What's your "origin story"?

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What's your "origin story"?

This is from a discussion on another thread - thought it'd be better here.

Many of us seem to have started with Violet Beauregarde, but that's not so for me. For me it went like this:

I was in my school playground and noticed a group of girls playing a game where one of them was having so much blood transfused into her that it was inflating her. I found this strangely intriguing and started to daydream about it, and it eventually became a sexual thing for me.

As to discovering i wasn't alone, in 1996 i read a message on a public toilet wall which said Princess Di should have a football bladder inserted into her through her vagina and blown up with a bicycle pump, which was clearly a sexual thing for the writer, and i thought "aha!". Also, a friend of mine told me about a game she used to play with her friends when she was a child where the forfeit was to go into a shed and be pumped up anally, and people were strangely keen on the "punishment", at about the same time.

How about you? How did it start for you and how did you discover you weren't alone? I imagine for most people it's Violet and the internet, but of course i'm old!



CorpulentArtifice's picture

Well, you definitely called it when you mentioned the Violet scene in Willy Wonka, haha. That was my first introduction to the concept.

I first discovered that it was sexual when I was in my early teens. I was home alone and incredibly bored, so I stuffed a pillow under my shirt and pretended it was my stomach, and ended up getting aroused by the concept of having a big belly. It escalated from there. XD

I first discovered that I wasn't alone when I found a YouTube video of someone inflating a ballon in a zentai suit under their clothes, which made me suspect maybe the person in the video had a fetish for it as well. I asked and, sure enough, he did! I thought it was really validating to discover that I wasn't the only freak who fantasized about myself or other guys blowing up like balloons.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo


Watching Willy Wonka and Live and Let Die the same year plus myriad older cartoons interested me for some reason.  It wasn't until I saw Live and Let Die the same week I first saw Wonder Woman on T.V. that it became sexual in nature for me--and yes, that shows my age.  It then became a combination of being helplessly inflated by beautiful strong women--and then blown out of existence, which to me expressed total power over me.



Few years back I needed to do a report on an author. I was given Roald Dahl. From there, I was watching the violet scene, and someone commented to check out TMC (I thank/resent him to this day). Following the link, I recognized it as a porn site, and hesitated. Finally, I took the bait and watched some clips. They were like a trainwreck, I couldn't look away. From there I heard about this site, lurked for a few years, and here I am now.

Fleetingsanity's picture

My first introduction to BE and inflation in general came when I was in my teens the whole willy wonka blueberry thing never really did it for me like many others here. My first experience came when I was looking for big boob morphs I've always had a thing for very big boobs and that's gotten exponentially bigger as time has gone on lol. But anyway I was on an old morph site that's long since shut down I don't even remember the name of it but I came across a morph series where a woman had put a vacuum into her vagina and turned in on in the blowing position and this consequently started to pump her boobs bigger I thought it was the hottest thing I'd even seen and so I went from there looking for whatever I could find on BE. I later got into belly and butt expansion but my start was breast expansion.

Falcon Pawnch!


Hfilled, you sound like the closest to me. It's like there was a rash of inflation scenes in films around 1970!

Fleetingsanity, i had early fantasies about setting a vacuum cleaner to the Blow position and a possibly false memory of an old black and white film where that was used to inflate someone. It's a real shame they don't seem to make vacuum cleaners like that any more.

SignoreMirtillo, i used to stuff too, and in fact got into trouble for accidentally ripping clothes from my mother. I also used to do that under my pyjamas at night, and imagine that each buttoning i did was a surge of air, which is weird because of my button phobia.

Succoria, weird that it should be homework that introduced you! I think sometimes there's a link between disgust and arousal, which sounds like what happened with you.

Another question then: how did you all feel about yourselves when you realised it was a sexual thing? My reaction was "oh shit, i seem to be a pervert!"



HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

Watching cartoons where the characters inflated themselves had a strange reaction on me, as I can recall I "really liked" those episodes as a very young, prepubescent child. As the years went by and I grew older, I realized this was a sexual feeling and the rest is pretty self explainatory.

I can also vaguely remember drawing girls inflated like bubblegum or balloons around age 4-6, although I was careful to not let my parents ever catch me drawing such things. I knew I was a weird kid with some weird fantasies, even back then.

As for "discovering I wasn't alone", I first discovered this site and Inflate123's video site when I started high school (circa 2002/03) and this quickly led to me discovering deviantArt and the wealth of like-minded artistes drawing inflation smut.

CorpulentArtifice's picture

I've always been able to take things regarding my sexual preferences in stride, so I didn't feel too weird about my fetish once I'd worked out what it was, though there were a few times when I did feel uncomfortable about having it. I think I was more afraid of the notion of someone finding out, and to this day I still remain very secretive about it despite there being very little chance of discovery.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

darth_clone19's picture

I honestly cant remember the exact time, but since I was a kid I had a certain thing for women's torsos. I dont know if that had anything to do with my later inflation fetish, but for some reason I feel that that fixation somehow transformed when I started noticing the inflation gag in cartoons. I started taping inflation moments in cartoons, and thinking a lot about it. At the time I didnt feel weird, but as I got into adolescence I did start feeling like I was into something kind of weird.

I used to like women in uniforms, probably because of my torso fixation and liking how tight uniforms or suits looked on the torso (today this has transformed into how much I love inflation in tight clothes). This was one of the reasons I liked Power Rangers, even buying coloring books and sticker books just to see the female rangers. At the time I didnt know Power Rangers was a japanese show that had a radically different name and story and that the yellow ranger is actually a guy :\ Anyway, with the years the inflation thing started to kick in so it didnt take much for me to mix the power rangers thing with the inflation thing...so just for kicks I started searching the web for drawings of power rangers inflated. The searches led me to this site, and I couldnt believe what I was seeing (Big Horse's stuff was especially intriguing). The rest is history.

 Even to this day I have never found power ranger inflation lol 

Im very secretive about it, even though I have told a number of women about it; women who were very good friends, women I dated, some I didnt. I have never had a bad experience telling a woman about it, even if she didnt share it or didnt use it to tease or flirt with me. 

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

BTBLL's picture

I think for me the seed was first planted when I saw the Disney movie Son of Flubber where the football players suit inflates him into a balloon and he is bounced and carried around the field. Then it all came back to me when I had an LTR with a fat chick that introduced me to her inflation fantasy. The rest is history.


I can't remember well how it first started for me. I would just watch cartoons that had inflation in them. Like many of you, The willy wonka scene involving Violet Beauregarde also got me into it.

I would do the usual balloon in shirt thing and pretend I was blowing up. I liked to imagine how big I would become if it were a real thing. I didn't really undertand what I felt from it until I got older. One side of me says to explore the inflation fantasy, while the other side of me is saying that it is a sexual thing. I would still watch shows involving inflation and surf the web for anything related as that is how I found out about this site and others like me with this fetish.

 Inflation is still exciting for me as well as BE. I imagine different scenarios of how characters of a story will inflate.


Yeah, the fascination became sexual for me when I hit 12 or so, when my interest in girls increased for some reason while keeping an interest in this.  Go figure.  I blame the prevalence of pretty women in revealing outfits in the late 70's/early to mid 80's for that.


Well mine's a two-part, being furry as well.

I was introduced to furry by Starfox 64, believe it or not. I was crushing really hard on Wolf, and deliberately sought out the levels with him in it. I discovered I wasn't alone on that when researching my inflation fetish, which I'm getting to in a moment. I found an Encyclopedia Dramatica page trashing inflation (but NOBODY'S surprised), with a pic of a big-bellied tiger.

Inflation. Now I never watch movies, never have, most likely never will, so for me it started with friends. One of my friends invited me to their house one day, and offered me one of his shirts so only he got in trouble if they tore. We went into his parents' room, grabbed all the blankets, and started stuffing with them. Now, I was an odd little child and took it a step further, telling him to get the bike pump from his garage. It was tricky, getting the air into our stomachs orally at first, but eventually it worked, but we didn't get very big. But we still had a blast and when I moved back to that town for about a year we were gay lovers, him being the master because I could take being pumped a little more than he could. Fun times. Between these two instances I researched my fetish and found that ED page, and found that I loved the big tiger more than the other pics, but my being 15 and his being 16 didn't really let us invest in rubber furry suits, so our attire stayed at bare tops and jeans.

So there it is, my origin story(ies if you want to get picky).

InflatoVision's picture

My story begins about several years ago when I got my first inflatable sumo costume. I liked it so much that I just couldn't stop wearing it.

Daemon13's picture

Mine was movies like Live and Let Die and Big Trouble in Little China, thou before even that, there were several books with cool illustration i read as a kid. It really became a sexual thing when i was a teen.


Like most people on here mine started in my very young childhood, watching kids TV and cartoons.

Interestingly enough there wasn't a particular time or place for it to occur-it just kind of 'evolved' due to the number of times I'd see it happen in cartoons etc

Growing up I would see various scenes from various shows/films from time to time, and although I can remember a lot of them (including scenes from shows like Scooby-Doo, Inspector Gadget and many more) most of these I've actually managed to find on places like youtube (although there are a few that I remember quite well that I have NEVER found anywhere online).

But despite all that I don't feel that there was a single scene in any film, show or cartoon that I feel could be classed has 'the very first' one-I saw dozens of them throughout my childhood, but trying to figure out exactly which one and WHEN is extremly difficult.

Has a child the 'process' that I saw happen to these characters on TV was something almost 'magical' in nature. it was unnatural but not in a nasty kind of way, more fantastic in imagination then scary.

But like Daemon13 said, has a teenager that whole innocent child-percieved 'magical' context evolved into sexuality towards my late teens, and the scenes that I still remembered has a child began to take on a whole new meaning.


Hmm, well I at first had some sort of small fetish for girl's faces changing color. Idk why, but that went away quickly when I saw enough of it and thought "eh, too easy to access". So it lost it's thrill quickly.

But the two scenes that definitely got me into inflation was the original Violet Beauregarde and then the Randy Quench All That inflation scene involving the women being inflated in the theatre. (Honestly, that scene is kind of "underrated" imo. Surprised it isn't talked about more, I thought it was great job for a live action skit show")


I think that's about it.  But is it weird that ever since I got into the inflation fetish more, I actually DISLIKE male inflation more than I once did? As a kid when I was less knowledgeable about my inflation fetish, I just kind of looked at it like "eh". Because it was male inflation, I didn't really care.


But seeing some male inflation scenes done today, ESPECIALLY the really good ones, I get kind of peeved. I think to myself "Dang it! Why couldn't that of been a female instead?!?". Example, that scene from that crappy Space Jam movie. I really wish that was a female somehow...(NOT LOLA...I'm not into furry females either. Only human females)I don't care how they would of done it. I would be bias wit their illogical reasoning. Heh.


Yeah, that Randy Quench is one of my top faves as well.
Regarding live action, my top 3 favourite scenes are:
-No 1: "The Naked Gun 2 & 1/2, The Smell of Fear" scene, with the water hose(male)

-No 2: That Randy Quench scene, with the girl that "needs oxygen"

-No 3: The "Just for Laughs" gag in which people is led to believe that the pressure of the oxygen tank is going wrong, and the patient (an asian girl) inflates.
It seems like my favourites always have a hose in the mouth, and be somehow unexpected by the inflated character.


Oddly enough, it was probably a childhood friend who introduced me way back when. I don't remember if it was before or after we saw Chocolate Factory, but at some point he drew a picture of a person inflated huge like Violet (this would indicate it was after, but I seem to recall being surprised that this movie had the same idea as my friend, which is why I'm unsure). Since then I fantasized about it. It became sexual when during puberty I remembered the scene and googled it, and eventually made my way to a comic of a woman being blueberrified (I would link it as I remember what it was, but I'm on mobile. Besides, it's moderately old, so chances are you've seen it already).

doubleintegral's picture

Ah, BerryGirl.  Arguably the most epic artistic contribution the inflation/blueberry community has seen or ever will see.


Oral inflation with reverse vacuum cleaner air pressure into a small tube inserted past the epiglottis works very well.  Very quickly I get a large inflation to the edge of pain.  After several days, I found my stomach seems to be permanently inflated but without any pain.  Each day in sequence the inflation is larger than the previous day.  So there seems to be some real stretching happening.  Don't know how far is safe. Anyone else have this experience?


Oral inflation with reverse vacuum cleaner air pressure into a small tube inserted past the epiglottis works very well.  Very quickly I get a large inflation to the edge of pain.  After several days, I found my stomach seems to be permanently inflated but without any pain.  Each day in sequence the inflation is larger than the previous day.  So there seems to be some real stretching happening.  Don't know how far is safe. Anyone else have this experience?


I'm actually glad I'm not one of the many who started with the Violent scene. Honestly I'm kinda tired of it(this is my own opinion, and i'm not saying its bad by any means). Two scenes did it for me. Gravity Girl from Flying Rhino Juinor High, and the expansion scene from Freaky Stories(the one where the girl in the beuaty pagent swallows pills that where actually little sponges, and then drank a ton of water).


Those are what really made me explore the fetish, but I had inflation thoughts as early as Kindergarden

Inflate123's picture

I have been aware of it for literally as long as I can remember--my first memory of anything, ever, is of a dream I had when I was roughly two years old. I dreamt that I saw myself as a red balloon, floating away into the sky. I never really understood it, but I did lots of drawings and little-kid games involving balloons and inflation--I remember stuffing some inflatables down my shirt and ripping the seams on the sleeve, then panicking because I didn't know how to explain it to my parents. "How did you rip that shirt?" "I was...blowing myself up?" I also remember seeing an ad in a comic book in the 70's for photo enlargements--with the headline "BLOW YOURSELF UP." I stared at those three words for hours and replayed that dim memory of my dream over and over. I told my sister that that's what I wanted to do, blow myself up, and when she realized what I meant, she laughed at me for what felt like hours. But suffice it to say that the interest without comprehension was well entrenched pretty early. 

The first time I saw Wonka, about age five, I cried because it had hit a nerve--I didn't see it coming and it totally freaked me out. I couldn't externalize what had set me off when my parents tried to comfort me, either. The second time I saw it, I laughed really, really loud and really, really hard--and everybody looked at me. I was overcompensating. By the third time I saw it (in the days before VCRs, these viewings were a few years apart), I just shut up, stared, and kept my fascination to myself. 

I did not see it in an erotic context until I was well into my teens, when it started to dovetail nicely with my interest in large breasts--and I was a late bloomer, so I didn't really make the explicit connection until about 17 or 18.

mosherballoon's picture

I started to take an interest in inflation when I was about 10 yeaars old. I didnt know at the time that it was a sexual thing, over the course of about 2-3 years I had a handful of dreams where I was bowing up and found myself fascinated with a certain scene in willy wonka I had on vhs. I began stuffing my clothes with pillows and things like that. Then sometime when I was 13 and puberty was striking I found myself aroused when thinking about inflation, I had also moved on from pillows and was now using an inflatable dingy (rubber boat) and inflating it under my clothes with a foot pump. Whilst this was going on at home, in school another part of my fetish was taking shape. In high school to be a 'mosher' was not a cool thing and and those that were and were open about often were targets for ridicule and bulling. A 'mosher' for those who don't know is a person who is into metal music and hard rock, mosher coming from mosh pit. Anyway this was where the humiliation aspect of my fetish came from, if I am found out to be a mosher I will be teased and laughed at, this then became one with my inflation fetish. I day dreamed about inflating in school and then being exposed as a mosher, this if you haven't already guessed where my screen name comes from. I discovered some parts of the commuity online, the video vault and eventually here. By the time I was 16 I was making videos and posting them on youtube, and the rest as they say is history.

Daemon13's picture

Aint nothing wrong with being a mosher as you call it dude. If you love metal and if some people dont like it, give em the ol' devil horns and turn the volume up! In college i used be full on goth but the angry death metal kind, hair down to my backside and tons of leather. Even wore full corpse paint once or twice too haha

GiftedShana's picture

Well, my interest in inflation/expansion starts in two relatively separate places. I shall begin with the first.

When I was young, around 8 or so, maybe 7, my mother would often take her horses to a local arena and ride/train them for a while. It was within walking distance, and sometimes we as a family would go over there and watch. Even more rarely, we would go at night so that my mother could have the arena all to herself. To this day I've never had an interest in horses, and thus, when it came to going with her(more for the reason she didn't want me home alone), I ended up sitting in a chair bundled up in my dad's huge sweater. Given the influence of cartoons, I would daydream while I waited, imagining that the sweater got skin tight at the cuffs, the neckline, and my waist, and slowly inflate to the point where I'd be floating back toward home. I would find myself revisiting this daydream every time after, and to this day is the earliest connection to inflation I have.

Secondly, I grew up in a very mother-dominant household. Dad was always hours away at work, while mother was a work-at-home mom. She was assertive, confident, and always got what she wanted, whether through sheer stubborness or fierce tenacity. So as I grew older, I figured this was how things worked, and so I sought to emulate her as best I could. Socially it back fired because I was a rather shy girl in my younger ages. Though I took notice to my mother's bust. She was a big gal all things considered, and it was this that lent to me wanting to be a big girl myself. This want turned into desire, and that desire into fantasy. I would find myself dreaming at night about being bigger than her, being the biggest in school.

Needless to say, when I turned 12 and found the internet, my imagination went wild when I found sites promising bigger busts as well as a shared fascination for going bigger. Of course, being the good girl I was, I didn't sign up with any of these sites, but I eventually found Yahoo and Youtube, and from there my fetish came to fruition. I didn't know it was a fetish for the longest time, but I came face to face with it during my high school years when I started to really flourish. By senior year, I was the biggest girl in most of my classes, something to this day that constantly gives me pride.

And here I am today, a semi-active member of the online community. Creating threads. Contacting new people. Roleplaying(albeit much less now days). Writting stories. And now I even do real inflation, something I never thought I'd be doing in my life. This is a crazy wonderful fetish we have, and I'm one glad to have it.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


bigair38's picture

As far as I remember, this should be an episode of Cobra (http://www.bodyinflation.org/node/30636) But I feel I have always been fascinated by curves (belly, breasts, buttocks ...) and I
started to inflate when I was little...

My forum for french community: http://bellyinflationfr.probb.fr (with some tutoriels for beginers)


Mine can trace back to a early childhood fear of unexpected loud noises, which in turn led to a phobia of balloons when I was very small. This fear eventually led to a fascination with balloons, which I held throughout childhood. Once puberty began to set in, and I began to take increasing notice of the body shape of my female classmates, I began to have fantasies about making breasts bigger like balloons. For a couple years I seriously wondered if I was alone in this thinking, and then when I was in my early teens, we finally got dial-up internet service in our house. Being much more adept with a computer than my parents, I was able to conceal my research, and eventually stumbled on Inflate123's site and the first generation of this very site, and as they say, it was all downhill from there :)


Well, when I was little, I had a dream that I was walking down a street with a red balloon that kept getting bigger then I just let it go. After that dream, ever time I saw inflation anything I got a tingle on my insides. Then when I was 11, YouTube made my life when I found tones of amazing inflation videos. Witch are now all gone haha


Well, when I was little, I had a dream that I was walking down a street with a red balloon that kept getting bigger then I just let it go. After that dream, ever time I saw inflation anything I got a tingle on my insides. Then when I was 11, YouTube made my life when I found tones of amazing inflation videos. Witch are now all gone haha

bigganbigga's picture

My first exposure to inflation was on Sesame Street during the odd Frog & Ox cartoon when I was a wee lad years ago.  During those years, cartoons were seemingly being done by folks who had been hitting the psychedelics heavily in previous decades and Sesame Street was just one of the PBS programs that often aired bizarre and often frightening clips (like a child about to be sliced in two by a pendulum razor above his bed.)

Despite being a short clip, within seconds I was both intrigued and frightened by the scene.  It apparently activated some psychological switch though because when I next saw Violet in the original Wonka film, I knew I was strangely enamored.  I saw the frog scene again at another time and was anticipating it so much that the frog and its inflation became an obsession for me.

But next came the Raggedy Ann & Andy movie with King Looney blowing up.  When I realized a major character in the story was capable of blowing himself up, I think that solidified the interest for me.  I was absolutely enthralled with his short-lived but gigantic results and it set the pace for my interests from there out.  Absolutely gigantic self-inflation with a healthy dose of gloating and bragging was my fantasy.

As I grew older, expansion scenes in cartoons always piqued my interest and weight gain, as long as it looked more like inflation, intrigued me almost equally as a sort of proxy inflation.  I even wished I could spontaneously get fat when I was quite young.

I kept my interest quite secret though and didn't dwell on it much as I grew up since I figured I was the ONLY human on earth who could possibly have such a bizarre and outlandish  interest. 

In college though I discovered the fledgling Internet and the old-school USENET groups.  It was there that I ran across a ListServ and found the Balloon Buddies mailing list.

I can't describe my amazement back then at discovering other people could share the interest.  Initially, that boosted my interest into a new obsession for finding content and contacting others.

That was when I ran across LVKane, Wren, and Inflate123 (among others I may have forgotten.)  LVKane, in his graciousness, got me a copy of Photoshop, uploaded it in chunks to AOL email, and from that my inflation art began.  I ran several sites back then and enjoyed the community and exchange of ideas.

Looking back, it seemed like a magical time really because within a matter of a couple of years we went from mailing lists to websites to early "group" sites as the dot com bubble came about.

I don't have quite the passion I once did for it and no longer make art but it's always fun to reminisce about those days.