Do you or not?

75% (6 votes)
25% (2 votes)
Total votes: 8

I wanted to know how many people used one, and which ones used it. This thing seems to be real nifty for an artist of any kind.


Why yes. Yes I do.

It's great to have. A nice bonus is to do OC sessions with other artists. I just wish that program wasn't so unstable. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers.


Man, I wish I had one. I don't have a very good steady hand, so drawing ith a mouse is kinda heard, but I try to manage.
...double post... sorry.


I use one too. I dont know the especifics, just that its a Genius tablet.
Yeah, the OC thing is cool. Me and a couple others artists get online and doodle about nearly anything. hehe


I do use a graphics tablet sometimes, It's an AIPTEK, some cheap generic one I got for less than £30 a while back. I dusted it down and started using it again recently, used it for 'rising inflatee' and to colour 'make it stop'. It is still an awesome piece of kit. I didn't use it for any of my more recent hand drawn, cartoon coloured pics, because I don't modify the hand drawing and the colouring is easy enough, I don't need a graphics tablet.

Fairia's picture

What is this table PC thing?


Do the artists that have tablets trace over the top of pencil sketches to create your art? If so, how accurate is it at reproducing the intent of the line in your sketches. Also, does anyone use one with a Mac, and if so is Wacom the only company that make a RELIABLE Mac compatible tablet?

Been thinking for the longest time about taking the plunge.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

I do, but, not all the time. Mine is a Wacom Graphire3 6x8 (I'm running a Win98SE machine and it works fine on it)

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.

WakkaFan's picture

Although I've used a tablet before I'm more used to the traditional pencil and sketchbook. Probably some psychological thing.

Wacon tablets are rather good. That's the kind I used (since I'm a Mac user) and I really liked it. No lag or anything that I experienced with other tablets. Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".


I use a tablet, though mostly just for coloring purposes. Everything is hand drawn first, scanned, then inked with a mouse (pen tool in illustrator). I import that into photoshop, and that's when the tablet becomes handy.

btw, i have a wacom graphire 3 6x8, though i used an ("an" meaning 2, since the first one begane acting up a year after i got it, same with the second, but i decided to go with wacom after that) aiptek 1200U for a good 5 years.

that's about it.


I've had a small wacom for about a year now, I've only really started making any progress with it since my scanner died. I usually make a little sketch layer in blue and then trace the lines ontop of it. I then hide the blue and start coloring on the layers below the line art.