Just a little rant

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inflatingclothes's picture
Just a little rant

Hi all,

my rant concerns inflatechan, and a japanese balloon fetish dvd with two girls with huge balloons under sumo sized t shirts.

I've had it with people whining for a free version while people have to pay for it.

Why is that everyone wants it?  I got banned on there for expressing my rant saying that I had uploaded DNP links. (Which I didn't) I do want to see it, because of the school blouse double inflation but I've settled for photos.

well thats my rant.  How do you guys feel about it?

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


Well, it's InflateChan, a site with a bunch of boardtards and Internet Tough Guys who show no support and/or sympathy for their fellow Inflationist.  Even one of their own moderators (*cough*TinMan) is just another troll on there.  It makes no sense what they consider "banned content".  You can post DNP links, get banned, yet troll everyone (moderators included), calling each other every name under the sun, and no one does anything.  My suggestion, don't post on there unless you want to get into a flame war.  I just pass through, read the posts (if something is of interest besides the every day hentai dumping ground) and move on.  InflateChan criticizes BI.org for being too soft, yet this site has always been supportive of each other.  Isn't that why a community website focusing on a specific topic exists?


No point arguing with the trolls on that site (or any other site for that matter). Just post what you want and hopefully someone appreciate it and you please some fellow human beeings. 


Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I've been there maybe two or three times and each time i've been overwhelmed by the feeling that the people who dominate the site seem to be unable to achieve authentic relationships.




I've been there maybe two or three times and each time i've been overwhelmed by the feeling that the people who dominate the site seem to be unable to achieve authentic relationships.




The "Chan" part says it all. In any case, haven't seen any good content from that site for months now anyways.


One problem with that chan site is that the leechers there bump old threads just hoping they will get more content. One time I uploaded new content there, just to find it a few hours later on page 2 due to bumping of old threads. So I just bumped it again typing: "bumping this since it is very new and it only has gotten 10 views, due to other users bumping old threads with no new content". Then a few hours later it was now on page 3 hahaha! It was due to just ONE guy bumping 5 other threads there. Why he did this can maybe be because he didn't like my content or that he was furiously desperate for new content.

I also once got some haters since they didn't like what I uploaded. It wasn't their taste.

Too me it looks like that site is full of disturbed egoists who think nothing of themself. And I bet if they found some really good content elsewhere they will never bother to share it on inflatechan.

I had it with that site. If I find really good content I will not share it on that page anymore. Let that site just be a dead bumping thread.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


Makes us appreciate just how great BI.org is all the more, doesn't it? Also, perhaps an interesting example of how "human nature" operates. It reminds me of how the most negatively critical people often seem to produce no content (i'm not talking about inflation here btw, just something i've noticed elsewhere on the internet).



Beebobloon's picture

InflateChan is crammed full of alot of losers. Not only is BI.org so much more appealing, but it's a friendlier community. On InflateChan, they'll openly admit to hunting things down for a cheap fap. While many members of our community and their community have sexual relations to our inflation interest, we don't shoot other people down if they're after something. We come together as a friends to help eachother out.

I don't post often, and I regret that, but BI.org is a really great place, and after only ever telling my girlfriend about my inflation interest, this entire community makes me feel very welcomed and I can take safe knowledge in the fact that I'm not the only person that shares an interest in inflation, both for fun and sexual orientation in some cases.




Inflatingclothes, I apologize in advance if I am being rude, but I am slightly unsure what you are saying. Could you please rephrase your issue if possible?

From what I can gather you are requesting the vid?

Thank you and again I apologize for my stupid brain not putting words together.


inflatingclothes's picture

Well i posted a thread like a few months back about a new mcguffin vid. Balloon fetish harassment. I quote 'i found some interesting' and everyone starts demanding that we should for a share version. Dont get me wrong i like freebees.
Another thing that site is openly racest. I found that out when the board tards picked on me for my 'crap art' when someone said 'your gay nigger'
some of you know that i'm a brony and i did the first human my little pony inflation thread

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09

inflatingclothes's picture

Looks like my phone doubled post

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

InflateChan is a disgusting hive for scum and villainy. Too many times have I seen on there where some newer faces pop up to show off their half-way decent art only to get chastised by some needlessly ctrical obonxious deuschfags who never bother posting their own content. 

Yeah, the site sucks. I barely bother to lurk on there anymore as nothing good has been posted in ages.


Ah okay well again just curious, so I hope not to offend, but you ask why everyone wants it, then you describe exactly why you want it. You seem to be complaining about people whining for a free version when you were unwilling to buy it yourself. Is it the fact that people are requesting it that bothers you?

inflatingclothes's picture

Look kid, i've given up the search because
A. If i find it and share it on rapidshare. They whine that it is not on mediafire. And that cost money for space.
B. If i had the money i cant buy it because of family.
You know i feel guilty for the mcguffin guy that he is losing money because of someone innacently share it. I'm no angel downloading the 'free' content. This will happen to me when i make copyrighted content

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09

Beebobloon's picture

So.. what you're saying is that you're upset that people are rightfully upset with you not buying material somebody has spent their own time and money to make?

Hate to be critical, but your logic seems abit flawed lol.




As someone who has posted (and paid for) content to InflateChan, all I can say is:

Grow a thicker skin.

Nobody on that Chan is around to make friends, they are looking for content, nothing more. Few will ever thank you for posted content, some will even try to take credit for the content you've posted, and nobody wants to pay for it.

If the community doesn't like what you post, move on, your just another Anon, its not like you know them IRL.


So please forgive me again for offending anyone, but I will proceed to state my current thoughts.

Okay, well you might have family reasons why you can't buy it, but many others will have some legitimate reasons for not purchasing it as well. I'm sorry that you were called a nigger and you cant get your balloon-girl vid but I'm still a little confused as to what the issues are. A barely logical critisicm pops up and suddenly everyone jumps on the lets insult the channers bandwagon. Such judgements do not make this place the friendly and accepting place many do deem it to be.

Yes, the old troll-become-moderator Tin-Tits is there, but someone has to keep some standards (yes, objectivity is difficult here) and clean up the site in what is probably a fairly tedious job that not many will willingly do. I do not agree with how a certain member of the community hired a lovely young voice actress to produce some paid content, and was given DNP status. When the same files were uploaded however, it was deemed okay to keep the link up. The member was particularly graceful considering. Nor do I agree with the hammering, non-constructive critique of new artists. The thing is, it is what it is. Unlike what seems to be many of you, I do not think we would be better off with the place burnt to the ground. Inflatechan is a bit seedy, but thats almost why I like it. I like the crazed rants and goofy image responses. I like that it doesn't have a creepy stepford vibe where everything is lovely and a-okay and people can state an immediate opinion behind a barrier of anonymity (not saying this place is stepford). Not everybody needs or feels they need a "support community" and I mean that in the kindest regard to anyone who does.

As for no content in months, some artists have been producing some fantastic stuff, and others have been linking to some fantastic stuff on inflatechan. If there is a drought of content, (I dont remember there not being a drought in inflation stuff), then it is here on BI.org as well. Also here on BI.org, as well as inflatechan,  censorship occurs, or threads are locked when something becomes too controversial. Personally, I like both sites and feel lucky to be spoiled for choice in this regard.

Many inflation fetishists do enjoy adult content which is fairly prevelant in hentai and a couple other places. Unfortunately, and I understand why, but such content is not accepted here or on deviantart. Inflatechan provides a decent place for such images to circulate. Even though yes in way, it is a porn dumping ground, I hesitate to accept that such a place as BI.org is so dissimilar. This is a sexual fetish we are talking about here.

Thank you for reading my silly wall of text. Many will have very valid critisicms of what I have just said and I am very open minded in this regard. I simply feel the need to give a tiny bit of defense to a place that I, feel a little more at home.