Looking for a "lost" CattyN pic...

So I know that CattyN will always be a sore topic in this community, but I wanted to ask if anyone still had this one pic of his that I can't find anywhere...

The pic involved his OC chewing bubble gum and blowing a huge bubble. I don't think that there was any inflation in it, but I'd really like to see it again if anyone still has it, please and thanks.


Image redacted. -- LVK

You mean this one?

Celestial-Bitrate (not verified)

That wasn't the one but thanks for trying! This pic was in color and it featured a single shot of his Oc blowing a huge bubble from behind.

I believe this may have been one of the very last pics he posted before he threw his infamous hissy fit and quit.


Oh, that's the only image that comes to mind when you say blowing bubbles, sorry I couldn't help, hope you find it :) There's a lot to be said about the author, but at least back in the day, his drawings were rather nice.

LutherVKane's picture

Gonna have to shut this one down. A long time back CattyN requested that his artwork not be displayed on this site.

Topic locked