Non-popping inflation - please explain

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Non-popping inflation - please explain

There have been a lot of popping-only thread, so please, explain what it is that you enjoy about inflation without limits.

For me, if inflation has no end and the inflatee just keeps getting bigger (pregnant, car sized, house sized etc.) I just get bored. I think it is because it's like sex with no orgasm. I would like to understand better, so your thoughts, please :)


My thing is the character springing a leak. I know this is not universally accepted, but there you go.

RenegadeKamui's picture

Just because an inflatee isn't going to pop doesn't mean she's going to keep growing. She could remain the same size for some time; I like stories where the inflatee tries to deal with the ramifications of her condition, or has to find a way to deflate herself. There's also the possibility of deflation -- especially with helium, deflating at an inconvenient time can be worse than staying inflated.

airtankgirl5's picture

Very much this.  The contrast of mundanities with inflated life is a huge appeal for me.  For example:  You're inflated, now try to make a cup of coffee.  It's how inflation (and consequentially, sexuality) can be brought into everyday life.  Making a cup of coffee, no biggie.  Making the cup of coffee while inflated now becomes erotic.

I'm actually going to play the gender card here somewhat.  I suspect, in broad terms, that popping is largely a male approach to inflation (the obvious plysical release of climax), while women are drawn more to a prolonged inflated state (foreplay/multiple orgasms).  I feel it's a reflection of the inherent differences between goal oriented (male brain) and process oriented (female brain).




see i'm more of a massive growth kinda guy. i love the idea of never ending growth. Popping is such a huge turn off to me though.

Ratbiker's picture

i love the continuous growing bigger and bigger. starting off as a normal inflation, but then going beyond what most find to be big enough, but they keep getting bigger! pushing against objects and bursting through walls ceilings houses, then bending over trees, toppling over buildings, covering cities, and continuing to get even bigger. i really dunno why i enjoy it, hard to explain. its such a turn on to imagine the infinite growth. also the thought of being on the verge of popping, but knowing there wont be any at all.

yes... it can seem boring for most, but not to me. its like the fun just doesnt end til theres no more room left to expand in. i usually stop around city size or planet size, but i can always want even bigger! :D


Ratbiker wrote:
i usually stop around city size or planet size, but i can always want even bigger! :D


Most people just aren't turned on by death and popping comes off more as a "one night stand" since well she isn't there anymore. It usually is simple enough but there will always be grey areas

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

This is like deja vu all over again.


That's just what you said last time...and next time...err.

Anyway, sorry if I have duplicated a thread or restarted a well-worn discussion.

oh2bpreg's picture

To me, popping = death. So no interest in that.

I also don't believe in just constantly growing. Grow to a point, stop, then eventually return to normal size and begin the precess again later. And for me, the fun is trying to do every day life while inflated. I know it's weird. Trying to do simple household chores while inflated is a huge turnon.

airtankgirl5's picture

I'm totally in the non popping camp. I've always tried to associate inflation with something positive (usually of course, superpowers) in order to make it more agreeable to women. If you want your women to get fat, there should be some sort of incentive :).

For me, popping is very much the one night stand/death issue. Popping for me, isnt the orgasm, I can orgasm just fine being merely bloated without exploding thank you very much!

I prefer to inflate to a certain size, and then, as an earlier poster mentioned, I ADORE the notion of dealing with the rigors of mundane life while inflated. This is what I actually intended to be writing when I accidentally invented an inflatable superheroine.



I like stories where they get damned close but don't quite go, often having to deal with being their size and condition for an extended period of time. One exception to this that I enjoy is the bedbenders universe. BBINC does a great job of making exciting stories/pictures of women who will never pop or even get close no matter what size they are.

When popping does occur, I like it to be quick and clean. I'm more a fan of nothing being left but clothing or rubber shreds. I figure if something as crazy stupid as a person inflating is believable so is the fact that they don't have to explode in a bloody mess. When this happens in a story, I really only enjoy the point just before she blows when she's at her absolute limit.


You know...that is an excellent point! That moment just before explosion is very, very sexy indeed. Thanks everyone for your contributions so far, interesting stuff.


Myself, I don't like popping. I think its the idea of rising pressure, the tightness, the 'threat' of popping, but not actually popping.

doubleintegral's picture

I like popping, but I also like perpetual, massive growth. Some of my own stories involve popping, but in the ones that don't, many of them feature a woman inflating to an extreme size.

I always prefer to think that a woman's inflation is more or less permanent. She will never get back to the way she was before; her old body is gone, and she must learn to cope with being a blimp. The way I see it, if she only gets to 7-8 feet or so, it's possible that, if deflated, her body would "remember" its original shape. After all, the human body is self-healing. However, if she gets much larger, her skin and muscles stretch out much more, which reduces the chances that her body "remembers" the way it was and thereby reinforces that she has no hope of being anything other than a balloon woman for the rest of her life.

I also touched on this a little bit in another thread, but helplessness also plays a role. I like the fact that an inflated woman is completely immobile once her body is perfectly round. If she keeps blowing up, beyond what even we consider to be impossibly huge, then it is proof that she is totally helpless to do anything other than simply grow larger and larger. I personally also prefer hands and feet to be absorbed once the inflatee reaches a massive size, further limiting her motor functions and rendering her even more helpless.

Inflate123's picture
Hercmech wrote:
Myself, I don't like popping. I think its the idea of rising pressure, the tightness, the 'threat' of popping, but not actually popping.

Ditto -- the threat is where the thrill comes from for me too. Though that doesn't mean I won't read a popping story, of course. Good content is good content even if it's not a choose-your-own-adventure tale. :)


Popping for me is when it stops being a cute dilemma and becomes something serious. This doesn't mean I won't ever attempt to write an uncomfortable borderline horror where the dude pops, but it'll be for concept exploration rather than actual fetish fuel.

I experimented with an endless expansion once, but I found it actually got dull after a while. What usually happens is the guy stops inflating at some point, and then spends the remainder of the story trying to find a way to deal with it. He usually uninflates himself, but I've been thinking about a story where he's unable to inflate himself and is forced to live with his immensely plump, massive, barely mobile body.

"'Turgid & Swolles', brewing the world's most filling wine since 1964."

Hercmech wrote:
Myself, I don't like popping. I think its the idea of rising pressure, the tightness, the 'threat' of popping, but not actually popping.

So much this. I don't like the prospect of death during the inflation, per se, but I can't stand when the victim is inflated to ridiculous proportions (like, larger than a house) without showing how they're being affected by the pressure. I'd rather see them pop than grow to those sizes. I'm more content with a smaller inflation, but more of a "pressure" aspect.


Myself, I became a non-popping inflation fan after I role-played popping with Maria.

Inflation without popping for me doesn't mean the girl has sex without orgasm - it's me who gets turned on, not them. I'm a fetishist, not my character.

Inflation without popping doesn't mean an endless growth for me. The limit is the same, and if safety is not observed - the character who surpasses her size will pop all right, and she understands that. And those to whom she is dear understand that they can loose her if they aren't careful, the risk and the closeness to the limit is what turns me on.

Also, in the world I imagine ladies inflate slightly on their monthly days. It usually happens at night for a couple of hours while she sleeps. But a rare funny disorder is to walk around pregnant with (quadruplets) gas for a whole day. They also swell really huge during the wonder of childbirth, which helps them to give birth without pain and blood. Looks beautiful (for a fetishist, of course ^_^ ).

Still, this is just one option - I'm for diversity, all others answers here are just as good.


I'm not really into popping per-say. I'm more into the person getting huge and then springing a leak, a big leak. The pressure release is the same as an orgasm.

wannabehuge's picture

I'm more on the side of anti-death-popping

I do morphs, my commission info is here:


For me, my interests are not in the finale of a pop, but in what happens during the inflation and after.  You have a woman.  She's blowing up, and as she blows up she loses some control.  Maybe she's in control of her swelling, but in her bliss, she inflates much faster than she had planed to.  Maybe she started the inflation, but once it has started it cannot be stopped or altered.  She's losing dexterity, she's losing mobility, she's losing gravity, and because I like to imagine being inflated to be a highly erotic experience, she's losing herself to pleasure.  There's a part of her, some sensible, polite, almost prudish part, saying that she cannot enjoy this, that she cannot surrender herself to the swelling heat within her.  That part of her brain leads and commands through the assault upon her senses, but it is a war that she cannot win.  The pleasurable feelings wear down her defenses, rubbing her nerves raw with the sensations of stretching, bigness, and buoyancy, putting her on the very edge between stoic and sensual, until the realization that she isn't on the floor anymore, or a stiff wind, or a bop agains the ceiling, sends her cascading over.

After that, you have the experimenting, the poking, intentionally making herself go "boing," setting herself tingling again.  You have navigating a world meant for two feet using only some impromptu handholds.  You have the ramifications of a life-intruding slow deflation.  What's it like?  What's different?  What's the same?  What's better?  What's worse?  That's what I like in my inflation fiction.  It is not mutually exclusive from popping, but popping just isn't as satisfying as a character coming to terms with the inflating and all the pleasures/annoyances it brings.

Formerly known as unknown.

darth_clone19's picture

Im neither goal oriented nor egotistical about my own pleasure in sexual encounters (in most I actually never cum, to me the intimacy is more than enough to make me have a good time without the need for release, which is nice, but its not easy for me to get it with another person), and to me popping is a very important part of inflation. So what is it? Am I a sadist? (I may have a little of that...). To me the inflation that is most exciting is one that is against the will of the inflatee. In such a situation, nothing can be more against your will than getting to the point of actually blowing apart. There are elements of danger, fear, hopelessness...and I love it. Doesnt make me a psycho (one of the reasons I named one of my stories "Murder", since there was a time on this forum some people actually said people into popping were potential psychopaths). The lesson here is that sexual experience is a very complicated thing that is hard to categorize because of so many exceptions. In the end, it comes down to whatever floats your boat. You cant stop liking something sexually just because you read a well reasoned response as to why it makes no sense, or why its chauvinist, or whatever. I saw that PETA video about how they treat ducks before killing them to sell their meat..I was horrified. Duck a la orange is still fucking delicious, though.

 -   Read my stories: 

rosette.emyx's picture

I think women or men could be into popping. I'm a woman but I don't equate popping to an orgasm or death. Instead I see it as more of breaking past limits. For me, one of the appeals of inflation is testing limits. It starts with a fully clothed person.

When the person is first inflated, they may try to resist the inflation by holding things in or tieing things down under their clothes. It would depend on what was inflated but I think it could work for any type of inflation.

Then the person becomes too big for those attempts to work so they are left with just thier clothes. The clothes will continue to stretch until they rip or tear. Then continue until they are just scraps.

Then the person will continue to inflate to whatever their physical limitations are. Then once they have reached their limit, they will continue to inflate until they pop.