Frustrated girl seeking advice

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Frustrated girl seeking advice

I don't know if anyone will remember me or not but I posted on here over a year and a half ago asking for some education on inflation. My boyfriend (who just became my husband less than a week ago) had told me he was into inflation but wasn't ready to talk about it a whole lot. So I came to this site and got some really great advice and helpful suggestions from a few of you. Well, I'm back for some more help.

Please forgive me if I come off a bit frustrated, but truth be told I am. We've been together for almost 2 years now and I'm worried about him not opening up more about it. He knows I'm totally cool with it and honestly want to incorporate it in some way in the bedroom. Hell, I've looked for suits and whatnot but he still is so quiet about it. It's not like the sex is lacking or anything but I really want to do this for him. I want to be involved in this and it's so frustrating to know he's into something that for some reason he still is self conscious about.

Isn't there something I can do? Some insanely hot suit I can get to knock his socks off? Because I hate seeing pictures or stories on his computer and wondering why he still wants those instead of using me.


you could always just inflate yourself for real ;)

Bacn's picture
Bellywolf wrote:
you could always just inflate yourself for real ;)

I think that would be your best bet. Or you can ask if he'll let you inflate him. 8P


Having artworks and videos on his computer is a common sign but being self conscious around you... hmm... I think it is due to the fact that he thinks you'll make a bad response to what he'll be asking.

Take my advice. Watch inflation videos, read inflation stories and look at inflation artworks with him. Doing that for a couple of days may ease him up around ya.
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09


Open Up To Him, me and my Wife are getting the same problem, but after some time we've had our inflation fun.

You have to show that he can be completly open to you, and as said before. Try REAL Inflation. that may ease him greatly, but thats my opinion based on my experiences.

So, try and learn how to do both Real and Fake. i'll be glad to help if you need it.

TheBlue Inflator

darth_clone19's picture

Maybe you can read the stories he likes to him, in a sexy way. Also, he should let you look at the artwork with him, maybe tell him what you like about it (even if you really dont, thats not the point), how you'd like to be that girl, ect ect.

 -   Read my stories: 

doubleintegral's picture

I disagree about trying real inflation as a definite solution. It's not really for everybody, and having a bad experience with it could do more harm than good. There's definitely some risk/reward there, though.

The other suggestions are valid though. If you immerse yourself in inflation stories, pictures, etc., tell him about your favorites, and look at stuff together, then he may open up more easily.

But please be patient with him. You have to understand that he has programmed himself to keep this very internal. I know I did, and it took my wife saying that she wanted to be blown up into a balloon before I was really able to open up to her about it. And I'm still kind of shy about it around her. (For what it's worth, we have never and probably will never try real inflation. For us, it's mostly roleplay and sharing story ideas.)

Good luck!

Verona wrote:
I don't know if anyone will remember me or not but I posted on here over a year and a half ago asking for some education on inflation. My boyfriend (who just became my husband less than a week ago) had told me he was into inflation but wasn't ready to talk about it a whole lot. So I came to this site and got some really great advice and helpful suggestions from a few of you. Well, I'm back for some more help.

Please forgive me if I come off a bit frustrated, but truth be told I am. We've been together for almost 2 years now and I'm worried about him not opening up more about it. He knows I'm totally cool with it and honestly want to incorporate it in some way in the bedroom. Hell, I've looked for suits and whatnot but he still is so quiet about it. It's not like the sex is lacking or anything but I really want to do this for him. I want to be involved in this and it's so frustrating to know he's into something that for some reason he still is self conscious about.

Isn't there something I can do? Some insanely hot suit I can get to knock his socks off? Because I hate seeing pictures or stories on his computer and wondering why he still wants those instead of using me.

All guys look at porn whether they have a fetish or not. Even guys who date famous models, actresses, or porn stars for that matter are going to look at porn, so I think the first thing to do is to make yourself comfortable with the fact that him doing so is not a reflection on you at all. I mean, looking at it from a different perspective, is it reasonable to think that marriage means you'll own every orgasm he'll ever have? If his "alone time" is excessive then I can understand your concern, but if you still have a healthy sex life then I don't think you should be too worried.

I see from your prior posts that he was going to give you a list of his favorite stories. Did you ever get that? With that information, we may be able to explain what it is about the female characters that he finds sexy, though it sounds like he already gave you some clues.

You're talking about buying inflatable outfits and such, but I wonder what your degree of interest is in the fetish itself? Your guy might not be the type to enjoy roleplay with you if you're not really into the "fantasy." If you really do want to try to initiate an inflation roleplay with him (with make believe, or stuffed clothes, costume, inflatable catsuit, etc), I think you'll have to really do your homework. Examine the dialogue of the female characters in inflation stories, especially the ones he likes. Try to figure out what makes those characters sexy--ask us here what we like about those characters, to be sure you get it right. Then totally put yourself in character and lose your inhibitions and become an inflation character for that night or afternoon or morning or whatever. Verona the open-minded newly-wed wife could become Veronique the inflatable french maid, or Veronica the inflatable nurse or Vickie the inflatable cheerleader or something. Don't look at it as trying to get his attention--he's got a real world and a fantasy world that he visits in his alone time, and if you want to be part of that fantasy you may need to literally adopt a fictional persona to gain access--and leave Verona in the real world for when he wants to make love to his wife the old fashioned way.

This is all rushed and sleepy speculation/rambling of course. I'm entirely up too late tonight. Off to bed I go.



To me this all sounds kind of one sided. If you have a fetish then you should also tell him about your fetish. Then you can both work out a kind of compromise. I seriously can't comprehend the problem because I would think that if most people had a gf that was interested in their fetish they would jump at the chance.

Inflate123's picture

I am also not sold on the "try inflating for real." That's a little big for a first step.

He might just be shy about it still, even though he's told you about it. My wife is totally aware of my fetish but she doesn't often say "show me what's on your hard drive." Your enthusiasm might be a little scary to him, if he's still coming to terms with it himself. Maybe he can't actually articulate what he likes, or give you reasons for how he feels -- it took me a long time before I was even able to identify elements that repeated in my favorite stories and whatnot before I realized, "Oh! That's a trigger for me!" He might not know those, and if he doesn't know them, he can't explain or share them. And there is the chance that he feels like he's burdening you with it, but it sounds like you've already had that talk.

I really think the best thing to do would be to just talk with him about it -- "Hey, I'm interesting in exploring this with you; can we talk about what you like?" That's non-threatening and about as open as you can be. And if he still doesn't want to, yeah, maybe it's just a time thing.

FWIW, sometimes, I'm in the mood for a story or a piece of art, and sometimes I'm in the mood for her. There's a lot of crossover but his tastes may vary like that. It's like a craving. I don't think it's necessarily a problem, and it's certainly not your fault. You're certainly not closed-minded about it!

Oh, and congratulations on the gettin' hitched thing. :)


My wife doesn't really know what turns me on as I don't really tell her the full story of what I'm into, I just share the bits I want to share. For me, my inflation in my personal secret, it's part of me that I choose not to share, unless it's through the anonymity of the web.

Part of it (for me anyway) is that whilst I'd like my wife to 'get it' I feel that she'd just be going through the motions to please me (which doesn't really turn me on).

However, I think as some of the others have suggested and taking an interest by reading the stories or watching the videos might give you an insight into what might arouse him and also give you a way to get him out of his shell.

I know that if I came home to find my wife indulging in something that turned her on, I would get aroused too, and although most stories are about people inflating there's so much other stuff you could incorporate to suit yourself too.

Why not try writing down your own ideas of what would turn you on and maybe him too and discuss it with him. Make a project of creating your ultimate combined fantasy and see if he'll bite.

If not, don't sweat it. Maybe he's like me and wants to keep it as his thing, and if he does that doesn't mean he's not still hot for you. I know my wife has no complaints about my labido!

doubleintegral's picture
Verona wrote:
I hate seeing pictures or stories on his computer and wondering why he still wants those instead of using me.

Thought I would come back to this point since I overlooked it the first time.

People inflating themselves in real life to look semi-pregnant is one thing. Inflations of huge sizes, as is generally depicted in most stories and drawings, have no basis in reality whatsoever. If he's in the mood for that type of inflation, unfortunately there is little you can do to satisfy him because it is purely fantasy. It sucks, but what can you do? Such is life when your fetish doesn't stand up to the physical laws of the real world.


I generally dislike real inflation because I'm just as shy as your husband and I might freak when I see my lass inflating herself for real when I just got into the room.

So I rather go with darth_clone19, doubleintegral, Wren, Inflate123 and Bob_King about this one.

One more thing. Bellywolf, bacn, and InflatorDan, never bring that up as a suggestion to someone with a shy lover like Verona here.
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09


forgot, you can still satisfy him by writing inflation stories like we do, make inflation artworks like most no doubt, or make some pictures of yourself and do morphs. Check out the Story Archives and Art Gallery for any ideas where to start off with. If you can't, you can learn from us.

Sorry if I typed one way but I'm a "Get Involve With Someone!" type of person.
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09

swella's picture

Firstly I must say say your husband is very happy to have someone who is willing to fulfill his sexual fantasies. Do you share the fetish or are you more just wanting to please him. Like the others said, I wouldn't take it as rejection that he doesn't want you to be part of this world at first. But with time once he feels more comfortable I'm sure he will.

How about being a bit playful and putting something under you top to make you look a bit bigger. You could then ask what he thinks. If he liked you better before or to be even bigger. But be a bit careful in case he thinks you're wanting a baby or a boob job!


First off, thank you all so much. I seriously thought about deleting the post right after I posted because I was afraid I'd come off stupid and get told that, but everyone here has been so nice and helpful. You guys (and girls) rock!

So I've since talked to my husband and he admitted that while he has wanted to take this into the bedroom he is still a bit embarrassed by it. It's hard for me to relate because my fetish is the most main stream fetish. Well the most widely accepted "kinky" fetish. I'm into DBSM, but not on any huge level. Bring the hand cuffs in the bedroom and bite my neck and I'm happy. I guess the middle ground would be that I like being made to feel helpless; usually by rope but whatever, an inflation suit can do that right?

Anyway, I got him to check out inflation suits for me (catsuits?)and he seems really happy about it. I guess I'm more worried now about my role in all this. I honestly have no idea what follows now. What will it feel like? Can we have sex? How exactly does this work with the suit and all? Who inflates? How long does it take? Can you use water? The questions continue though I imagine he'll be able to answer most, if not all, of them.

I just worry that because it's not my fetish it'll take something away from it for him. Is there an expected reaction during inflation? What is "real inflation"? I thought that wasn't possible? Anyway, I don't want to fake a reaction and I'm sure the experience will be fun if nothing else. I somehow imagine I'd revert back to a seven year old and try to bounce and roll around.

I have read inflation stories but it's like translating another language to me. I don't get it. I understand the theory (I think) but it's hard to understand what's hot when you don't feel it yourself. I wish I could adopt it as my fetish and maybe to some degree I can, but I feel limited as to what I can do for him. I hate that he feels shame for just being him. I like his fetish, it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's really kind-of nice to not feel pressure to be a twig (he's into bbw). It's a refreshing change to know a guy would rather you gain weight as opposed to lose some. Though that's a story within itself - I've gained almost 20 pounds since we've been together. He claims he's not doing it on purpose... :)

Wren, you are right. I do need to study more inflation stories. Can you link any really hot ones? Ones were the female is really hot anyway? I need to know what's good and what isn't.

He didn't give me a list though I think he started one and just sort-of forgot it. He instead told me what he's into but he didn't go into any real detail. He only told me that he is into force feeding, fat and inflation. No popping and liquids are prefer over air but both work. He said real inflation kind-of scares him as he's seen/heard/read horror stories about it. Though I still don't really know what real inflation is.

We have done some stuff. One night he fed me strawberries and dessert, it was hot but he's into a bit of force and I'm a bit scared I'll choke and either embarrass the hell out of myself or end up having to receive CPR. We tried a pillow up my skirt but that was tricky. Not to get into too much detail but he likes being on top and the pillow made for too much between us. It was awkward. I do belly dancing (which he loves) and can pull in and push out my stomach a fair bit and that always gets a good reaction but it's not quite the same.

uhcm - I am an artist by night so I am seriously considering drawing some pictures for him. Kind-of shy about getting it wrong though. Will start practicing soon.

Anyway, Swella I do want kids (he does too but not for a few years) and I tease him all the time with "You know, my boobs and belly would like double, or even triple, in size". I love the expression of temptation and frustration I get in return. :)

Oh and doubleintegral I totally stole your wife's line. I whispered that I wanted him to blow me up into a big balloon this morning and got the hugest grin. It was great. Thanks!


Maybe ask him what sort of inflation things he likes. As in ask him for the answers to your questions like what reaction you'd like if you were using an inflatable suit etc. Every inflation fetishist has their own sort of interest and their preferred way of doing it, so the best way would be to find it out from him.

Real inflation is as it says; people trying to inflate themselves in real life. Usually they do it through air pumps in the rectum. Results aren't usually anything to write home about (maybe pregnancy-level with practice I think, but otherwise not much) and it's probably pretty dangerous, so I wouldn't reccomend it.

I think when you're in an inflation suit, actual sex (penetration etc.) wouldn't really be possible until it was deflated and you we out of it... Maybe you could use the inflation as just a little bit of foreplay for him, then deflate and take it further into the bedroom. If you like being restrained, I imagine an inflatable suit would be good; it'd be pretty damn hard to move that well while wearing one, especially if he was lying on top of you or something.


You could always try wearing a dress with a balloon stuffed in it, like Amber here. Perhaps even let him run the compressor.


I wonder if KinkyKing have one of those inflation suits made for sex. If not, he can invent those kind. >.> Just a thought.

>.< ,!,,! for a weird reason, I like seeing lasses being inflated (in an inflation suit) in a wedding gown.

*uhcm moves his fist up and down like he is sounding a truck horn rapidly, and shouts his warcry* Whoohohohoho! >.< ,mm

PS: I wonder if I'm not the only one who likes to see lasses in wedding gowns. >.>? lol
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09

Verona wrote:
I'm into BDSM, but not on any huge level. Bring the hand cuffs in the bedroom and bite my neck and I'm happy. I guess the middle ground would be that I like being made to feel helpless; usually by rope but whatever, an inflation suit can do that right?

This is perfect! Ok, you know that feeling of helpless that turns you on when you've been restrained? Well picture this... You keep eating strawberries...Hundreds of them in one sitting, an impossible amount...and as a result you beginning swelling up all over. Picture that you blow up bigger and bigger, your ability to move getting more and more difficult until you become so big and full that you can't move. You've been restrained by your own body. See the BDSM element in inflation? Inflation goes well in conjunction with just about any other fetish.

Verona wrote:
Anyway, I got him to check out inflation suits for me (catsuits?)and he seems really happy about it. I guess I'm more worried now about my role in all this. I honestly have no idea what follows now. What will it feel like? Can we have sex? How exactly does this work with the suit and all? Who inflates? How long does it take? Can you use water? The questions continue though I imagine he'll be able to answer most, if not all, of them.

This sounds like it's going well. If he's picking out the suit he will hopefully be able to find something he likes. Personally, I like the cheap homemade method--get some balloons or jumbo beach balls or something and position them strategically underneath some stretchy clothing and then have a healthy imagination. But everyone is different.

Verona wrote:
I just worry that because it's not my fetish it'll take something away from it for him. Is there an expected reaction during inflation? What is "real inflation"? I thought that wasn't possible? Anyway, I don't want to fake a reaction and I'm sure the experience will be fun if nothing else. I somehow imagine I'd revert back to a seven year old and try to bounce and roll around.

Real inflation...If you don't know what it is, you probably don't want to. I think only a small minority of inflation fans are into it, and it makes those who aren't a bit squeamish to discuss it. I'd categorize it as a combination of inflation fetish, enema fetish, and body modification fetish. If I were you, I'd try to focus on the BDSM element. Think about when Violet turns into a blueberry--big, round, helpless and at the mercy of whoever wants to roll her around.

Verona wrote:
I have read inflation stories but it's like translating another language to me. I don't get it. I understand the theory (I think) but it's hard to understand what's hot when you don't feel it yourself. I wish I could adopt it as my fetish and maybe to some degree I can, but I feel limited as to what I can do for him. I hate that he feels shame for just being him. I like his fetish, it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's really kind-of nice to not feel pressure to be a twig (he's into bbw). It's a refreshing change to know a guy would rather you gain weight as opposed to lose some. Though that's a story within itself - I've gained almost 20 pounds since we've been together. He claims he's not doing it on purpose... :)

Hehe :) ...From this post and your posts last year, it sounds like you really do understand most of the fetish. It sounds like what you're missing is what is the turn on from the inflatee's perspective. I take it that you've outgrown some clothes? How do you feel about that? How would you feel if you outgrew them in a matter of minutes, while you were wearing them? How would you feel if you got to a size where you were comfortable, but your body decided to get a little bigger than that, and then a little bigger, and then a little bigger and you couldn't stop? Is that similar to what BDSM is about? Allowing yourself to be restrained so that your lover can take you to a higher level of sensation than your rational mind would normally allow?

Verona wrote:
Wren, you are right. I do need to study more inflation stories. Can you link any really hot ones? Ones were the female is really hot anyway? I need to know what's good and what isn't.

I'm a fan of anything written by L.V. Kane in the stories section of this website. :)

Verona wrote:
He only told me that he is into force feeding, fat and inflation. No popping and liquids are prefer over air but both work.

Here are some weight gain stories I like:

Verona wrote:
We have done some stuff. One night he fed me strawberries and dessert, it was hot but he's into a bit of force and I'm a bit scared I'll choke and either embarrass the hell out of myself or end up having to receive CPR. We tried a pillow up my skirt but that was tricky. Not to get into too much detail but he likes being on top and the pillow made for too much between us. It was awkward. I do belly dancing (which he loves) and can pull in and push out my stomach a fair bit and that always gets a good reaction but it's not quite the same.

Force feeding is sexy to read about but it's not something I'd enjoy doing in real life, so I can't think of any suggestions. There is actually a whole "pretending" fetish for women who can stick their bellies out and make themselves look pregnant. I don't get that one.

It sounds to me like you're on the right track. I'm confident that your open-minded curiosity and desire to please your husband, plus him beginning to open up will allow you both to enjoy mutual fantasies eventually. :)


airtankgirl5's picture

Naturally, everyone's stance on this is a little different. My husband is into inflation, and after learning about it, I became totally hooked also, if anything, my enthusiasm for it has surpassed his. It got me into writing my own silly inflation series.

One of the things I love about it all is that I can totally set the pace. Example, I went to the dentist one morning for a cleaning. Deliberately wearing a stretch top and yoga pants. When I came back, I padded up my clothes a bit and just walked around for a little while until he noticed and gave me a "what happened to you?" straight line.
"well I went to the dentist, and I think I got a little more gas than normal, I feel sorta...bloated" and then things go on from there.

You're already doing your research I think, now take the reins. Even though it's not actually your cup of tea, nothing will bring it out of him faster than you instigating it. He probably feels that as long as it's limited to the bedroom and him asking for it, that he's imposing an unfair burden on you to perform.

As my husband says, "Take the fight to him."

Just a thought. Good luck, and speaking as a convert, I think it's really sweet that you are trying this hard for him.


dragon_6860's picture
Verona wrote:
I guess the middle ground would be that I like being made to feel helpless;

I have read inflation stories but it's like translating another language to me. I don't get it. I understand the theory (I think) but it's hard to understand what's hot when you don't feel it yourself. I wish I could adopt it as my fetish and maybe to some degree I can, but I feel limited as to what I can do for him.

Hey Verona, Just wated to add my two cents in here...You've probaly heard it before, but if you like the helpless feeling, then inflation is right up your street. Hehee, you can't get much more helpless than a big inflated ball! I would look over inflation stories, try to imagine yourself in that postition, where you're inflating hugely, unable to move, just wiggle your hands around. Look around, there's a ton of stories out there, and there'll be one that matches with your intrests :) Anywho, good luck! I'm sure you'll find out the right mix :)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

darth_clone19's picture

If my girlfriend (actually, the girl I want as girlfriend), whispered in my ear something like: "Im gonna blow up like a big parade balloon! Tie me down..." I wouldn't grin, cuz I'd friggin die right there :p

 -   Read my stories: 


heres a tip for real body inflation. You put a bike pump or aquarium pump up your anus. then you start pumping. but know your limit. you'll know when your deflating when your fart trust me.



Why revive a thread that died nearly four years ago?