a small find

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a small find

Hey stumbled across this on youtube. It seems to be a short fanmade compilation for a show called Shararat. At :11 a woman tries to blow up a balloon but she inflates instead. It's VERY brief however.




Even though the effect isn't very impressive(the whole person is stretched horizontally in live action digitally), the girl is indeed attractive. Also, the "oh no" expression she gets is nice.

Fairia's picture

Is this show considered an Indian version of The Wizards of Waverly Place? I'm also reminded of another sictom way way back when, it involved a family of African American wizards and witches and that one episode on there used a technique simikar in the clip. I still can't find any info on it for the longest time and I hope this isn't some sort of memory implant about something that didn't exist