Just started writing some inflatable clothing stories feedback wanted

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Just started writing some inflatable clothing stories feedback wanted

I've posted them in the library, and would welcome any critisism. 

Link: http://bodyinflation.org/Library?tid=RubberKat


quick comments on The Shoot- good story line, first person POV is good, try breaking up your longer sentences into shorter ones so a paragraph of text has perhaps 5 separate sentences in it- all "on topic" for that paragraph; you can use the run-on construction later in the story for a paragraph or two when tension/urgency has built up and you want to speed up the rate of the story.

Write  a little bit every day even if all you write are some idea sketches, plot summaries, fragments of descriptive prose, snippets of dialog, etc. and save what you write- then review, rewrite, and revise it the day after. 

and above all... KEEP IT UP!



its magnific...pleace more inflatable clothing storys... :)

inflatables costumes, suits and clothings



I would like to say that I GREATLY enjoyed your story "The Shoot", as suit inflation is always a sure winner with me.  For any artists out there, I would thoroughly love to see illustrations accompanying this story.  I look forward to more from you.

Sticky site lover

I love them all keep going with the stories