Holding it in? (IRL Inflation)

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Holding it in? (IRL Inflation)

I have been doing IRL air inflation with a bike pump for a couple weeks after years of lurking on this site, and I have been having troubles staying inflated for more than a few minutes. I've heard of people holding it with no issues for hours at a time however. 

Is this something that comes with being a noob, or am I doing something wrong?

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Well, yes and no. Your not experienced and havent developed the muscles for retention, and if your using air you wont exactly get used to being inflated, as in, you will still probably get cramps and not really adjust. Higher capacity and retention comes with practice and time though.

Also, might I suggest using an aquarium pump? Everyone I've talked to that has tried it prefers it over the bike pump.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


On the topic of increasing capacity and retention, what's the best way to do that? What I've been doing is going until the cramping starts, then immediately stopping. 

Thanks for the responses btw 

BalloonInflator's picture

I enjoy holding it in as long as possible, but I can confirm that particular ability can only be developed with time. Keep practicing, and you'll get there eventually. It's a slow process, but the results are well worth the wait.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

tigerbostonlake's picture

The best way to improve all aspects of belly inflation is to do large enemas using a measured volume of water. Once you can comfortably hold a gallon for an hour, air inflation becomes easy.