Searching for a story

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Searching for a story

Hi all Im a new member here and I was wondering if you could help a fellow inflation fan. Im looking for a story I read a while ago. The story was about a woman who had been fed a chemical which made her incredibly thirsty and thus she inflated via water. The man who fed her this chemical when she was large enough he shoved the garden house in to her vigina. After more swelling the chemical converted the water to air and she grew more and started to float away. I hope this helps anyone to find me this story and will be grateful for any direction. Thanks in advance.


Sounds like "The Essence Of Justice" by Boobarian, it's right there in the library, just search under the author's name.  Classic story, always one of my favorites.

...I meant that sarcastically.


Wow years of searching and it was under my nose all along many thanks friend. I can see why its one of you favs hehe