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Hello all inflation artists and fans,

I am happy to announce that I am open to taking requests and commissions again. If you are interested, please visit my DeviantART page http://violin100.deviantart.com/journal/Open-for-Requests-and-Commissions-302358201#comments doe more information about what I do for requests and commissions.

I hope to do artwork for all of you, and I hope to keep contributing to this wonderful website that Mr. Kane made for all of us to talk and share our inflation liking.



If any one is interested you can send me a message on here.

Sticky site lover

Do a suit inflation. A teen girl In her bathing suit with a wetsuit over that when the bottom part of her bathing suit inflates then the suit releases the trapped air in he pants into her wetsuit


Ummmmmm........... I need a reference pictures of a teen girl in a bathing suit and wetsuit and whatever information like you say trapped air escaping, is she like farting or deflating.  Also, is there any nudity or sexual intentions with this request? Because if there is then I will have to decline the offer.

Sorry if I sound like I am angry or pissed or strict I just have been having a rough couple of weeks and it is getting worse. Plus, I want you to know that I will not draw nude and sexual intention pictures. All my pictures are not sexual intentions and there is no nudity. They are fun, and simple drawings.

Sticky site lover

There I no nudity or sexual stuff.  What I meekness by the trapped air escaping was that the trapped air in her bottoms escape her pants but then inflates the wetsuit she is wearing


OK. Well, I need reference pictures of the girl, the wetsuit, the size of her inflating, and the process of what the trapped air would look like. I need all these reference pictures and your request information sent to me by messaging me instead of posting them on this post.

Sticky site lover

You got it and it's not her that's inflating it's her bikini bottoms that are inflating


Ummmmm....I am confused. So you want her ass to be inflated.

Sticky site lover

Kinda yes it's not her ass it's the bIkinis that is on her ass that's inflating.  Her ass clothe is inflating Ok


Ummmmmm...............OK....... sure....don't need to get angry. Just trying to understand.

Sticky site lover

I wasn't angry :)

Sticky site lover

I wasn't angry :)

Sticky site lover

I'd you want to talk to me on devient art in starscreamboy.  Ok. Thanks


Ummm ok? Look I just need a reference picture of what you are asking for. I can't picture with just words and description. This allows me to understand what you expect in the picture, so I don't have to redue and feel like I am being used, since a fellow artist did that to me and I hated him for it, because the picture wasn't what he wanted. So please all I am asking is reference pictures of what you want this girl to inflate like.

Sticky site lover

Ok of you want to talk to me on devient art just look for starscream-boy  ok.  I'm not mad.   

Sticky site lover

Here's the bikini. Don't want the girl or tops inflated just the bottoms in the pic ok. Only bigger ok.    


Sticky site lover

Here's the girl that will be wearing it and makE it look like she is in panic about it ok



OK. Thank you. All that ask from you right now is to please be super patient. There are other people who asked for requests, and I have three jobs on top of college that will be going on this Summer. I want to let you know your request if I don't start it this summer will done next year, or maybe the ending of this year. It all depends on how busy I am. Sorry for thinking that you were angry. Just going through a shitty time right now. Want to fricking blow my brains out right now literally not physically.

Sticky site lover

No prob. 



Sticky site lover

You no if you want to chat to me on devient art. My name is.     

 Starscream-boy.   Thanks


I can't find you. Just find me I am Violin100 on DeviantART. I will be out of town, so I don't know if I will be taking my laptop.

Sticky site lover

Oh ok. 


Hey are you also taking weight gain requests? If so could you do a weight gain sequence of me? I'll send you a picture of me if you need it. If you can't do a weight gain sequence of me then I would like a water inflation of me. I could email you the picture if you need it.


Are you male or female? I dont do male inflation drawings. If you are female then yes send me a picture of you. Ummmmmm..... I don't necessarily do sequence drawings simply because due to the lack of time between handling three jobs and college.


Oh no I'm a male. Oops, sorry!


That's ok. Ya I am sorry, but I don't do male inflation drawings. I am very uneasy about it. It makes me feel awkward and uneasy and uncomfortable.


I've been wanting to see more inflated clowns. Suit inflation and with a happy expression. If you feel like it...


I see. Ummm. Let me first see if I am not full on taking requests and commissions and then I will be happy to do your request. Also, if you want just give me your information about your request.

Sticky site lover

I can't seem to find you on devient art 


Here is the link http://violin100.deviantart.com/

Sticky site lover

Found you thanks. 




Your request is done.

Sticky site lover

Thanks can you send the link for the picture to me thanks