View View & Content Advice?

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TayvaRP's picture
View View & Content Advice?

I've been working on pusting up videos on a weekly basis for awhile now, and I've been trying to look for ways to bring in more views. I've been hoping to raise money through donations and adsense to work on future projects, one of which I'm hoping will be one of the suits from Squeaky Latex, but in order to get that far I need a lot more views then what I'm currently getting (seeing as I haven't been able to get anything for donations in well over a month).

At the moment I have a 48 inch ball and an air mattress to use for inflation (and a 12ft inflation when I get the appropriate clothing), but I'm looking to ways to increase my number of viewers. I'm trying to stay more toward stomach and full body inflation, and I can't really do a whole lot with audio because I'm in a shared house where you can hear just about anything, and I also dont want to show my face for certain reasons. The only other thing is that starting in May I'll be moving into a bigger room where i'll have more room to do stuff.


Here's my channel for the stuff I've already done:


Any help or comments would be great, thanks!


Awesome work as always. Keep it up.

TayvaRP's picture

Thanks :)

I want to be able to keep the videos free and be able to afford stuff for new content, so uping the views is one of the only ways I can get that


Stay positive, dont get discouraged and keep listening to suggestions. I've seen your vids and they are a great start, keep it up.