How would you POP me?

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How would you POP me?

Yooo - first post. No idea if this is the right section or not; sorry if it isn't! But I've seen several of these threads float around, and they seem like fun. 

I'm 28, female, 5'2", 110lb. Flat-ish boobs and butt. Pale with very short dark brown hair (basically a man's cut) and dark brown eyes.

How would you inflate me? I welcome and in fact encourage popping (whether it's a permanent 'BOOM!' or a 'j/k she's fine!' is up to you). Bonus points for inflation with heavier stuff--water, slime, maybe even food--and for less common scenarios. Forced/lack-of-consent inflation is fair game but that's also up to you. 

Very detailed responses encouraged! ;D

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Unrelated, But, Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay here, And keep out of the basement.
I keep my meat clowns in there.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 



OtonashiAkihisa's picture

Hmm, you're small, so I'd probably fatten you up with some food and fizzy soda. And keep going even if you didn't want to! I'd tie you up so your belly can dig into the ropes and eventually break them and of course, fill you so full that you bust. :p


The ropes are a nice touch :D


First of all, welcome to the site :3

Figure I'll give this a shot, just for fun.

Picture yourself on a hot day. Just laying in a lawn chair in your back yard, dressed in a bikini. Until suddenly you find a hose lodged into your mouth. I had snuck up on you and jammed it in. Water began to fill your cheeks, until you where forced to start swallowing. Your belly began to swell and bulge quite quickly. I smiled as I watched you start pulling on the hose, desprite to get it out. " Only way to stop it is to turn the valve off" I'd say, pointing to the valve on the other side of the yard. You'd quickly get up, your belly sloshing and jiggling as you did. I'd smile more as I watched you quickly make your way across the yard. Your belly swelled and got bigger with every loud gulp. Pushing and sweelling outwards. " Come on, your only halfway there~" I'd tease, walking along side of you and slapping your belly. Your walk was starting to turn into a waddle. Your ass and breasts would begin to swell, tightening your bikini as your body grew. I could hear the water sloshing around heavily as you muffed out cries for help as you slowed down. " Almost there~" I would say, seeing that your only a few feet away from the hose. Unfortunally by then you'd be to big to move. " Awww, so close! To bad~" I'd say, slapping your ass. Your bikini would stretch and strain as you stood there, getting bigger and fatter by the second, with every swallow. The sound of the flowing water was suddenly canceled out by a loud "Bang!", and water flooded the entire yard.


Hah, simple but effective.


>_> My hand slipped! I suppose I should have put this in the RP or writing section, but o well I guess :U Too late now. 



I've never been a huge fan of bikinis. They all seemed to be designed to show off cleavage that simply isn't there on me, and so I feel like I look silly in them. Still, they're undeniaby useful for not getting a ridiculous tan line.

Which is why I'm in my backyard, basking in the warm summer day. I'm dozing when I get an extremely abrupt wakeup call: something being rammed down my throat.

I bolt upright, uncomprehending at first. I see my neighbor, who looks far too pleased with himself. I start to ask him what the hell he's doing in my backyard, but I soon realize the much more pressing problem. Something rapidly surging down my throat, and into my stomach, and I cross my eyes in utter shock to realize a water hose has been thrust into my throat.

I make a startled sound, but it only comes out as a muffled "mmmf!" Even in just the few moments that have passed, my stomach swells outward into a modest curve.

I yank at the hose as the water fills me, desperate to get it out. But it won't budge.

"Only way to stop it is to turn the valve off," my neighbor chimes in with a huge smile. He points to the valve at the other side of the yard. Fifty feet has never seemed so far away in my life.

The water pressure is intense. I put a shocked hand on my stomach, only to feel my hand gradually rise as my stomach swells. I look like I'm in the early stages of pregnancy.

I stumble to my feet, but my legs feel like jello and the constant surge of weight and pressure into my stomach throws off my center of gravity. I can feel the water slosh inside me as I wobblingly gain my balance. God, it's filling me fast.

My neighbor is clearly enjoying the show. I want to smack the smile right off of his face, but the rapid swelling of my stomach reminds me I have absolutely no time for that. I put both hands on my stomach as I take my first few stumbling steps. I rapidly go from "early pregnancy" to "when are you due, ma'am?"

Every step I take, my neighbor does too. He stares intensely at me, seeming to drink in every swollen curve of my body.

I'm not even halfway across the yard when I know I'm in deep, deep trouble. My stomach mercilessly, persistently swells. I look down at myself and want to faint from the sight of it. Pregnancy comparisons fly out the window; even octomom doesn't hold a candle to the swollen, expanding water balloon that my gut is.

"Come on, you're only halfway there~" my neighbor sing-songs in delight, before reaching forward to slap playfully at my belly.

The water inside me swirls and whirls at the slap, and I lose my balance. My knees buckle, and I stumble to the ground. Yet the constant jet of water won't allow me any time to gather myself. I feel incredibly full, and getting fuller by the moment.

I moan in desperation. I'm becoming fuller, rounder with each passing second.

The seconds tick away. I try to stand, but I'm too swollen to be able to get my balance back. It's not even just my stomach ballooning out now; my breasts and butt start to round out, too. The strings of my bikini become taut over my burgeoning form.

I can't stand, and my neighbor only stares, drinking in the sight of me becoming ever larger. So I do the only thing I can do; I start to crawl. My swollen stomach sloshes back and forth, hanging heavily me as I desperately try to make it the hose.

Yet I'm still ten feet away when I feel my bulbous stomach begin to scrape against the ground. I know I'm only moments away from being too swollen to even crawl. I try to close the distance between me and the valve in those few critical moments, but I can't do it. My stomach balloons ever bigger, and then becomes so round and tight that it lifts me from my crawling position, making crawling any further impossible.

My bikini strains against my swelling body. My boobs are huge by now; they went from practically nothing to giant water-melons. My ass, as well, has ballooned to twice it's previous size.

"Almost there!" My neighbor sing-songs again, yet the teasing quality of his tone makes it obvious he knows I can't move any farther.

I'm forced to sit on my ballooning ass as my back arches to try to accomodate the incredible amount of water in my stomach.

Immobile, I look at my neighbor in desperation as I continue to balloon, begging for help with my eyes since I can't speak. Instead, he just kneels beside me.

"Awww, so close! Too bad," he chimes in delight before slapping my now-enormous ass. My entire body sloshes from the contact, and I know then he has no intention of helping me.

I close my eyes as I try not to think about what's coming. My overtaxed stomach is large enough my arms aren't long enough to even be able to wrap around it. Hell, even my boobs are so huge that they balloon to the point that I can barely even see over them, and I can feel my ass lifting me up as it swells. I must have quadrupled my body weight just from water by now.

I moan as I grow bigger, and tighter. My skin creaks and my guts gargle as the water floods me, filling every inch that it can. My neighbor kneels beside me and rubs appreciatively at my gargantuan, bulbous stomach. I want nothing more than to be able to rip the hose out and shove it in his stupid gullet.

But the hose isn't budging, and the water isn't slowing. It's only a modest relief when the string of my bikini pops off, then the bikini bottom. The creaking of my overly stretched skin increases, and I'm startled to see my skin stretched so tight and thin that I can vaguely start to see the vast, blueish ocean of water sloshing inside me. My neighbor massages at my ballooned midsection, and I can't tell if he's trying to help relieve pressure or if he's just marvelling at his handywork.

I know I'm reaching my limit. The stretching of my body slows, but the flow of water doesn't. Water begins to leak out of my nose and you-fucking-know-where. But even those leaks can't save me from the mounting pressure.

Once I start springing leaks, my neighbor seems to decide it's best to take cover. I can only moan in desperation as he quickly retreats. I'm a vast, swollen characature of a human form. I'm as wide as I am tall, and the swollen orbs of my breasts and ass form huge, perfect, overly bulbous spheres.

I stop growing any bigger. A deep, rolling gurgling ricochets through my guts, feeling like an earthquake only I can feel. I put my hand on my stomach, and it feels rubbery and tight. There's no give whatsoever. I arch my back as the final surge of water forces itself inside into my body.

I close my eyes when I hear a deep, slow, intense creak, and then a deafening KABLOOSH.


A much more extented and better version of what I worte haha. Maybe next time I'll try to go into more detail. And duely noted about the bikini's.


How do I pop you?

It’s a rather intimate question, so I’ll try to be concise.

I presume you understand that if you'd like to pop then you'd better also like to inflate. Because before getting to popping part you'll have to inflate a lot. I’ll take advantage of you being cocosian and will kindly ask you to shake your coconuts. They'll bounce with warm goodness and will ripen, we'll let milkshake bubbles swell from within and nourish all of you. I'll make a few posts on while you rise like a dough and will send your airy hellos to everyone you know here. You'll tell people how it feels to be soft like cream and people will write you congrats and wishes. We won't stream video or make pictures, and won't discuss dull things like what to do with your belongings because, you know, what if you won't pop?

I'll support your mighty curves until they grow turgid, fragile like tropical flowers and hard like coconuts. And if you would scream and your heart would go boom, and maybe something else too, I would drink your sweet air and peel your petals from my hair


Nice :D Any other takers? I know there has to be more than three people with ideas on how you'd like to pop a gal, hah


Might take anothe rcrack at it myself. They're fun to write :3


Feel free! :D

darkburster2's picture


as you get out of the shower I move into position, waiting for the right moment... 


Just as you get on some yoga pants I make a loud crash sound knocking something over- then spread out on the floor waiting for you to come...

as you leave the room and just enter the next, your bare feet land right into the slime, and I quickly thicken up and encase both of your feet in slime! 



Now now panicking and startled by the goopy trap, I quickly start soaking into your feet, through the bare skin... Your toes spread as slime rushes into your bare feet, trapped in the goo, to thick and sticky to pull free... Then your feet get heavy and bloated with slime until you can't lift them more than an inch off the ground....


then some eggs that were hidden hatch open and unleash more slime- it quickly rushes towards you as you're now unable to get away, your feet merely bubbling about....


the new load of slime rushes up your body and aims for your lips, shooting into your mouth as you scream out... A tentacle of slime connects from your mouth to the huge blob of goo, and you see bulges of slime start to pump inside you... 


Your feet deflate as the slime inside rushes up your legs and into your belly, pushing it out to few months of pregnancy... You arch back, trying to lean back away from the goo, but the tentacle pulls you in, pulling you to the slimy floor... A bubble of slime forms around you as you try to escape it, kicking out and pushing... Bubbles leave your bellybutton as the slime flows in there as well, and you open your mouth again to scream- letting out bubbles of air as the slime flows forcefully into you... You start to balloon out your belly becoming spherical and hard and tight... You put your hands on the side of your belly and feel it growing tighter as the skin stretches... You look down to see your belly ballooning like a large yoga ball, and flex your toes in pain as your bellybutton pops out!


to your horror, your realize there's still as much slime encasing you as when this began, meaning it's growing and reproducing slime inside your body! Veins trail across your stomach and with no more room in your belly, I work into your extremities- fattening up your arms and legs as slime backs up and pushes into your hands and feet... Your fingers and toes are forced to spread wide apart as your hands and feet balloon with slime, I grow large and stretch your feet outward... The soles of your feet widen, and your bare feet become spherical, with little bloated toes unable to even wiggle as I fill you up, rock hard from head to toes with too much slime...


as your body starts rumbling, over pressurized like an unstable bomb, I force all of the slime into your body, and you balloon further outward, the sound of wet rubber, stretching and tearing can be heard as you inflate... Your skin gets red and dark purple all over in an instant as your about to explode- you let one last agonizing scream out as your bellybutton bursts and you feel your skin rip across your belly, and your huge bloated feet burst between the toes and across the soles... Then everything goes black as you feel the rest of your ballooning body detonate and burst an instant later...


slime fills the room, and I flow into the drains, searching for the next girl...

Misery loves company.

darkburster2's picture

I know im unpopular here but I saw slime and popping so I did what I do best. 

Misery loves company.


Don't see why you'd be unpopular. I like your stuff quite a bit actually :3

darkburster2's picture

Your one of the very few in this site then, cuz I never got any welcoming here. Majority doesn't like popping and even less of those that do like it messy. I didn't even get any love when I released a full game full of inflation/popping content.


so I rarely bother with this place unless something catches my attention. And I usually get shut down again anyways cuz I'm unpopular here, trust me lol.

Misery loves company.


Even if people don't like certin things, no reason to be a jerk to you lol. So, I can happily say that I've no problem with any of that, and that it's a pleasure talking to you :3

darkburster2's picture

Thanks, good to know I do have some fans here after all :)

Misery loves company.


Whelp, don't worry - I actually quite like your stuff and that story was excellent :D 

darkburster2's picture

Oh, well thank you! :)

Misery loves company.

firnov's picture

Lets make you happy

I feed you dryed sponges till you look like you are 9 months pregnant pregnant with twins. You can play with this soft but big belly for 10 minutes.

After playing i gife you a bucket full with water and let you drink it. After drinking you will be a inflatong time-bomb.

It will be a singel experians because the pop is perminent. 

And boom goes the inflatee

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

This might be the absolute silliest inflation method I've ever seen.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Kablooey by wet sponge is definitely a new one >D 

firnov's picture

I know. But its a tottaly new consept that came into my mind.

And boom goes the inflatee

Phobos001's picture

Now, I haven't been on the site for a long time, and my writing ability is below sub-par (I'm mainly a programmer :P ), but I couldn't pass up the chance to please a new member to the forum ^^

I could  just stick a hose up your bum and fill you with a nice cold liquid, then rub and play with your body until you burst like a balloon, but I think I can do something more exciting than that. Therefore, I am going to write words and hope something interesting comes out of it.


As it is almost fourth of July, the best thing to do in this situation is to celebrate our independence by making your explosion as big and loud as humanly possible!

There's a lot of conventional science stuff we could do to make this possible; We could use a mix of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen to maximize the bang. But with the inclusion of liquids - we want your bang to be fun for you ^^ - This would be very hard to pull off correctly.

So in response to this, I'm going to come up with a fake liquid that doesn't exist that violently reacts to physical trauma in the most sensitive way... Oh, wait. That's just nitroglycerin. That's perfect!

Before filling you up, we need to make sure you're wearing the correct apperal for what will make you the most comfortable. There are two choices; A bikini that doesn't really hide much at all, but has the american flag printed on each part and is guarenteed to be comfortable, or you could wear this huge, thick onsie that has those weird flappy flag things and prudly presents the countrys colors all over. The thing is that it might be a little itchy to wear, but it would be a LOT of fun to burst out of as you grow. For this reason, we shall go with the onesie so I can add some sexy clothes ripping to improve the quality of this post beyond 3%.

Okay, so nitroglycerin only explodes when a strong enough force interacts with it, so if we're going to fill you with the stuff, we need to make sure everything is quiet and still while we inflate you with it. Otherwise we would prematurly pop you and the whole neighbourhood! We don't want that ;)

So we're in the garage of some random house that may or may not belong to either of us, and I have these nice soft blankets laying on the floor for you to lay on. You put the onsie on while I wheel this ungodly huge tank of fragile exploding water over to where you are. Once the onsie is on, you lay down on your back and prop your legs in such a way that I can easily detatch the flap and stick the hose inside your rectum. I VERY VERY GENTLY take the hose and SLOWLY push it between your butt cheeks. The hose is really thick, because it's not really meant for this sort of perverted activity, but I have some weird lube stuff I found outside of gassers one day on it, so it shoud work for the most part.

I look to see if you're ready, and I'm pleased to see this annoyed but paitent look on your face; You've been ready forever now but you've had to slog through an excessive amount of pointless text before you could get here. I give a thumbs up gleefully and go over to turn the tank valve open, knowing that your patience will pay off in tenfold very soon.

I oepn the gates, and a steady but volumous amount of nitroglycerin starts going through the hose and up right inro your chute. It starts quickly pooling inside youir belly, and you can already see the effects; Your adbadmon pushes against the fabric of your 'murican onesie, going up and out as you get fuller and fuller. I kneel GENTLY nearby and supervise your ballooning. I fear to rub your stomach   as it swells and tightens, not knowing if we would explode in an instant or not.

You're breathing very heavily from the force of the pressure rising inside you, and a terrifyingly powerful temptation to itch against the fuzzy fabric of the suit makes your increasingly nervous. If there was anything I should do, it would be to keep you relaxed. I take one hand behind your head and prop it up a bit, and take my other hand and massage your ballooning belly with it. Mind you I am scarred still whiel doing this, but it's the lesser of two evils.

This sort of thing repeats for a while. Soon your onesie tears open seam after seam, and you're finally left naked against the garage floor. Now that I think about it, if we had used the bikini it would have stayedon for the actual explosion. I guess I would just have to lay it on top of you before the explosion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

At this point I'm rubbing this oily lotion on your taut skin, making sure it stretched and relaxed as much as possible to get just a few more drops of explosion-juice inside you. You were  straining to keep it together; the pressure was overwhelming, and having my fingers on your body made you very sensitive in your... erm... region. The tightness is so over-whelming that you could barely stay conscious throughout.

Soon, I hear a click as the tank finally runs empty. I pause for a minute before sighing of relief. I look at how big you had gotten, and not only are you nearly touching the ceiling, but you've spread out a ways too! You're so full and tight though that even the smallest touch could set you off.

But now our fates had been sealed, because it was at this moment that I had the very powerful urge to give you a great big hug! You looked so tight and bouncy, so smooth to the touch and sensitive from the pressure. I couldn't help myself...

The last thing that happens is I practically dive into you, getting a frontal-full of taut skin and the defening sound of squeaking and creaking as the entire county bursts up with a fireball so huge it destroys the rest of the sto-


Okay I was a bit pressed for time, but I hope you enjoyed it! Welcome to the site and I hope you have an awesome time! Just be careful where you pop ;) 


Hah, good stuff, good stuff. Completely ridiculous, but fuck it - this stuff doesn't have to be realistic :p It had just occurred to me that exploding fireworks practically beg for some kind of popping-by-explosion story, so I'm glad someone else had the same thought >D 


One of your best yet!  The only thing missing would have been either a fuse or a rocket.


Fun little story! :) Nicely done.


...just stumbled into this: "Our culture has long privileged inflatees with a pre-eminent importance, to the point that their views still make headlines. More recently, the anthems to confidence and assertiveness that have made Katy Perry the latest embodiment of pop feminism" (c) The Guardian, How pop built liberal Britain

so true! they're the most valuable thing we have on this site!

NameTaken's picture

"pop feminism"



Hi! :) I'd likely fill you with water to make you a massive water bed, then puncture you with a pin or simply overinflate you until you burst and made quite the mess!
Heh, and since someone brought up fireworks; I wrote a story involving that by the name of The Display- up on deviantart by a different name if anyone wants to read it!