
Coming Out Big

aBritt shimmied her jeans down to the floor and kicked them aside. She sifted through a pile of clean but yet-unfolded laundry for her favorite pair of playtime pants. “I’m sure this would be easier if I turned on the lights.” She stuck out her head and turned to her guest who was, she discovered, not standing behind her. “Oh I’m sorry you’re empty space.”

“What’cha say, hun?” sounded a voice from the front room.

“Nothing. You’re being a butt.”

“I didn’t realize I was doing anything. I’m in here.”

“Which is why you’re a butt.”

Average: 4.3 (22 votes)

Not So Fearless Vampire Killers

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Author`s intro.

Average: 3.1 (7 votes)

Chocolate, The

Sexual Content:

The Chocolate

This story is meant to be read slowly. Please take a few deep breaths. Good. Thank you.


Kim walked down the street, big green pea-coat hugging her and little blue crocodile-skin bag dangling by her side between clinched fingers.

Photographers were behind her. She wanted to get away. And now it had started to rain.

"Kim, tell us about your break-up with Ray J!"

"Is it true that you've gained weight?"

"Are you thinking of getting married again, or is it just too soon?"

Average: 3.4 (8 votes)

Lesson in Humiliation, A

Ms. Jackson was a vile professor of English. Every student that attended the college heard a horror story here and there about her. Since her subject was one of the most necessary courses in college, you always had a chance of falling into her class. Most of the students that were unfortunate enough just dealt with the low grades and relentless criticism from Ms. Jackson. She was a short, slightly pudgy woman.

Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Friendship Turned Slimy, A

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Maria Luke and Susan Fitzpatrick were the two top scientists of their fields. For almost ten years they had worked side by side and developed a handful of great scientific discoveries. Maria was much prettier than Susan and much taller. Susan couldn't help but feel like she was the sidekick in their discoveries even though both of their names were on their reports. Maria was more popular with the other scientists of the university that they worked at. Almost every aspect about Maria's life seemed to dwarf that of Susan's.

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

Berry, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:


Average: 3.8 (17 votes)

Day in the Life of a Popper, A

A Day In The Life of a Popper


Before I tell you what I do for a living, I want to say two things about my job.  One is that I'm probably effectively a mass murderer according to most of you.  That's obviously not how I see it and I don't know anyone else in this line of work who does. 

Average: 3.4 (12 votes)

Last Night Alone, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

The Last Night Alone

by ~captainstupids

The Last Night Alone

Warning: This story is of a graphic and sexual nature.  It contains violence and blood.  Side effects may include lava.  Talk to your doctor and see if Story is right for you.


Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was early Monday morning. I stumbled around blearily on my day off, trying to find the breakfast things. As I put the coffee machine on, the telephone rang. I glanced around the floor of my messy bachelor flat and eventually found it being used as a bookmark in "Gulliver's Travels". I recalled putting it in their last night before going to sleep, reading about Balnibarbi. An improvement on the last novel I read, which was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

Average: 2.7 (9 votes)

Champion, The

Inflation Types:

"Whoo..." The team collapsed on the bleachers and awaited the verbal beating from Coach Jim. It was a hot day to be all decked out in softball gear and the team had just worked their butts off trying to take down Poplarville, the toughest team in the division. The coach removed his cap and began calmly. "You girls... I must say, you girls are..." and then he let them have it... "The WORST softball team I have ever seen in my life!" The next five minutes went on like usual, with lessons on running and pitching and catching and swinging. It was too hot to even pay attention anymore.

Average: 3.9 (16 votes)
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