Quick question...

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Quick question...


I've no idea if anyone else has any idea what I'm talking about here but I've been thinking about a comic I saw some time ago. I think it was on an angelfire site, "BTB" or somesuch, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, if memory serves me correctly, it was in French, and revolved around a young woman going to see a doctor. She stripped down and may have gotten a shot. She then left and hailed a cab. Once inside she proceeded to blow up, her entire body, much to her distress. After she had filled the entire backseat of the cab, she somehow got herself out, and was back to normal size, as though it were a nightmare.

My memories of this are vague, but from what I can recall it was a really nice piece of work. If anyone has these images, or at least has any idea what the hell I'm talking about, it would be much appreciated.

Danke schön,



Yeah I remember this and I saw it not too long ago on a yahoo group...I can't remember which one unfortuantely, sorry :\

Edit: I cant read French, but from what I could tell the many times I saw it, the inflation sequence was meant to be a bad dream the woman was having, possibly about something that happened at the doctor's i'm not too sure. I'll hunt around and see if I can dig it up again.


Nice to hear from you again Vlad.

I hope you find the comic, it sounds... intriguing , to say the least.


Hey Vlad, i know of the comic you speak of and I really don't do or say much but if you want i could post it or email it to you just leave your email adress if so

Sixkicks 8)

darth_clone19's picture

I know a LITTLE French, but maybe enough to look at it and know maybe whats going on.

Of course, I wouldnt be trying to read it if I saw it frankly. ;)

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I'm sure it's on one of my drive partitions archived somewhere. I saw it at A Yahoo group where it probably still is.

That version had the speech balloons blank and I thought it was referred to as the "Bilder Comic" , so I assumed it was German though that might have just been the setting.

Alas, a search for the word "Bilder" didn't get any results on my PC, so the filename could be anything. I'll keep looking.

It was an excellent piece of work and one of my faves too, so I must have it. I'll submit it for the Gallery when I find it.

"Continue the research..."


"Bilder" is just the German word for "pictures", so you won't get very far with that i'm afraid.




My point being that it may rather have been a German comic set in France rather than French, or otherwise French with a German title. I'm searching on my hard drive, not Google.

And thus I've managed to find pages 3 & 4 of said comic where she's in the Taxi and growing. There are a couple of words still showing which are in French so go figure.

Anyhow, I'm submitting them for the Gallery now.

"Continue the research..."


And they're now up in the gallery. Thanks Luther.

"Continue the research..."


OK, sorry, i didn't get that you were doing that.




That's OK. I may have come across a little harsher than was the case. I still often neglect to use emoticons to help convey the tone of a message.

"Continue the research..."