Calling blowup_boy

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Calling blowup_boy

Sorry to interrupt but I'm having trouble contacting blowup_boy; I have tried several different methods of contact and I'm not getting a response.  blowup_boy, if you read this, check to see if my e-mail from the 7th got placed in your spam folder or read my PM to you.

Thanks, and I apologize for the disruption.


BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Blowup Boy aka Squeak Latex has been M.I.A. for a good 6-8 months already. At this point it seems he's either decided to drop off the face of the community or something more dire has occured. At this point we just have to wait and see what happens.


No, he's still active.  His last post to Twitter on the 18th of this month.


Yea, he's pretty bad about getting back to people most of the time I believe.


I certainly hope it's not attributed to his backed-up orders.  I came across a thread (now deleted) on Inflatechan with a few remarks from some pissed off customers.


I'm just trying to figure out if there's a better contact method than email, here, or Twitter.



UPDATE: Just received a response via Twitter from him.  Phew.  :)

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Thank you everyone :)
Would you happen to have his Twitter handle? I really have to get to him about something I purchased too. Thank you :D 

blowup_boy's picture

Just to chime in via my phone. 

Without going into to much detail with my private life, I've had to the business on hold for nearly 3 months now. 

Lots going on and I'm hoping to pick up on the mass of emails and orders to respond to. 

At this stage I'm not taking anything new on and will only be working on old orders already paid for until things are all caught up and back to normal. 

Apologies for the delay, but various factors in my life right now are making it impossible to look after squeak. 


Hopefully back blowing people up in no time soon. 

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Totally understandable and I sympathize with the situation. Having this life interfere with our real lives can be one of the most frustrating things.

Keep on chugging and we're all looking forward foor the future :) Thank You