Interactive stories website

Do you guys know any good website where to write interactive stories without necessarly paying (a.k.a. ?


No but you could do it anywhere you have a gallery really provided you're willing to moderate it yourself.

doubleintegral's picture

Creating a wiki on a site like Wikia comes to mind.  Wikis are naturally easy for anyone to edit and as such make sense for interactive stories, but they do have to be monitored for vandalism.


Nonsense! Wikipedia says I was leading French at Waterloo - not Napoleon, and I won!  ...until admins found it


Jokes aside - a decade ago it kinda became the state of the industry that the lowest standard of an "empty website" includes a basic database, webserver and content-management system, usually Drupal or Joomla! Currently a lowest-level default is a ready-to-use interface for building your website from blocks using mouse clicks - there's your interactive story builder ^_^


Sounds like a fantastic idea, I'd love to write a story like that!