Need Help Tracking Down a Sighting

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Need Help Tracking Down a Sighting

There was a clip of the scene on youtube for a while, but it has since been removed, so i'm hoping to find some people that may know what the show is.

I'll do my best to describe the following clips. 

The first scene has what appears to be a male teen attempting to escape a male police officer, and a female witch, through a tunnel. The teen seems to be a fairy of some sort with the power to inflate. They eventually catch him, and persuade him why they're the good guys as the balloon fairy bounces with glee in a balloon form (and size) in the back seat.

The other scene I remember has the witch falling from the sky off her broomstick after being struck by something. As she falls, a creature companion of sorts tells her heads up (i think it was a frog or kappa of some sort). The balloon fairy, now in some sort of mechanic suit, runs underneath them and puffs into a sizable airbag to cusion their fall.

Finally, theres a scene in some sort of wrestling / boxing / fighting ring surrounded by an audience. A man with a black and white suit, cane, and black fedora twirls his cane in preperation for the fight. Instead, a massively inflated balloon fairy (still in the mechanic suit) falls from above him and crushes him. A character says something to him, and while still inflated, and slightly annoyed about the comment, turns and remarks something in return. The man in the can pierces through the balloon fairywith his cane straight upward.

I dont know the name of the show, and I can't seem to find anything about it. Im wondering if anybody else here can help me find what show or clips I remember, and what chararcter this balloon fairy is.

inflatingclothes's picture

Do you know how not to spam the fourm? 

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To be fair, this site has an annoying glitch where it doesn't post right away upon hitting save. It delays...could make you think it didn't work. I'm thinking that's what happened.


It is. I'm really sorry about it. I cant find a delete key either. It took a solid minute on my internet for the page to say it uploaded successfully. 


Ill keep it in mind when posting in the future, its the first time I ran into this. If somebody can pull the duplicates that would be great.


It is. I'm really sorry about it. I cant find a delete key either. It took a solid minute on my internet for the page to say it uploaded successfully. 


Ill keep it in mind when posting in the future, its the first time I ran into this. If somebody can pull the duplicates that would be great.


I swear to god I clicked that once.

inflatingclothes's picture

I'm using my phone might be a pc & mac glitch

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I think you're referring to Fuurouta from Concrete Revolutio.
1st scene's from Episode 2.
2nd scene's from Episode 16.
And the last one's from Episode 24.


Thats right. I got the question answered when someone else posted it on The Big Cartoon Wiki

Episode 2 - 7:10

Episode 16 - 6:57

Episode 24 - 16:46