Alright, here's my quick little rant.

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asapisaiah's picture
Alright, here's my quick little rant.

So maybe I can get a little bit of my orneriness and angst out real quick, but how do I seem to keep coming across people having issues with the apparent quote unquote "lack of m/f content" on the internet? Am I just crazy or is it extremely ironic? Being a gay male in this world, it seems that I have to search extra special hard to find quality m/m content, and avoiding the "undesirable" content (simply as a matter of just disliking certain kinks). When it comes down to it, having people ranting about heterosexual content being at a lack frustrates me to no end when I search for stuff and end up finding m/f or f/f pairings, even by artists who draw the gay stuff, y'know? I'm sorry if I end up sounding stuck up or whiny, I simply would like to state my opinion and see what others might have to input!

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

cloon’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Well I have said it before and I'll say it again. If there isn't any content you like, produce it yourself.

I'm mean. 


There used to be a place called the Pump Room which was mainly for gay men into inflation, run by a certain Inflate98. It was really good. It was my main haunt around 1999 or so.  I'm sure you can find something if you look.



asapisaiah, as a gay guy myself, I know exactly what you mean.


On a forum for another fetish I was in, someone was bitching that he clicked on a picture he thought was a girl, and it happened to be a guy. There's next to zero male content anyway for that fetish, but he felt the need to complain that ONE PICTURE wasn't catering to his tastes...

I always try to write as either gender neutral (Like my held to ransom story) so that people bother to read it and don't skim over it, or say goodbye to the views and just write MM (like my hypnosis story). Sadly, it's just straight privilege being played out.



Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

"straight privilege"

Holy shit.


Moved comment, see below.


airtankgirl5's picture

"straight privilege"? Giggle.



Moved comment, see below.


Blue_Eyes's picture

Grumper is now triggered

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


I don't have PTSD and I think it's pretty dumb to compare my comment to an actual PTSD-induced anxiety attack. Trigger warnings are incredilbly useful for the people that need them - don't make them a thing to be mocked or thrown around casually, that sucks for the people that need them.




Blue_Eyes's picture

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Cosinusitis's picture

Hey. I'm a new face.

The male/female inflation ratio imbalance's been here for ages, pretty much the entire community knows about it, but it mostly caters to human inflation since the furry community's pretty much full of male stuff (I believe it's more evenly distributed), but I know we're here for swelling up humans anyways.

I'm part of the guys into guys, I've been upset about the lack of dudes, I still am, but then I decided at some point in my life that just rambling about it won't change stuff and decided to kick my own butt and produce my own content. Drawing, writing, whatever I can think of, when inspiration comes.

And hey, who knows, maybe it can drag a little bit of internet fame towards you too. On one side, I know it's a bit tougher to get personal satisfaction from your own work, but maybe you can bring others together too. You are certainly not the only one who desires more M/M content.

Maybe the people complaining about a lack of female content are speaking about other fields of media? For instance, although the fanart side of it is pretty much crammed with women, the popular media's mostly about dudes swelling. (I'm not counting pregnancy scenes, I'm actually just talking about stuff with air or water inflation). And those who talk about a lack of M/F content most certainly talk about women being inflators and men being inflatees. From personal experience, there isn't a lot of this. It's usually M/F but with the roles reversed, or F/F, or M/M.

But I guess that's just how I look at things.


that straight privilege post tho

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Good post.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Moved comment, see below.



It looks like a lot of people don't understand what 'privilege' means in this context.

This article does a fine job of explaining:

"We can define privilege as a set of unearned benefits given to people who fit into a specific social group."

So, for example, you search for inflation stories, and you're FAR more likely to find M/F stuff than MM stuff. That's a benefit you get of being straight. I'm not saying it's a terrible thing - it comes down to supply and demand.


Blue_Eyes's picture

Stop/Go away.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Cosinusitis's picture

I did get what you were trying to say back then, but mixing in social issues with fetish content sounds silly to me.

Also from all that you said, it feels as the fate of MalexMale inflation is doomed forever, but it's not. What's even better is that you can do something about it. Write stuff, draw shit, create some audios, whatever creative stuff you can think of.

On top of this, your article mentions taking action about these kinds of things, so you basically justified my point. :Y


EDIT: On top of this, you create gender-neutral stories, so aren't you partially playing in their field too?

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.


mixing in social issues with fetish content sounds silly to me

I was just responding to the OP. I'm not making a big deal out of it, just stating my opinion.

What's even better is that you can do something about it

I do, as I mentioned in my post.

you create gender-neutral stories

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I'm not saying I don't think there should be anything BUT male/male, or even that there should be a ton more of it. 


Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

C'mon guys, Not here.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Fleetingsanity's picture

Simple answer is you're the minority of a minority. There's already fuck all expansion/inflation fans out there. You think about how many of those fuck all people are gay. Even less. Then there's even less content creators. How many of them are gay? Very few. If they're not gay then they're not going making gay content just to satisfy you. They make what they're into. Like Drybonesx said if your that pissed about it. Make some content. Inspire others to work on stuff by doing it yourself. If you're not willing to do that. Then get off the pot.

Falcon Pawnch!


I think I understand, you're not complaining so much at the lack of content, rather than the slew of vocal butthurt every time anything with a penis is inflated,  just because its not a girl. Eg-a fair chunk of this forum. 


The best inflation content in the mainstream media has been male versus male(I wish there were more woman fights).

-Herman Mouse versus Catnip the cat(animated short).

-Pluto versus Butch the bulldog(animated short).

-Frank Sinatra bird versus Sylvester(animated short).
Vacuum cleaner.

-Dig Dug versus Fygar(videogame)
Hand pump.

-Frank Dreblin versus Hector Savage (Best scene ever!)(Live action movie).

As a bonus to this list, in Mortal Kombat 9(videogame) you can use the character Rain(who is male) to inflate other male characters.


The rarity sometimes becomes a good thing. You don't find much, but usually the people who make something good put a good amount of effort into it. So it's more likely when you find something, it'll be good. ... Okay, there's some crap out there. I'm on DeviantArt...