Looking For a Story

So I return for aid! 

Ive been searching high and low for a certain story that involves a woman that inflates in her office cubicle after drinking a spiked coffee or something im a little fuzzy on the details but one thing i do remember is the office is mostly deserted except for the woman and another guy working later.

Thanks for any help in my search!


After thinking a little more Ive remembered a few more details the guy that was left in the office block with her was an ex scientist or something and had either put a chemical in her coffee or was controlling her growth via a remote again appriciate any help in finding this one


The Bloating, maybe?


Formerly known as unknown.


Sadly its not but thank you for the help! After a little more think i remeber that the girl thats being inflated by one of the means mentioned above wants to get bigger when the man reveals he's behind her growth. I believe she grows bigger and bigger until she destroys tje office block! Once again any help i appriciate


I take it sadly this story is forever lost? I appriciate those who have looked for me thank you




Anyone found this one yet? 

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

B to the U to the M to the P 

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Yep Bump, I love to able to find this story

RenegadeKamui's picture

The only thing that rings a bell for me is Working Light by Sievert.


Unfortunately not, thankyou though, the female inflate is actually unaware of the swelling until she rises in her seat and finds her breasts starting to cover her desk