web-enabled airpump

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biff977's picture
web-enabled airpump

okay, so I am bored and a little disconnected from reality... I was thinking about trying to figure out how to web-enable an airpump (say, an aquarium pump) so that others with appropriate access could turn the pump on and off from the internet.

my thought it this...web-camming is easy.  imagine if the person watching also had the ability to control the inflation. (I know there is a large propensity toward actual real life inflation...this could also be used to fill, say, a beachball tucked under a shirt over the belly).

I figured I'd let the group mull it over.  if I come up with anything remarkable, I'll comment later.

MixMaster (not verified)

This reminds me of something I saw on that show Real Sex or something to that effect, where a model had this chair that you paid to control over the Internet for a certain amount time for money, basically, the best way to describe it was a fuck chair, allowing you control a vibrator/dildo to go in and out and pan between several camera views. It looked crazy as shit when I saw it but its actually a pretty novel idea.

But for what you're talking about, easy as hell. All you would need would be a usb controlled power strip like here:


And a program that could probably easily written by someone far more literate than I that would enable someone to activate power to the pump over the internet.

This actually isn't that bad of an idea if you ask me ^^


Then a DOS-style attack on the site pops the beach ball in a few seconds. 

Matrix Wonka: "She must be firewalled immediately before she explodes."

Fleetingsanity's picture

I'm sure something like that could be possible but it would require a bit of engineering and programing to get the ball rolling. Some kind of rig up to say a usb plug to an eletric switch that would turn on the pump. 

Falcon Pawnch!

MixMaster (not verified)

No rigging required man, they make this product already, as posted in the link above. The only thing you really need is a program tk be written.

biff977's picture

I find klaeresource's DOS statement amusing to picture. Girl signs up to play; girl expects slow inexorable expansion; girl inflates suddenly like a blimp, screaming for help. 

Unfortunately, I shut down last weekend so I didn't get out. Maybe I can progress on it this weekend, at least past the concept stage. 


Google "home automation Internet." Years ago I ran into a hobbyist who tinkered together an interactive webcam site to allow visitors to see his dog and give the pooch treats. (A limiter was placed on the number of treats the system could dispense.) Ready-to-go systems are now commonplace. (Google "Internet dog feeder.")

That led to a site selling a variety of modules for other kinds of customization. Maybe it was A10—I can't remember as I figured I'd never want to give strangers that kind of access to my home, and it seemed a semi-expensive hobby for very little satisfaction. 

One important note: Residential ISP contracts generally prohibit servers of any kind, and ISPs regularly conduct port scans to see if someone is running an illegal server. Get a commercial contract, or read the fine print on your residential contract before getting yourself into hot water.


If you know anyone with some electronics/web development knowledge, it shouldn't be too hard to rig an arduino up to a serial connection and a relay to control the pump from a PHP webpage...

(I've done this before and it works :) )

Having fun? Me thinks so.

MixMaster (not verified)

And suddenly, I need a map because I'm completely friggin lost. :\