You know what really grinds my gears?

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You know what really grinds my gears?

I remember a time, around 2004-2007 when you could search "inflation" or "belly inflation" and inflation would appear. Like YouTube.

Now it's full of fat chicks flapping around their guts and eating a lot and people call it inflation.

It's really hard to find inflation (air) on YouTube or any other search site now.

You know, like when Inflate 123 was the king of source.

Listen, I'm not against weight gain or whatever floats your collective boats but at least try not to call it inflation. It's weight gain or fat fetish.

Way back when...

You could type in inflation and Marks Morphs, Inflate123 and expansion mansion would pop up. Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way. Also, please take what I say not too seriously. I'm trying to make a point but I don't want to offend anyone.

Tattoomix x


I'm not sure I fully understand your point. Are you saying you prefered the state of things 10 years ago when there was far less inflation content on the web but it was mostly concentrated around a few main sites; as opposed to today when there's way more inflation related content out there but it's spread out over a much wider space?


I think she means people using 'inflation' as a keyword when labelling stuffing and BBW content. I do get that because the definition of 'inflation' has somewhat 'inflated' over the years to refer to a very general theme that includes things which aren't strictly inflation, it has become harder to find inflation content. But I've just become used to scrolling through the pages and pages of stuffing and vore when doing a search on dA... not really my place to complain about what other people are into.

rosette.emyx's picture

I think searching for belly expansion/belly inflation with water or air solves the problem. For some reason, if you are looking for real inflation you have to be very specific to find what you are looking for. Inflation is too broad. You said searching inflation by itself can lead to videos about BBW or stuffing content. However, there are worst things you can find by searching the term inflation. It could lead to videos about inflation in the marketplace or how to inflate tires, balls or other things. The only thing to do is to be specific unfortunately.

GiftedShana's picture

Well, not only is it a proper tagging an issue, spambots have made a mess of things now. For the longest time Youtube and Dailymotion used to be my top sources for new content. Though now, you can't type in any word/word combination relative to our fetish to find new(as in date uploaded/most recent) content via these sites. I'm not all that upset at the broadening of our term "inflation" or "expansion" in appropriate context, what upsets me are the view hoggers, the video spammers, the fake taggers, and the bots that interfere with our searches. Yet sadly, there's no real way to get around these people as they will simply make another account and load up their same cache of videos.

Just have to have the determination and stamina to sift through all the fake and repost videos.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



oh yeah, when it comes to video searches, those are the things that have made me almost give up, that and the fact you can no longer order by date uploaded.

Also, and I don't want to do anyone down... but... there are a number of people who swamp dA every few days with about 200 variations of the exact same picture with just one minor detail amended, like the same body with 50 different heads pasted on, or MS Paint circle efforts with different coloured clothes and hair.

If you find you're able to churn out a hundred images in a day then you might find your time better spent putting more effort into a single image.


I didn't think the OP was looking specifically for real-life-inflation. Assuming you aren't interested in real-life inflation then it's difficult to think what you could search for that will bring up only the thing you're looking for. Personally I just search for 'inflation' yes it does mean scrolling through lots of real-life inflation, or FA or stuffing or totally non-fetish related stuff to do with inflatables and economics but it's better than missing things I think by trying to narrow down the search. I search dA every couple of days and there's only usually a few new pages to skim through every time to do.

Blue_Eyes's picture

I agree with OP. The quality of content uploaded has taken a drastic turn for the worse.

DeviantART is just as bad now as well. You search inflation and chances are you will get random vore pictures that those knuckle dragging troglodytes don't tag correctly and then try to claim it as inflation.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

emmajanetattoominx (not verified)

I see I have raised some interesting debate. Thanks for the feedback guys.


Yeah, I kinda meant any type of inflation such as cartoon, CG, movie scenes and real life. I understand that you would get things like the marketplace and tire inflation (believe me, I know). You do need to do some scrolling of course.


I also know what you mean about spamming and tagging irrelevant names as this has been getting worse and worse over the years.  Like I say, each to their own. I have no problem with vore and weight gain; I just wouldn't call it inflation. Annnnnd I knooooooow  that words evolve into multiple meanings but it is kinda annoying.


I think inflation has really grown (pun unavoidable) over the years though, or maybe more people have come out of the wood work. So I guess the more traffic = more spamming and content.


Thanks for the feedback; Very interesting read.



rosette.emyx's picture

I think you have to search expansion now instead of inflation. On Deviantart, expansion and newest will show inflation. You can also put the type of inflation you are looking for, you just have to call it expansion. For example, belly expansion and newest will show the newest belly inflation. On Youtube or other places, searching for expansion seems to reveal inflation content. 

I haven't been sucessful looking for inflation. I've only been sucessful searching using the words expansion, belly expansion, butt expansion, ect. I'm not sure why expansion is used instead of inflation.

SirFrancisThe3rd's picture

Dude, you get me. You 100% get me. I was very new to the internet when I first found out about my fetish (2006) and by late 2009 I had a full grasp on it. But, sense my luck is terrible that is about the time all of the animations, cartoons, morphs, and movie clips "Vanished" and now it feels like the inflation fetish as a whole is going threw a dry spell. Like soooo few good inflation (that doesn't cost money) is on the internet right now. And anything new is like a small frop of water for a dead flower. And even when something good is posted (scene from a movie or cartoon, a prefect female inflation- that is just my prefrence idk how well the male inflation group is but meh- or a really good flash video/game) it is taken down almost instantly. Kind of a bummer. And to put my opinion in on the inflation economics and bbw videos over shadowing the actual inflation, it really ticks me off. That is all

Well, it's been fun

BalloonInflator's picture

Hey, I get everyone's frustration. I've noticed it too. Bots and viewhogs are definitely responsible for most of our problems, but rosette.emyx is right. If you narrow your search criteria and try other words ("expansion" instead of "inflation"), you do get significant results.

I don't think we're ever going to stop the bots and mislablings completely. Like any other subject, we're just going to have to deal with them. Yes that is a crying shame, and it shouldn't be that way, but it is.

So, we just have to be more creative with our searching. As long as the legitamate content makers continue to tag their work correctly, we can still find it. Just be patient and use less general search criteria, and you'll be fine.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

emmajanetattoominx (not verified)

BalloonInflator, rosette.emyx, SirFrancisThe3rd

You all make great points. Thanks for the interest in my post.

I shall try expansion!

Thank you all for your input ^.^ xx

BalloonInflator's picture

Happy seaching! Be aware, just like any search terms, you're still bound to find a great deal of mistags, bots, and view-hogs even with "expansion," but the more you narrow it down, the more satisfied you'll be with the results. Best of luck!

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Back in the day I remembered seeing quite a bit more real life inflation based things, and quite a few of them were female ones, in terms of ratio to males. While I haven't actively browsed real life inflation video's or art recently, the real life ones I've seen around have been pretty "meh". For Deviant Art, I don't actively browse it, but I expect that while there is more quality work, the whole group of inflation is so much larger so naturally there are going to be a lot more new people and untalented artists posting their stuff. Now, I'm not against that, but it kinda sucks when you have to take much more time to find the good images. They're still there, but oftentimes they can be rather buried. (on a side note, I'm only into medium expansion, and mostly belly specific. People/things inflating to giant unrealistic amounts doesn't do a thing for me). I noticed that its mostly those super big inflation things, where they swell up to like 5X-100X their size.

Of course, I'm only talking about Youtube and Deviantart here. There are other sites that have inflation based things, perhaps with better media, like inflatechan or furafinity. However, I don't check those places out though, so it could be that the good stuff is just posted elsewhere in more obscure places we aren't used to.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

doubleintegral's picture

Sort of on topic: some number of years ago there was a girl on YouTube that did a few pretty impressive inflations with Mentos and seltzer.  She went from slender to looking maybe 6-7 months pregnant.  Also impressive is that I think she gave herself stretch marks on her sides - they are visible in her later videos but not her early ones.  I can't remember her name and don't think I ever saved her vids.  Anyone know who this was?

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I remember that person. It was sommething about "belly10" or something like that.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Memory might idealize things, but I do miss Pop-In! - not a public place where people are free to insult each other or post rubbish, but a heavily-premoderated club for "celebrating the fine art" of bursting (or of any inflation), as BD have put it - "providing our creative authors with the highest possible quality environment".

I do understand it was a huge work for Dwarf Priest and BD, and it would be even harder to establish it now, since our numbers are huge now.

Beebobloon's picture

I just miss the KinkyKingLatex video with the blonde chick being blown up in the black catsuit.

That one was my favourite.

All deadlinks now though and arabic websites that give you 50 viruses before linking you to a 5 second version of the same video on DailyMotion.



darth_clone19's picture

Whoa this discussion 2015.

 -   Read my stories: 


There used to be a really good group page from a Russian VK site...

I would just search "female belly inflation vk" and click on the first link, then click on the videos section which had TONS of amazing stuff, but it seems to have been removed :/  some of the older vids are disappearing too, but a lot of new youtube inflationists are providing new content ^.^