New Idea - Inflation CCG

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dragon_6860's picture
New Idea - Inflation CCG

This is just a random idea that popped into my head, and wanted to know what ya'll thought. I was thinking, you could make a inflation based CCG pretty easily. The basic idea that I had was something like this...

You have a girl (or a guy, or whatever) under your control, and that's your "Charater" the char has diffrent stats, like, say, she can take 10 points of belly inflation, but only 3 of boob, or 6 points of all body, stuff like that. You'd also have action cards, things like, "Heilum tank, increase choise area 3 points, reduce weight by 2" or "Water Hose - increase area 1 point a round untill removed" Random stuff like that. The goal of the game is to make the other girl pop/immobilize/float away depending on your tastes :-D

Anywho, When i get some spare time, I'll try to hash out some cards so you get a better idea of what I've got in mind :) Anywho, What do you think? possible? fun? or dunno?

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


CCG? please explain


It means collectable card game. sounds good BUT kids would be playing it so it would have to be cartoony.


Hrrmmm.... sounds good indeed, but there could be a more mature version too.
Just looking at some of the artwork used on CCG's makes me sad, a lot of it can be ridiculously good. ^_^;

Oh my goodness! Imagine an inflation based CCG that worked with the Playstation Eye!
Just like the Eye Of Judgement... you could have little 3D inflatable characters!

EEEEeeeeeeeee!! *dies*


Me and a friend once made a dice game called "Inflation Roulette" purely for rp purposes ofcourse since we came up with it on Furcadia. It was actually pretty fun really :D and all you needed was a dice rolling program (which furcadia had built into it). The rules are a bit long-winded, but if anyone would like to know then i'll dig up the .txt file and past the contents onto here :D


I'd like to see. :D


I recall seeing some Spanish speaking person (or was it french. i forget) making some kinda Yugiohish looking inflation cards on DA.

Your neighborhood friendly inflation content lurker. ^_^

dragon_6860's picture

Well, it would'nt be for the "public" :-D But seems to be a bit of intrest, so on friday, I'll try to sit and work out a few dozen random cards, heh, dunno HOW you would play it with each other, but eh :) one thing at a time.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

dragon_6860's picture

Ok! I got the first batch done :) this is just the charater cards, no real detail, as I've still not worked out how "summoning" will work, but eh :) one step at a time :)

Enjoy! and tell me if it sucks (probably)and how confused you are (very)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


I like how you have consistent rules, similar to other CCGs. ( I.E Enjoyment, ect...)

dragon_6860's picture

Thanks :-D I've made more cards as well,

I'll be making more over the weekend, hopefully I'll have a nice bunch :)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

dragon_6860's picture

And it's done. Or at least the alpha is :)

Hope you guys like! Now just to figure how HOW to play it....

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

JSK00's picture

Very nice.

You should also add to the Mystical Resources a Moon Bubble. A "Moon Bubble" is a giant bubble that is formed by moonlight upon a lady's navel. It reaches full size---that of a human--- very quickly, and once it does, it will inject by way of the navel "Moon Magic" into the belly, causing it to swell.

Here, that can be reinterpreted as "1 point for X turns, X as the level of enjoyment".


Cool Idea, and when I saw the cards I thought it might actually be cool to play (Maybe someone could program an online-play thing). There are a couple of comments I'd make:

1)Flight seems over powered. Not only does it give people an advantage with some cards, but it makes them immune to one of the TWO ways of winning the game. Maybe make Flight increase the Boyancy needed to float away from 4 to 6. That would be a great compromise.

2)Some cards need qualifiers, so that they aren't active all the time. For example, make it so BellyDemon can reform from popping ONCE A GAME, or other things.

3)New Concept: Instead of having a Boyancy Meter, have a Weight spectrum. Natural weight is zero. If you have 4 weight (from water or whatnot) then you are immobilized and lose. If you have 4 Boyancy then you float away. If you have weight, and gain boyancy, it reduces your weight until you hit "zero" and then you start gaining boyancy, and inversly if you have boyency, and gain weight, then your boyency goes down and until you hit zero, then your weight goes up.

4)Another new concept: Jumping. Jumping would give you all the card advantages of flight, but wouldn't effect your ability to float away, kind of like Halfway flight. (A card with Jumping could make full use of the City in the clouds, but could still float away.) This would let Airtank Girl still float away (as she doesn't ACTUALLY have flight in the stories) but still give her her mad jumping ability.

5)I know he may be the hardest person on the planet to get a hold of, but Fukureruba (a.k.a. Big horse) has some truly amazing works, though most are anthro/furry. If you don't mind putting that in your game, ask him.

Card ideas (I might be a while in making these, so feel free to make them if you have the time.)

"She'll come down eventually. . ."
Play this card ONLY on your main character and ONLY as a reaction to her floating away. Character's weight is set to zero, and she loses a number of inflation points equal to the amount of negative weight she had. You may only play this card once per game.

"Reformation Procedure"
Play this card ONLY on your main character and ONLY as a reaction to popping. Character looses ten points of inflation. If the character has 2 or more boyancy, increase their weight by 2. If the character has 2 or more weight, reduce their weight by 2. This card may only be played once per game.

Play this card only if you have a sidekick. When this card enters play, chose a sidekick, and tap them. That sidekick remains tapped until this card leaves play or they do. Your Maximum weight is increased by 3, and your maximum boyancy is increased by 3.

EDIT Made a new template for character cards that you are free to use. Found Here

I included a template and a sample person (Alyia) Here is how to read the card:

Name (Creator)
Gender(Species)-Type {A.K.A. Normal, magical, Science}
[card text, Inflation points followed by special abilities]
[Level of enjoyment graphic. The YELLOW box indicates starting level of enjoyment. Put a counter here to keep track]
[Left side of the Card: Weight graphic. Yellow box indicates starting weight. Put a counter here to keep track. B indicates Boyant (B3 means 3 levels of boyant). Numbers mean levels of weight. If you decide not to use the weight spectrum, you can redesign this to 12 levels of boyancy.]

Please note: If you decide to use this, please give credit using my other online handle "Agent Smith." Don't ask, long story, short version: I go by Agent Smith.

dragon_6860's picture

Yay! Feedback! :-D Ok, one at a time...

1. Flight is overpowered I agree, but boyancy was also an overpowered way of winning, as you only need 4 points to win. I'll fix that, maybe I'll make it so that when you have, say, 8 boyancy, you float away no matter what.

2. Yah, I need to explain things better, but hey, it's the first time I ever made a game :-D The fact that people weren't COMPLETELY lost I take as a great bonus :) Anything else you didn't understand?

3. I'm most likely going to put in a weight meeter in verson two, that'll enable the WG crowd to get in on this as well :-D

4. Ehh...Dunno about jumping...I'll think bout it though.

5. Oh I know :-D I'm a huge fan of Big Horse's work, and I used his stuff in a few cards. Of course, I don't want to use a lot of stuff until I get permission, as It'd suck If I made 20 cards and then he said, "No, you can't use them"

Yay! Card Ideas! Oh, also, puffyseraph on DA made some card templates that I like,
I do like your slideing counter idea, but may make the card look too busy...hmm...

Anywho, Thanks for all of your ideas and feedback! Now I just need to find someone in the community who can cobble together a bare bones flash multiplayer thing...which i think may be harder than anything else :-D

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

Inflate123's picture
dragon_6860 wrote:
Hope you guys like! Now just to figure how HOW to play it....

Not to be mean, but this is kind of the first thing that needed doing. :)

I helped build a CCG once; it got as far as playable prototype with placeholder art, but that was sort of the first stage: game design, not art design. We were commissioned to create one to test its feasibility for a comic book publisher who wanted one for their properties. Ultimately the game worked but was not all that much fun, so they said "thanks" and stopped the project when it seemed like it would not be worth it to enter the very competitive market.

So that's a long way of saying...can any of us play this with each other? Because otherwise, these cards should probably go into an electronic game, single- or multiplayer...and that, too, requires coming up with the game design first.

Making this work will be trickier than you think. Just be ready for a few months of deep game theory thought.

dragon_6860's picture

Heh, I know...In an ideal world, I'd have some sort of open-ended flash-type game that we can fiddle with. There's a engine out there called "Gattling Engine" that's used for old or discontinued CCGs that would be perfect, but I've no idea about how that works.

And true, I could've tried to work out how we would play it with each other, but the way I thought, that would require a lot of work and more than a few people. With this, there's at least SOMETHING tangable that people can see, which may inspire them to give me a hand, without it, it's all vaporware, you know?

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


I remembered I had some files I uploaded to an old (and now defunct) Anthro inflation page, so I grabbed a couple of them and made some generic-ish sidekicks (as I noticed the game was lacking sidekicks.) As Dragon-6860 wasn't terribly pleased with my new card format, I used his old format, but added my own graphics, which I like. In the new "Me style" the Normal red Balloon is natural, the Red balloon with a potion is Science, and the red balloon with a star is Magic. I tried to 'balance' the cards with what was already available, but feel free to mod them as you see fit. Basically I made some low-costing characters but with some pretty big downsides.

dragon_6860's picture

Ohh no, don't use MY formats :-D My formats are horrible :-D Puffy Serpah, made some that I think look pretty good :)

I like that chars though, I'll fiddle with em, heh, and yah, no many sidekicks, Hopefully in the verson two, I'll have "Teams" that'll all work together in certan ways, but we'll see :)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


Maybe you could ask puffyseraph to post his template so others could create cards using it? Right now they are cool, but would only he has the template and I have a few action card ideas . . .

dragon_6860's picture

K, I'll ask her to post the templates.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

fwoomp's picture

Of course, like any programmer, I've written Blackjack, but this is a completely new challenge.

I've heard that JAVA or Flash with XML is the best way to write this, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of docs out there to whip this kind of program up. I'm interested in the online multiplayer ccg project, since it's probably a lot easier than an MMORPG (earlier thread), provided that there's a good starting point. MMORPGs have good prefab engines that get you "jump started" in a couple of weeks, but I haven't found anything for CCGs.

I'm going to have a ton of time in a month or so, so I'm shopping for a project.

If anyone has any good docs out there for the development, PM me or post them.

Ping complete

dragon_6860's picture

Ohh, wow! Someone with programing experience! :-D The Card Game may not die yet! :-D

I've found nothing online, but there is one thing that may be helpful. It's a program called gatlingEngineâ„¢, and it's used for a program called CCG workshop. Basicaly, it's a program that runs CCGs, mainly old ones that've been discontuined, but some that are still around. That would be the perfect program to use, but I've no idea how it works and what you would need for it to work. I dunno if that helps, but Anything I can do to make the project live!

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

fwoomp's picture

Oof. The developer agreement requires a signature and a resume. Not something I would be a big fan of.

I was thinking about doing something with electro-server and flash, something that would work in any web browser like the Magic: the gathering stuff.

Ping complete

dragon_6860's picture

That's what I was thinking. And Yah...I was thinking of sending them a e-mail, saying we're just doing beta testing, but something tells me that that is a strictly server based program. I don't really know where to go from here...any ideas?

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.