Audio commentary using Microsoft Narrator.

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Audio commentary using Microsoft Narrator.

Here's a little trick that I use occasionally when reading through my collection of inflation stories.

* Pick your favourite inflation story and then open Microsoft Notepad. 

* Copy the text from the story and paste into the Microsoft Notepad window.

(Note: If the story is already saved onto Notepad then you can just skip this part).

* Open the Start Menu, select Help, and then type Narrator.

* Following the instructions open Narrator, and when it is activated minimise it so that it wont get in the way.

(Dont forget to adjust the volume, and deselect Mute).

* Expand the Notepad (but not nessercerly full screen-just big enough to be seen) and select the story, and the Narrator should start reading out the story.

Then just sit back and enjoy! :-)

There are a few other things I like to do-the first is to listen to it through stereo headphones.

Also, my voice narrator is female, and I like to use the stories where the woman is the main character.

Helia Melonowski is really good at this. A lot of her stories are told from a first-person perspective, and using the female Narrator voice gives the impression that she is telling YOU the story IN PERSON, like she's talking to you directly, which is really great (especially in stereo headphones. It really gives you a 'shes-right-there' feel).

Another thing that helps is having a picture/morph that reflects the story itself-looking at it (full screen) whilst listening to the narration makes it more enjoyable.

Try it yourself, it really is quite fun! :-)

Inflate123's picture

Nice idea. I'll give it a shot -- thanks!


HavING her PROnounce the WRong syallABLE is very DIStracting, unfortunately. The voice itself was good though, to be fair

Fleetingsanity's picture

It's not to bad. A little fun it doesn't quite pronounce things right as stated above but that doesn't really bother me that much. 

Falcon Pawnch!

Inflate123's picture

I gave it a try. I don't think real human speakers are facing any threat, let's put it that way. :)