Which idea should I develop into a story?

Penis inflation
17% (8 votes)
35% (16 votes)
9% (4 votes)
Neither (something more traditional)
39% (18 votes)
Total votes: 46
RenegadeKamui's picture

I'm currently going through my ideas for my next story, and I've got a couple of ideas which are a little unorthodox -- so much so, that I don't know how popular the stories written from them would be. While I'd like to break new ground in the inflation community, I'd also like to write stories that people will read and enjoy, so I thought I'd put the ideas out here to see how people react.

The first idea is about a male stripper who misunderstands the instructions for his penis pump. It came to my attention in recent months that we have at least a few female members at this site, and while they seem to mostly fantasize about inflating themselves, they might also enjoy a story written to cater more directly to them. Plus, it's not like men don't fantasize about self-inflation either: see Alec Deluxe's work.

The second idea basically uses inflation as a device to induce uncontrolled bouncing. The inflation is partial-body and relatively low-magnitude, but when the heroine falls on her inflated assets, she starts bouncing higher and higher until... well, you'll just have to read it :wink:

If neither of these ideas attract much interest, I have another, more traditional one I can develop, but I'd like to try something different. Please let me know if either of these concepts sounds like something you'd be interested in, or completely UNinterested in.

darth_clone19's picture

Im interested in something more traditional, but that's just me. Judging from those numbers in the poll, I think eventually you'll finish all of them! ^^

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

AlecDeluxe's picture

My good friend BalloonFan has, in fact, done at least a couple penis inflation stories. For me, they worked mostly for comedic, rather than erotic, effect; but there's nothing wrong with that. The bouncing thing sounds similar; but hey, I'm a kind of "fly it up a flagpole" kind of guy anyway. I don't think anyone would or should smack you down for trying something different.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

RenegadeKamui's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:
Im interested in something more traditional, but that's just me. Judging from those numbers in the poll, I think eventually you'll finish all of them! ^^

I may just do that. Both of the "untraditional" plots should make relatively short stories, so I should be able to write them both relatively quickly and submit them as a double update. Or I could release one as a companion to the "Eureka!" sequel I'm working on.


Not sure how unusual this actually is, but wet-nurses have always been a favorite concept of mine. That is, the breasts swelling with milk.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/

RenegadeKamui's picture
Vertigo wrote:
Not sure how unusual this actually is, but wet-nurses have always been a favorite concept of mine. That is, the breasts swelling with milk.

That's an interesting concept, and I'll see if I can work it into a story.

Sorry I haven't submitted a story in so long; I'm working on my MCSE, but next week things should slow down. Although "bouncing" has a narrow lead, the votes are close enough that I'm going to write all three stories. The penis inflation story has hit writer's block, but the other two are proceeding nicely, and they should be ready by the end of the month.

JSK00's picture

I was also thinking traditional. Mostly because dick-inflation and bouncing are somewhat too crazy.


I'm going to tip the boat right over and say, hey I wouldn't mind a bit of penis inflation.
Would be different to say the least.

I know it's not everybody's thing, but hey penis' do actually do inflate a little anyway when becoming errect, would be nice to see a little expansion on that or maybe even inflation via the penis.
Grounds for a VERY good blow job. ^_^

Bite me if you wish, however I bite back. ^_^