You have a person who is beginning to float. At what point is "ideal buoyancy" achieved?

Still on terra firma, but walking is more like ill-coordinated bounding and jumps carry one multiple feet into the air.
9% (4 votes)
Pulled to tip-toes. Very little traction with the ground, but light bounces and a very slow gait are still possible.
18% (8 votes)
Neutrally buoyant, feet completely off the ground, but going no higher. "Swimming" may be possible.
36% (16 votes)
Gently floating upward. An easy, calm accent into the heavens.
31% (14 votes)
Rising fast into the great unknown, often after loosing hold of an anchor of some kind.
7% (3 votes)
Total votes: 45

I believe my main interest in our fetish seems to stem from a desire to experience personal, untethered flight, such as via a jetpack or the effects of microgravity in space (also a slightly tramatizing viewing of Willy Wonka and the Chololate Factory, I mean, saying a person could explode is bound to slightly scar a 5 year old).  To that end my fantasies have always focused around women becoming buoyant and either enjoying or being outright erotically stimulated by the floating, the act of inflation, or both.

Personally, I rather like a combination of the above choices.  A subject moving up through the stages of buoyancy until a certain point is reached.  Neutral bouoyancy or being gently pressed into the ceiling by light positive buoyancy is around ideal for me.

Formerly known as unknown.

JSK00's picture

I also feel that neutral buoyancy is the most appealing, since now the subject can move freely around the air without being pulled up or down.


Don't mind me.  Just seeing if I can get a few more people to vote in this.  Right now we have a nice bell curve centered abou "neutrally buoyant."

Formerly known as unknown.

Massive_Meghan's picture

I said "rising fast" at first, but I think I'd like  to change it to "gently floating upward." I would definitely want to be positively buoyant though.

The image in my avatar is not owned by me; I'm just borrowing it for aesthetic purposes!

RenegadeKamui's picture

I find it interesting that neutral buoyancy is the most popular option (and my preference), when most flotation stories are of the "rising fast" variety, and the rest are mostly "rising slow".  I've written a story with neutral buoyancy ("Swellyfish"), and am writing a sequel with more of the same, but in both cases the inflation eventually proceeds to lighter-than-air flotation.  I guess authors just assume that if you have an inflatee who's neither rising nor sinking, (s)he can't move and isn't going anywhere, which doesn't make for much plot.  But it seems to me that there are other options, such as being blown by the wind, carried around like a child's balloon, or even self-propulsion.  If I can think of a plot where neutral buoyancy is plausible, I'll definitely give it a shot.