Need quick help

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Need quick help

I have absolutely no idea how to work deviantart. I have my account yes, and I have several stories I wish to contribute to besides this site, in this case, my deviantart site. Hell I don't even know how to post my stuff to it. Just a brief explaination is all I'm looking for, thanks.

The One


for the ammount of effort it took you to post this, you could've just searched the devArt faq and found what you were looking for.

darth_clone19's picture

Now, for something more constructive. Whats your DA. so I can visit it once you figure it out?

I think you click on Submit, Agree to their terms of service (read em first of course, then choose where it will be stored, in this case, deviation, then you choose the classification, in this case it would be prose, then if its fiction or non fiction, then more classifications, like fantasy, philosophical, stuff like that.

Look just hit submit, the rest is easy, lol

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