Insane Suit Inflation

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Insane Suit Inflation

Let's have a serious discussion about this suit inflation video I just found.

How does a Willy Wonka production from over 30 years ago have the best instance of blueberry suit inflation I've seen in my entire life?Look at how fast it is. Look at how seamless that costume work in its pre-inflated state. Look at how fucking huge and round she gets and so fast. The arms even let her sink them in without losing air so only her hand stick out. How can she waddle away and keep the shape?

Holy shit does anyone have any answers??? Why are we not replicating this ourselves? The answer was there all along. It may not roll but for every other purpose it's perfect. Any ideas?

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Inflation begins just after 52:30

Also the belt pops completely by itself. This is it.


This is how it looks to me.

It looks like its made from a light plastic and and blown up with a fan. The actor is wearing a thin satiny material on top which is rolled up at the limbs. The thin-ness of the material and plastic does add a billowing effect which is quite cool. You could literally source the material needed to make one of these from garbage bags and duct tape.


But make no mistake, I don't doubt whoever made this had years of dressmaking experience. It would be difficult to replicate.


That brought some sweetness since I was born close to that, in 1987.

It's pretty uplifting to hear the audience celebrate the moment in which she inflates.
I also liked the song that came afterwards, sung by the children.


Wow! Nice find. That is incredible!

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

The whole production looks magical. I get steong Journey into Imagination vibes from the scenery which makes sense since this was the 80s. That being said it’s obiously so well done. This could not have been a cheap production. I wonder who did it especially since the show was only selectively licensed out at that time. 

I think you’re right about the fan. It has the be a very highly pressurized fan. For about one second you can see the actresses hair blowing forcefully up because she tilted her head up this letting the air escape. We’re talking the power of a leaf blower here. 

I also noticed that when they get off the “boat” Violet and her mom are suspiciously blocked in place at stage left from the moment the blackout ends. I’m thinking they must’ve attached a high powered hose to her during the blackout and kept her in place. Once the scene ended it probably was turned off but since she only needed to waddle a few feet the disinflation wouldn’t have been obvious. You’re right that the satin makes the billowing effect more pronounced. 

i doubt anyone in our community can replicate such a seamless design. Or maybe we can. Maybe before trying to perfect rolling we should perfect the seamless transition from human shaped to ball. I feel like most of us believed it wasn’t possible to make it happen. This thirty year old video proves us wrong. 

blueberryjuicer's picture

I feel, given the right timing, proper training/connections, and the right cash flow, somebody can replicate it. All the suit is happens to be a glorified paper globe, paper being fabric in this scenario. It would be hard, yes, I don't deny it, but at the very least it can be replicated by a seamstress with a taste for adventure and a bit of time. One would just need body measurements to base the globe shape around. I'm surprised that given the context, the ingenuity, and the clear intelligence of the designer, it's not in some article, some website, or some old yearbook as something to remember. Hell, I'm sure if we dug deep enough, a lot of information could be found.

I'm not saying I've done it, but given the channel, the context, and the details ON the channel, its safe to assume more information can be garnered quite easily. Sort of like linkedin, but real life and takes longer to respond. I could theoretically figure out the origin of the play (in and of itself unique and a grand take that has YET to be done again from the plays I've seen), and inquire "For research purposes" if any information can be gathered. in a scenario where it CAN be, I can ask how it was made, or who to contact to ask how it was made, and conduct a possible interview, yadda yadda yadda.

I've done similar with non-fetish topics for a class I took, its pretty easy, just gotta have the balls and confidence to do it.

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BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Too bad some bullshit twerp ass 12 year old just commented on the video telling op people are watching it because of an inflation fetish. Consider your MO blown


tbh I have a history of being able to do deep diving too. It’s not hard if you’re respectful. Hell I ended up getting a stage Violet as a girlfriend because of it once... but that’s a complicated story where my sleuthing happened to coincide with said Violet thinking I was interesting/cute (we were of similar ages). But yeah like you said at least for the sake of documenting such a grand production it’s worth it. It’s to my understanding that at that time the Dahl Estate themselves had a hand in the licensing so I’m sure there’s quite a story there. 

blueberryjuicer's picture

Honestly, this achieved in around a minute, what I dreamed a suit would do after years of work.

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

inflatingclothes's picture

I declare that she be the Violet of the 80s since we almost have a violet in for every decade so far. Now we need to find a violet of the 90s

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blueberryjuicer's picture


also, violet of the 90's is Alien Ant Farm's Bluebrry girl from their music video for "Movies"

The video was released in 2001, but the song is from 1999, and I feel she exemplifies that span of time nicely.

So if we go by decades, productions, and variations, there are, for all intents and purposes, the following violets:

The Decade Delights, violets that represent the decades they span, from 1960's-2010's:

Book violet, 71 violet, this violet, AAF violet, 05 violet, and dubble bubble duchess violet.

Then there are the Juicy Details, violets from other, unused, or obscure material:

Concept art violet, opera violet, golden orchestra violet, tom and jerry violet, and so on.

I feel like if civilization crumbles, and this website is somehow recovered after like 1000 years, there will be archeologists who look at this and think we are worshipping her as a goddess of some kind. Kind of a tangent, I know, but its just a hunch.

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

blueberryjuicer's picture


Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum


Considering the many adaptions of the story since the original publication of the book, I feel like there is certainly room for a production specializing in a descreet wink and nod to us freaks. I suppose the pandering to the blueberry inflation community could be integrated into the show without arousing suspicion. It is such an iconic scene and arguably the most memorable "demise" of the four bad kids. I feel like people commonly combine Veruca's character and Violet's fate, ballooning into a giant blueberry and almost bursting a little more twisted of a punishment that overshadows getting thrown into garbage.

The recent Broadway adaption wasted so much potential, with Violet basically getting shoved aside and all the attention and emphasis on a really really shitty song that had nothing to do with her. I remember reading somewhere that adults were cast deliberatlely so the punishments that befell could be taken into more extreme territory. I would love to see something along these lines applied to a theatre Violet.

I agree with everything people have mentioned regarding the technical side of things, I thought it was compressed air at first but that would have made a loud hissing noise.The little adjustments to the script were a nice touch, especially when Wonka declares that Violet remaining a blueberry permanently was "a wonderful thought."

I have no idea what the hell could have possessed that dipshit to comment on the video and blow the cover, better find a way to save it while you can before it gets pulled down.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

It’s funny you mention Broadway. The original West End version was everything you spoke of. Ironically enough Violet was played by teens in that one yet they essentially torture showed the fuck out of the character. Makes no sense. Then again the Broadway version has been an all out failure. My hope is that they fix it up for the tour. I’m unfortunately pretty sure they won’t. The strange part is the the UK and US will be touring at the same time. Will they essentially being showing two different shows at the same time? Who knows. All I do know is WB sure did fuck up their theatre venture. 

Anyway I wonder what tier of costumer you’d have to approach to be able to say “can you make me this?” and have them actually be able to do it. It can’t be too hard for a professional. 

But yeah the stupid idiot I don’t get it. They obviously go on here which A) they shouldn’t be because of thier age and B) they’re fucking stupid and are sabotaging it. Idk. One of the few problems of the internet is that minors kind of have the same power as responsible adults in many regards and that can go very bad sometimes. Just look at all these dipshit 4chan/incel teens and their fascist Trump/Pepe memes. 

blueberryjuicer's picture

just SAW the comment who the FUCK does that

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum


Part of me wants to actually comment on that video clarifying that the interest in the video is only because we want to understand how that inflatable suit works for the purposes of replicating the design and not because we are sexually aroused by the video's content.  I feel like that might only make things worse, though.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Somebody is already on it and doing the best they can. It’s true though no one gives a shit about the Violet it’s just the suit. Whoever that fuck is that did that needs to fucking go away. I know you’re reading this little dick asshole go think about what you’ve done. Grow up before you put yourself out there. 

inflatingclothes's picture

Zoe Barnes who ever you are thank you for defending us from the stupidity hypernova

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That comment tho

inflatingclothes's picture

As soon as I saw the video I downloaded it, so if the video goes down pm me. I was 4 years old when she inflated and if I was at the show I can guarantee she would be my first crush.

I found out that a Russian cult worships Gadget Hackwrench from the rescue rangers cartoon, my point is it may be more common thing people obsessing over the a character, look at the mermaid boss from cuphead for example 

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You can get a decent and powerful blower using a shop-vac.

Some do have the blower port. By hooking several hoses together you can get the vac part well away from where the suit is so you don't hear the noise of it.

What fabric was used for the suit may well have been actual blue fabric like from a bed sheet. With a constant air source it will stay filled up.

They did a DAMN fine job.


Dang dude. That was pretty fast.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

What the inflation or the time it took for some inbred As— from the community to ruin it?


The inflation itself. 

I have no idea about this mystery perv you speak of.


Call me crazy, but just going by how it was phrased, I actually am a bit more inclined to believe that the post in question was made by some random passerby who happened to stumble upon this site, saw this thread/post (and subsequently the video), and then decided to blow our cover out of spite/for the lulz.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

That’s like a pastor “accidentally” running into gay porn and saying he was looking at it “for research”. I’m more inclined to believe this kid is on some sort of spectrum and demonstrating why the internet is a dangerous place where people below a certain age probably shouldn’t be

blueberryjuicer's picture

agrees. the odds of someone doing the former rather than the latter are quite heavy towards the latter. I know this because if I may be honest I have met and talked to some of those people

Some have straight up told me they told a girl they wanted them to get fat for him

Some straight up take creep shots in the subway


Like seriously, we need to address the problem that is the "Uh-oh Scenarios" as they may soon create a vocal minority that "represents" what our group stands for, despite not being what our group stands for.
Like, how bronies are stereotyped as do-nothing layabouts with neckbeards and an affinity to fuck a horse, or how the fnaf fandom is all 11 year old screamers, or how undertale is pretty much made up of spectrumites (I don't like any of these things, but I know people who do who aren't fucking crazy)

Seriously, we don't need another CWC in the world, but we certainly may be spawning one right now and not knowing it, and that's horrifying in its own right.

Although, rereading the comment makes me think he's a lurker REALLY trying to start something and then fade to black.

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I’ve already addressed this recently and the response made sense. Basically there’s no sense in trying to stop it. Only accept that the 2% of idiots that do this sort of thing are the most vocal and not try to hard to stop it lest you’ll get lost in it. 

That being said it can vary on a case to case basis. This idiot that commented is probably some loser that revels in what they’re doing but each word of hate toward them only fuels their subconscious hate for themselves so in the end who is feeding who? Idk

It’s funny to complain about how idiotic they are being but at the end of the day it’s truly not a huge deal. I mean what were the odds that we could get more information on that suit? Not high to begin with. I just do still really hate how the most idiotic people online down face repurcissions when they’re just so blatantly stupid. That will change with time though. The Wild West of the old internet was fun but some idiots have really proven that once everyone is on it becomes a problem. Rant over

blueberryjuicer's picture

very good point

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum