adjectives and descriptions

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Auriga's picture
adjectives and descriptions

Which words would you use to describe
a) overinflated person (i.e. turgid, taut, pressurized, bouncy ...)
b) underinflated person (sagged, limp, crumpled, weak)

Rich vocabulary is always a good thing for stories.

AlecDeluxe's picture

(a) Overinflated? I'd call that person "shrapnel." But if you mean fully inflated... I dunno... "engorged."

(b) flaccid

I want to pop so much I could burst!



Auriga's picture

Overinflated - I mean inflated beyond normal size, supposing that just inflated is normal size. And then uninflated - heap of empty latex/rubber skin.
It is just for me, though. I like deflation.


Overinflated to me is beyond regular inflation, id est when the inflatee's skin is about to rip off and their eyes are bulging out.


Overinflated to me is beyond regular inflation, id est when the inflatee's skin is about to rip off and their eyes are bulging out.


What words would I use?

All of them!

Grammar tsunami!

Blue_Eyes's picture

For overinflated: Expanded, Ballooned, Spherical

For underinflated: Empty, Deflated...uh...I've never actually thought about it.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Inflate123's picture

Turgid, engorged, and flaccid are words that's more often used to describe a penis (or something that has medically gone awry). So if you're not doing a penis inflation story, I'd beware of those.

And since it was mentioned. I see a lot of people want to use "taut" but they actually wind up using "taunt." It's a pet peeve I'd love to help correct.



Auriga's picture

Inflate123, thanks for info. I'm not a native english speaker, such things are not obvious for me.

Well, more: voluptuous, pneumatic, stretched, puffed(?)


More please


I particularly like "turgid" and "flaccid" because they sound almost the same in Italian...