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MTaylor's picture


The forum view of the threads has the thread posters name and the title of the threads in the same color & size font and I find it confusing to look at.   Maybe you could reduce the size of the usernames a couple points so the thread titles are more readable?


Just a thought.


XO Taylor

LutherVKane's picture

I played around with the font sizes a bit but it didn't do much.  I've put the thread titles in bold, and I think that helps alot.

Let me know what you think.


Luther Kane

MTaylor's picture


MTaylor's picture

When you reply to someone in a thread it puts your post right next to the post you are replying to and not at the end of the thread like most forums.

I realize that isn't an issue for 99% of threads but for my main thread
it means a new reply can get posted pages deep into the thread.

And there is not "quote post"? I guess without that it would be even more confusing to put all the replies at the end of the thread.

LutherVKane's picture

I see your point. While I generally prefer the current format as it makes reply chains clear, it is a problem for updates to long-running posts.  I'll have to look into this. There are a few issues:

I don't know what will happen to existing replies if I switch the forum to the flat format.

Quote feature: I think this would be vital to have if I switch to the flat format. There's a module that adds this, I can see if it'll work well for the site.

Alternately, though a bit more cumbersome, I could add forum posts to the Recent Comments listing. That way a reply on page 25 of 40 will still show up on that listing for anyone looking for recent posts.

Thanks for the feedback.

MTaylor's picture

I now know to use the "view new" button so that helps a lot.