Life jacket inflation

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Life jacket inflation

Hi everyone i fond a life jacket inflation on a french tv show from quebec it call "la petite vie" but it in french only (sorry everyone :() but the one wearing the life jacket is a female, i would like to no if anyone would like me to post a link of it ???????

Sergy92's picture

Go ahead. French or English, is still inflation, which is fairly welcome here!


Hmmmm nicely put :) well it on youtube put this on the search "la petite vie: Saison 5: Episode 7 - peche shower" there are three inflation scene here where you can find them: inflation 1: 6:14, inflation 2: 8:01, inflation 3: 19:18 i hope you like them.


When inflatable life jackets first arrived, they were called Mae Wests... with good reason