Are you Famous?

Yes, and Im a girl.
29% (2 votes)
Yes, and Im a guy.
71% (5 votes)
Total votes: 7

I was just wondering if there is anybody famous in the inflation community; somebody the general population could name. I'm not asking for your name, just that you vote on the poll.

Yes, I know I'm probably setting a poll up for manipulation.

Inflate123's picture

I'm possibly recognizable, or at least trackdownable due to my career. I'm an entertainment critic for national publications and I would suspect that some of you have read my professional work without realizing it was me. But I'm not famous, because if I told you my real name, you wouldn't recognize it.


I'm totally famous. I lead a country.

Not really, but man, wouldn't that be cool? Depends on which country, I guess...


I'm batman


I'm Spartacus!

darth_clone19's picture

I wont say, I know how all of you seem to have a problem with my foreign policies in Irak...

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Uhm...I have a taco?

darth_clone19's picture

Tacos rule (get it, Bush in Robot CHicken?)

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I'm actually Ving Rhames.

In all seriousness, who would you think would be a good candidate for a closet inflationist?



I'm pretty sure Pierce Brosnan likes his women a little meatier, so perhaps him.

To me, a good candidate would be a writer or artist who could influence things a certain way...


I think it's a little naive to think that IF this community did have anyone famous in it, that they would happily reveal themselves thus exposing them to possible blackmail and ruination of their career and/or reputation. Not flaming, just my opinion n.n;;

darth_clone19's picture

In all fairness, the OP didnt intend for them to reveal themselves, just to vote.

Pierce Brosnan may be a candidate. Man, his wife is hot!

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I will be famous. I checked the future, it'll happen.

Inflate123's picture

Actually, I double-checked the future. There was a typo. Sonic568 gets famous, not you. Sorry. :(


Well, according to the poll we have 1 famous guy and 1 famous girl.

I can only dream Lindsay Lohan is the girl who voted.

darth_clone19's picture

Ah sweet heaven, if it turned out to be Liv Tyler or Mila Kunis!

But, Lindsay is great too!

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Inflate123's picture

I did not vote that I was famous, but there are now two famous guys. So...who are the voter folks and how are you famous? You can be vague...


haha..typo/sonic568.....just checked the thread,
funny stuff dere

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!


Could be joke votes, but hey here's hopin' XD


I am not famous, but I do work with several people that are famous in their industry. A lot of you have probably seen something I've worked on.

The Warlock


I really had to wonder if this poll was in jest,as anyone can say anything as to who they are.
If there were anyone worldly famous coming by the site,they probably aren't going to sign up as a member.
Not that there is any danger in exposing their ID doing that.
I dont know,I would have to say that there has to be some famous people that are into this fetish.
Hey,maybe Ben Affleck....hmmmm?haha

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

You can easily make an email account for doing other, "second life" kinda stuff. heck, I did :)

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Like I acknowleged in my original post. I knew there was a high probability of of false informatin.

It's also to fuel my fantasy that Morgan Webb is looking at this board right now and smiling.


Morgan Webb seems cool....but I wonder what she's like in real life.
I mean,so much of the shows dialog is written by scriptwriters.
I know I like watching(or leering at) her on G4.She's gotten pretty good looking.
I think it'd be great if she was into this.
I always have the impression on G4 that the folk's are just actors doing bits,that they aren't really into the games and such.
Hmm...Im digressing again.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

Morgan and Adam have been geeks there since it was TechTV. People like Olivia...I dont know, I think shes just there cuz of a pretty face. I dont care that much though.

I liked Morgan Webb before. She seemed...fuller. Shes gotten very thin, everywhere. As for how she is, I believe she is pretty smart. Look at her bio in Wikipedia.

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I hadnt seen much of TechTV because we didnt get it here.
I only had seen her from when TechTV became G4,from what you said about her having a bit more mass at one time,I wished I could have seen her before.
Geez,she would really be awesome with more weight on her bod.She would be really curvy.
Its funny though that you mentioned that about her because I was thinking the other day that she seemed to be either getting slimmer OR her breasts were getting bigger.
My impression/feeling about Morgan,not knowing anything about her, was that she seemed like a smart woman and she is probably quite clever on her own without a writer.
I shall go check her bio.She has interested me for awhile.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!


I've actually had the honor of meeting her several times.

In person she's really nice, and witty. I heard her make fun of Adam off camera.

She's also kinda tall, and has an athletic build, at least the last time I saw her.

I also saw her crying in a hallway, sitting by herself. It was more like pouting I guess. I have no idea why.


Oh..thats sad.Whats the matter with Morgan?
Ya sure they werent filming?
They must have turned down her request for a raise.^_^
They should get paid the most,they are the only gamer show on a channel that is supposed to be all about gaming.
It sucks now.What the heck happened to the original programming?
Oops Im off topic again.
Dont get me started on G4

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

She wasnt curvy, but she definitely had a bit of meat. It was her huge breasts that got me interested in X Play in the first place. Theyve shrunk down through the years XD

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Huge breasts.......
now shrinking ......AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Now Im sad.
No more talk of shrinking,it makes me woozy.
NO Shrinking of any parts.
Shrinking of Girl parts is not allowed.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

Shrinking makes me sad too. :(

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I was famous once. But the excitement has died down the longer I serve my sentence out. Only 8 and a half years to go.

Mentalyinsane's picture

I seriously doubt that anybody (that is currently) famous/well known, is gonna say anything that could reveal their true identity. Because I just know that somebody would open their mouth, the paparazi would get wind of it, the un-named celeb would be seen as a deviant, and then the whole god d@mn would know about US. And I dunno about any of you guys, but I'd perfer it if we didnt have reporters (that aren't like us) learking about the site. Because at that point, it's over man.

The name's Noitalfin,

darth_clone19's picture

Dude, you truly are mentally insane LOL! Thats a good thing.

Anyway, once again, the OP never said that the famous person should reveal who they are.

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