pneu*mat*ic (adjective) 
1 : of, relating to, or using gas (as air or wind): 
     a : moved or worked by air pressure 
     b (1) : adapted for holding or inflated with compressed air 
        (2) : having air-filled cavities 
2 : of or relating to the pneuma. spiritual 
3 : having a well-proportioned feminine figure; especially : having a full bust 
fe*tish (noun)
1 a : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion 
b : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence 
is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is 
an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with 
complete sexual expression
2 : a rite or cult of fetish worshipers

Back Online

New server is online.

There will probably be some hiccups over the next week or so as I go about fixing some minor issues with the switchover, but it looks like the important stuff is all running properly.

Temporarily Back Online

On Tuesday, the server crashed. After some investigation, I determined that it was most likely a dead motherboard. I ordered a replacement, but for reasons unknown it appears to be delayed.

Right now the sites running off of some spare hardware I've cobbled together. I don't know if this will work as a near-term solution, but I figure it's better than being completely offline.

Expect sporadic downtime until I can work out a permanent solution.

Upcoming Downtime


At some point today the site will be going offline. Please don't panic, it shouldn't be down for long.

New Terms and Conditions


Actually, they're not new. They're identical to the terms that were displayed on the old site. Only your senile old webmaster didn't have the registration agreement properly enabled when the new site went live. So I've installed a new module that makes sure everyone has agreed to the terms, since there's a good chance that people who have registered in the past year haven't. Don't worry, you only have to do it once. Then it's back to business as usual.


Or, Why there's no Elbow Fetishist Homepage

Time Shift

A while back, I posted a poll about what sequels people would like to see. As of this writing the most popular result is Expanding Horizons with 6 votes.

Conspiracy - 4 votes
Horace's Curse - 4 votes
Virtuality - 3 votes
The Duel - 2 votes
NFP - 1 vote

The option “Other” also got five votes. And I realized belatedly that I neglected to include Storms on the list.

New User Search Tool


I've put together a little something that should help people trying to find roleplaying partners.  It's still very rough and in the testing stagings, so I'm looking for some feedback on it.

Try it here.

Only people who have selected "Please contact me about roleplaying" in their profile appear on this list. You can filter by gender, preferred partners, preferred roles, and inflation types. Give it a spin, let me know how you like it.


This month, this site turns fifteen.

It was on December 27, 1996 that I put online the first pages of what was then known as Luther Kane's Body Inflation Home Page. That tiny little site would eventually grow up to become

I’ve never been much for anniversaries. I’ve been known to forget my own birthday. I don’t have any celebrations planned, but I think this milestone deserves a mention.

On Size Escalation

Today, another person ran into problems with the upload size limit on the site.  If you tried to upload a picture larger than 2MB, not only would the upload fail, but the site would give you a rather useless error about the file being missing.  Sheer idiocy.  So I increased that maximum image size to 4MB.

Be Prepared for Disruptions in Service

There are a few performance issues with the site, and I'm going to try to deal with them this weekend.  This will likely result in the site behaving rather strangely at times.  The most annoying of these behaviors will probably be inexplicably logging people out.  Hopefully I can keep that to a minimum.  But if the site acts strangely during the next couple of days, don't be alarmed.

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