Inflation science

Time for yet another nerdy thread ^_^

What kind of math and physics exercises they do in schools of imaginary world? What kind of equations their engineers use? In which words their journals describe "hot" topics in science?

We all know that elasticity modulus that's used for calculating solid structures from bridges to spaceships has been discovered by a medical doctor and has been first measured on bones of humans. The law for drag force in liquid that's handy for designing ships and playing tennis has been discovered by another medical doctor and first measured on blood in blood vessels. The theorem most loved in flight control and structural optimization saying Nature always chooses the least energy consuming ways has been discovered by yet another medical doctor who studied how humans walk and run. Science as we know it, even completely not medical fields of it, have been influenced by medics from the start. Even now our science is significantly influenced by medical needs of retaining health and prolonging active life.

Imagine a world where people inflate. Their medics would be concerned about needs of healthy inflation. They would use inflation to comprehend even completely not inflationary events. They could use Bounce modulus for designing their bridges and spaceships - because medical doctor discovering it would find elasticity by squishing balloons. They could employ Blowkiss law for designing ships because resistance of pressure could have been first measured when exhaling into another.

How they would describe the world they see?


This sounds sort of like a more indepth version of MilkyBody's comic series.


You mean, calculating inflation?

Like Buoyancy and Heat posts on front page, or this great story (and even more interesting description) by DoubleIntegral?

Okay, that's legit, too ^_^