InflateQuest (Forum-Based Visual Adventure)

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eljacko15's picture
InflateQuest (Forum-Based Visual Adventure)

Who shall be the hero of this Quest?

eljacko15's picture

Sorry, I didn't make that very clear: I'm going to try illustrating a forum adventure on here. I'll need suggestions from you guys on what you want to the player character to look like and be called, and later on, suggestions for what you want them to do.

alorok's picture

Ooh, this is interesting. Hmm... I would suggest a young woman, about age 20, of an ethnic descent. With short hair. Dressed for the coming winter. ^_^


Uma thurman

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

eljacko15's picture

Uma Thurman is 21 years old. She is proud of her Indian heritage, and speaks fluent Hindi. She cuts her hair short because she doesn't like it getting caught on things. She is wearing her favorite parka, which is also her only parka. Despite her name, she has no relation to the actress. She wishes her parents had lived in America longer before naming her. Uma isn't even an Indian name! Why would her parents name her that? How did Thurman come into the equation? These mysteries will haunt her for the rest of her life. Currently she is waiting for the bus to arrive.

Please suggest an action.


Hehe I was more thinking of how she looked: Like Uma Thurman :D 

But guess what is done is done. This was a refreshing and new and funny thread

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


She looks at the time on het wridt watch, and notices a strange tag attached to the sleeve of her coat.

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

It says "Pull to Inflate"...

eljacko15's picture

Uma doesn't wear a wrist watch, but nonetheless she feels a tremendous urge to look wristwards. Huh. That's unusual. Uma thinks she has a pretty good idea of how her coat works by now, but she doesn't remember ever having seen this tag before. She's had this coat for three years! Uma wonders why the manufacturer would see fit to include an inflate function in the coat. That wouldn't really make it warmer. Perhaps it's supposed to function as a floatation device in the event of a  . . . flash flood? Or something? Uma doesn't know, that's for certain.


When she get's home, she pulls the tag and her breasts start to inflate.


Oops, double post.


Nah, when she pull it the jacket inflates!

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

JSK00's picture

Clearly, pulling that tag will inflate her belly!

But first, the bus. Can't get inside when you're all bloated like that!

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

But she immediately feels a strong pressure in her torso, almost as if she was somehow filling up with air...


She ignores the tag and sits down to write a 300 page critique of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs.

eljacko15's picture

 Clearly, pulling that tag will inflate her belly!

But first, the bus. Can't get inside when you're all bloated like that!

Inflate her belly? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to Uma. The bus seems like a good idea though. Uma boards the bus and heads home.

When she get's home, she pulls the tag and her breasts start to inflate.

That makes even less sense!

Nah, when she pull it the jacket inflates!

When Uma gets home and pulls the tag there is a sudden FWOOMP! and the jacket balloons out. Her arms are forced out to her sides, making movement almost impossible. It is incredibly boring. Uma sighs and wonders what time it is. This is probably the dumbest thing she has done all day. Once again, she is forced to wonder why this feature was included in the jacket. There must be a sharp object or something around here that she can puncture this thing on so that she can get on with doing more interesting things.


>Retrieve arms from inflatable jacket.

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

She waddles over to the kitchen drawers and attempts to pick up a fork, but it proves to be a difficult task given the circumstances. Some people just don't have the contrived conveniences as others.

She then gets the idea to pull the tag again in the dare to see what would happen. Would her coat inflate even more or would it actually deflate itself?


As she walks to the kitchen the ripcord (tag) gets stuck in the door handle making the jacket inflate even bigger so it explodes!

And since she just wear her bra under the jacket her huge bulging 43 G tits are exposed!

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

darth_clone19's picture

this is awesome

 -   Read my stories: 


>Fondly regard coat-inflation.

eljacko15's picture

>Retrieve arms from inflatable jacket.

SPECTACULAR. Using her incredible brute strength, Uma Thurman tears her sleeves free of her coat. She twists her face into a crudely drawn rictus of angry triumph as her coat deflates around her.

CorpulentArtifice's picture

Okay, that last picture (as well as the description) has to be the single best thing I've ever seen on this forum. xD

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

Now that she's ruined a perfectly good jacket, she thinks of something else to do...she observes a pair of old bellows by the fireplace...

alorok's picture

Removing the scraps of the apparently inflatable winter jacket, Uma decides to prepare a cup of hot tea to relax watching television on this cold day.

alorok's picture

Double post, sorry.


Not to ruin the fun, but it looks more like a man than a girl / woman :p

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

eljacko15's picture

Not to ruin the fun, but it looks more like a man than a girl / woman :p

Do not worry. That is merely because I am a terrible artist.

alorok's picture

I should try something like this one day. It's a great idea. :3

eljacko15's picture

Now that she's ruined a perfectly good jacket, she thinks of something else to do...she observes a pair of old bellows by the fireplace...

Having done away with the ruins of her coat, Uma takes a substantial gander at the bellows above her fireplace. She has always felt it vital to maintain a high-power, clean, workable bellows. Actually, now that she thinks of it, Uma has never fully understood the function or purpose of these bellows. To tell the truth, they look rather crudely drawn to her. Uma's mind races with the possibilities.


I commend you for making me laugh harder than I have in a considerable amount of time :P

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

"She has always felt it vital to maintain a high-power, clean, workable bellows. Actually, now that she thinks of it, Uma has never fully understood the function or purpose of these bellows."


She figures what harm would come if she took a quick puff from them, just to make sure they were still in perfectly fine working shape. I mean isn't that why people keep these things in their houses? These things are totally supposed to go in your mouth right?

eljacko15's picture

She figures what harm would come if she took a quick puff from them, just to make sure they were still in perfectly fine working shape.

Just to make sure. After all, what could be wrong with BY JOVE!

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

Oh goodness I didn't think she'd actually do it! I guess puffing on it a few more times just to make sure wouldn't hurt...

alorok's picture

Uma lifts up her shirt, exposing her swollen stomach, to inspect the change. It's a notable pressure, but actually quite interesting, an unsure smile reaches her face.

eljacko15's picture

Sorry for the delays you guys. I've been much busier lately since the thread started and things seem to be slowing down a bit here, so I haven't had time to keep on top of the thread. I promise there will be an update or two tomorrow and over the weekend.

eljacko15's picture

Oh goodness I didn't think she'd actually do it! I guess puffing on it a few more times just to make sure wouldn't hurt...

Perhaps this wasn't the best strategy, Uma thinks, as she begins to feel confined in the space of her living room.

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

Oh goodness, it's too bad that horizontal stripes don't make you look any slimmer!

That being said, might as well keeping puffing...


Hi for my hero i pick my 16 year old female self named lila and she found wonk's 3 course meal gum and turns into a blueberry until she pops. So shall we ;)