
Blocked Up, Part 2

Inflation Types:

"Stop it... Stooooop!" Sarah screamed, her gurgling belly increasing in size exponentially. It filled the entire house, and Sarah was in loads of pain.

"No..." Angela cooed. "This is revenge, Sarah... Comeuppance... You pop me... now I.. pop.. YOU."


OOOOOOO!!!" Sarah awoke with a start, sweating in her bed. She looked around frantically, then checked her belly. Still as flat as ever. She sighed, wiping her forehead. It's fine, she told herself. Just a dream. Angela's dead. She's gone. She can't hurt you. You won't pop. It's all ok...

Average: 3 (9 votes)

Blocked Up

Inflation Types:

*PHHBBT* went her ass... again.

Angela looked around at her friends, all clothed in pajamas, staring at her, bewildered.

"Damn Angela, how much gas DO you have???" Natali shouted, waving a hand in front of her face to fan away the smell.

"You're gonna kill us all!" exclaimed Sarah, coughing.

Angela blushed deep red. "I'm sorry... I dunno what's wrong with my stomach..."

"If you're gonna off us all, at least don't do it while we're at a sleepover! You know, trying to have fun???" Sarah said.

Average: 2.5 (11 votes)

Soda Reaction

Inflation Types:

She never knew why, but for as long as Molly could remember, she's always had this.. weird reaction to soda. Every time she had a sip, she would belch constantly and swell up like a balloon. She first found this out at her friend's 10th birthday party. She was offered a Coke, and suddenly the party had an additional balloon.

Average: 2.9 (9 votes)
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