Idea for an inflation story with a twist....

In another page on this forum I said that I had an idea for an inflation story, an the idea (though crude by nature) is, I think, something that I dont think has really been done before in that way.

Well, seeing that I'm here now I thought I might put it down here and see what others think. :-)

WARNING: It is rather EXPLICIT in nature (not to mention a little disgusting when you think about it....:-P).

*It starts inside a doctors waiting room. We see a young couple looking a bit downcast and anxious. The Doctor opens the door to his office and calls them in.

* Once inside he asks the couple what's wrong, and they tell him-they've been trying for a baby, but no matter how hard they try they are having difficulty conceiving.

* Rather awkwardly, the man says that they have had tests, and reluctantly admits that it's his fault because of he has problems with his virility.

* The Doctor listens, and recommends a new drug that has come out that helps with male fertility. He gives them a perscription, and they collect it from the drug store.

* Later that night (after a nice romantic meal to get them in the mood), the couple gently walk upstairs hand-in-hand and head into the bedroom.

* After they get undressed the man walks into the en-suite whilst his wife gets into bed and waits for him. In the bathroom he takes the medicine, and immediatly becomes EXTREMELY arroused!

* He walks into the bedroom, and his wife immediatly sees just how effective the medicine is on his body (if you know what I mean! :-) ).

* The couple make love has is normal, with the wife on top.

HOWEVER, when they climax together they notice something isn't quite right...

* When they climax his wife watches surprised has he cums.....and keeps cumming.....and cumming...and cumming...

* He himself is unaware of this. Has he withers on the bed in passion he just keeps on cumming in a never ending stream.

* By now his wife is becoming slightly concerned by his never-ending ejectulation, and at that point she becomes aware of a strange sensation in her groin.

With shock she suddenly realises what this new, heavy feeling is-she is being filled up with the semen from her husband's all-powerful ejectulation! :-0

* Panicing, she slaps in him the face to knock him out of his delirium! Realising what is happing (and seeing the look of panic on her face) he tries to push off...


....but they are shocked when she realises that they are STUCK! One of the side effects of the medicine was not only does it increase male vitality ENORMOUSLY, but it also causes the man's penis to increase in size too to accomandate this new fertility! 

* He tries to push her off again-but now his penis had swollen so big that now she is literatlly stuck on him, and his erection is now big enough to be wedged inside her!

* They watch powerless has his semen just keeps flowing into her. Has she is leaning over him, the just watch has his semen slowly fills up her womb....

.....and once full they watch has her belly slowly starts to get rounder and rounder, fuller and fuller....

* Has she begins to wince in pain, her stomach begins to swell up bigger and bigger, looking more like a heavily-pregnant woman with each passing moment!

* Still delious from the constant orgasm, the husband watches powerless has his wife-still wedge onto his swollen penis-slowly begins to swell up like a huge pregnant woman, her huge swollen womb and stomach expanding down heavily onto him.

Unable to stop, she can do nothing but just sit there watch her stomach extend out further and further...

And to be honest, that's has far I've got with.

Like I said, I feel that it's an inflation story with a twist, and if anyone would want to have a go at writing it (and coming up with an ending) please feel free.

doubleintegral's picture

This exact scenario might be unique, but cum inflation is nothing new.


Really? I didn't know that.

I must say I haven't really heard of it before (not that I'm complaining or anything:-) ).

At the time I was writing this I thought it was a bit rare.

doubleintegral's picture

I can't think of a specific story that has it, and it's not really my thing anyway.  I do think it still qualifies as "rare" though.


Cum inflation is actually quite common (dunno about popular) among female RPers and in some inflation stories, also some m/m stories (just not into it myself, personally).