
For Science! (A BE short)

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Sexual Content:

Science provides the world with all too many wonders. From medicine to techonolgy, whatever it is, humanity prospers. Yet not every piece of technology gets the stamp of approval. Some technology barely even sees the light of day whether because its ineffective, or what it provides is not seen as "useful" to the common folk. This reality strikes the ideas of many aspiring scientists, who pour their all into their experiments. Once such scientist was Rose.

Average: 4 (10 votes)

Lighter than Hydrogen

The dream of being lighter than air was not an easy one to accomplish. True, everyone knew of dirigibles and hot-air balloons and other things of the sort, but it just was nothing compared to an individual’s joy of taking flight and soaring among the birds. If only humanity could become lighter than air, they’d achieve this dream easily. Yet no one had much of a choice; it would have taken someone far more helium or even hydrogen than they could readily gather to take flight, and ever since Hindenburg people knew of the dangers of the latter gas.

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Lighter than Hydrogen

After a few months of painstaking scientific labor, Number 21 finally created a gas that is even lighter than hydrogen (and a lot more inert, too). Obviously, she chose to demonstrate this to the scientific community by filling herself up with it.

Number 21, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

A/N: I also created a story to go along with this pic! Link to be added when I upload it.

Lighter than Hydrogen
Average: 3.7 (9 votes)

Any Witch Way

Any Witch Way
by SvenSvenson

Disclaimer:  Naughty, inflatable themes herein.
For mature audiences only.

Average: 4.5 (17 votes)

For Science...?

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Having rich friends, or at least friends with rich parents, can have its perks. Jacob knew this all too well. Instead of living in a campus dorm and paying out the nose to do so, he lived on the edge of campus in a loft/rock wall gym that his friend Lucas' parents had converted an old warehouse into for them and their friend Sam, who also lived there with them. The three friends were avid rock climbing enthusiasts, and they loved their home.

Average: 3.3 (7 votes)


Nobody ever reads the instructions.

Average: 4 (22 votes)

Volunteer 5

Disclaimer:  balloony, inflatable themes herein - for mature audiences only.


Average: 4 (8 votes)

Volunteer 4

Disclaimer:  balloony, inflatable themes herein - for mature audiences only.



Average: 3.6 (5 votes)

Volunteer 3

Inflation Types:

Disclaimer:  balloony, inflatable themes herein - for mature audiences only.


Average: 3.2 (6 votes)

Volunteer 2


Disclaimer:  balloony, inflatable themes herein - for mature audiences only.


Average: 3 (5 votes)
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