Butt Inflation

Time to Relax


Time to Relax



Average: 4.3 (12 votes)

Balloon People, The - Part 3


The Balloon People – Part 3




Average: 3.6 (5 votes)

Water Balloon Figure

The sun was high on this summer day in South Jersey and Katie was busy lounging in her back yard by her pool, as she was seen on every other day. She had sported a tiny, baby blue bikini top and matching bottom as she soaked in the sun, waiting for her friends to get there. Katie could be described as pretty, standing at 5'7 with B cup breasts and an ample bottom with a flat, athletic stomach. Her straight brunette hair hung down to her shoulders with her big sunglasses blocking her particularly beautiful blue eyes.

Average: 3.8 (13 votes)

Balloon People, The - Part 2

 The Balloon People – Part 2                                                       &n

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)

Balloon People, The - Part 1



Average: 3.3 (8 votes)

Li-Na's wide rear

Original character of mine. Long story, might work on something more later.

©Captain Neil / Catguy Paladin


Li-Na's wide rear
Average: 3.9 (7 votes)

Karen's Rainy Day Joy

Sexual Content:

It was a stormy day and Karen was as bored as ever. She didn’t even care to escape her pajamas that afternoon as it was her day off and she was going to spend it the way she wanted. At the moment, she was out of a fail relationship and she knew that this day would be lonely.

Average: 3.8 (15 votes)

Chocolate, The

Sexual Content:

The Chocolate

This story is meant to be read slowly. Please take a few deep breaths. Good. Thank you.


Kim walked down the street, big green pea-coat hugging her and little blue crocodile-skin bag dangling by her side between clinched fingers.

Photographers were behind her. She wanted to get away. And now it had started to rain.

"Kim, tell us about your break-up with Ray J!"

"Is it true that you've gained weight?"

"Are you thinking of getting married again, or is it just too soon?"

Average: 3.4 (8 votes)

Call of the Slime Queen, The

The city of Crystalgate had always held the tale of the Black Witch. A woman that generations ago kidnapped dozens of young women but only the heaviest of the city's women. The tale goes that she ate them all or stole their youth. The tale itself isn't too false, there was a sleeping menace just outside the city and was just awakening. In an abandon fort a mile down the road from Crystalgate, the Black Witch awoke.

Average: 3.7 (13 votes)

Musings 3: First-Timers

Sexual Content:

The story of how I got here is kind of a crazy one, but I've talked about it before. Those of you who are curious about my backstory can find it easily enough, I'm sure.

Average: 4.3 (18 votes)
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