yourself as?

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Who would you imagine yourself as?

Ok so we have seen arts, videos, stories, and props used for live performances involving inflation. But ever wondered "what if I was that character being inflated?" Surely we would imagine ourselves witnessing people or furries being inflated, unable to move, and whatever reaction you would expect from such incident, aroused, excited, humiliated, afraid of popping, etc.

The question is, if there was a favorite scene, story, cartoon, or picture in which you were that specific character who gets inflated by whatever the circumstances, who or what would you want to be? Or perhaps an ideal scene you would invent just to perfect your fantasies, let's say, picturing yourself as Roger Rabbit inflated, being used as a balloon toy by his wife, Jessica Rabbit, or the other way around... Any thoughts?


That's a wacky one. If I'm being honest being Joe Blow the villain from The Mask would be fun.

MissMolly (not verified)

There are so many :)

If I had to pick right now, I'd want to be the woman in The Biggest Breath. Inhaling, inflating myself while my friends watch. They don't think I can do it, but I'll show them, I'll get bigger and bigger, bigger than anyone thought was possible until I'm so full I can't get any bigger, but I'll push just little bit more.....


1. Kablamis? Wonder if he had a female side kick with the same 'abilities.' Looks like just about any cartoon character would be voiced by Jim Cummings, awesome actor.

2. Just read the story, liked it since it gets straight to the sequence, but wouldn't you be afraid of popping?

MissMolly (not verified)

If it were real then I'd be worried about popping. Since it's a fantasy, popping can be fun :)


I've always wondered what it would feel like being turned into a blueberry. Turning blue, filling up with juice, being rolled away, and eventually squeezed. If I could get my hands on a piece of that gum, I'd take it in a heartbeat. : )

bigganbigga's picture

I'd be King Looney from the Raggedy Ann & Andy film (of course) due to the massive size. 

If not him, Kablammis for sure.  A mix of the two would be even better.

Massive_Meghan's picture

I'd be Sarah from "The Stargazer" http://bodyinflation.org/node/212


I just really like the description:


"Don't you see?" He brought her face down to his and kissed her deliciously plump lips one last time. "You're my moon."

"What?" But she was already rising up from the roof. Sarah lazily gazed down at the receding ground as she drifted up higher and higher. She was still bubbling, still filling, growing larger, tighter. As the air pressure dropped around her, she could feel the gas inside her distend her already enormous body even further. But whatever it was that Conrad had put in that champagne tossed her concerns to a far off land.



It would end with me bursting, but like MissMolly said, in fantasy that can be fun.

The image in my avatar is not owned by me; I'm just borrowing it for aesthetic purposes!


I'd rate that a 5/5, terrific story and liked her reactions, barely any fright from the start (the rest was all bliss).


My fantasy only excists from being the one that's blowing up. 
I would be my own character. In a circus...;)