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LutherVKane's picture

I had a lucid dream last night. Like most of my lucid dreams, this one turned to inflation. It's definitely one of the stranger and more entertaining dreams I've had.

The beginning of it is fuzzy and I only recall vague flashes of it. I was in a cartoon world that operated under cartoon physics. I was stalked and attacked by a number of beasts. I incapacitated one by sticking the hose from a pump into its mouth and inflating it.

The world shifts, and it feels like I'm waking up. I'm no longer in the cartoon world. I'm home, and there's a cocktail party going on. The house is filled with people, some familiar, some not, some I recognized as real life versions of people I saw in the cartoon world. Most importantly, I still have the pump with me. It's like a bicycle pump, but shorter and wider. Strangely, nobody at the party seems to notice that I'm carrying a bright red pump.

This is the point where lucidity starts to creep in. I question whether I'm dreaming. I get sidetracked because I'm convinced that I just woke up from dreaming I was in cartoon world. And if I've just woken up, I couldn't still be dreaming right? But if I wasn't dreaming, then why did I still have the pump? This was quite concerning. I want to figre this out quickly because I intend to do what I usually do when I achieve lucidity in a dream: I'm going to try to inflate someone. And this time, the dream has even given me a freaking pump to use. Could my subconscious be any more obvious in its intent? On the other hand, if I was actually awake, then it would be highly inappropriate to walk around trying to inflate the guests..

Note to self: If you're not sure whether you're in the real world, then you probably aren't. It's a very good thing that, even when dreaming, we assume that we live in a world of consequences. But it's irritating sometimes.

The dream starts to fade. Sound become jumbled, walls become blurry. I'm standing, but I can feel the bed pressing against my side. I'm aware of my own breathing.

I've had some luck staying in a dream by trying to immerse myself in it. That is, I stop trying to examining the dream or bend it to my will, I just go along with it. In this case that meant going into the kitchen to mingle. The walls solidify as I walk down the hall.

I'm standing among a small cluster of people. The conversation is boring, and is being dominated by a loud woman I think I recognize from the cartoon world. The rest of us just smile and nod. I'm not paying attention. I've gone back to contemplating the dream. When the world faded, it confirmed my suspicions that I was dreaming, but I'd gone back to playing by the dream's rules. I want to fix that.

In theory, you can do whatever you want in a dream once you're lucid and the more experienced lucid dreamers can and do. If you want to inflate someone, just think it and it happens. In practice, there are varying levels of lucidity. I've often lamented this. I've had much more luck influencing dreams if I play as much by the dream's rules as possible. This time I was absurdly lucky; before I became lucid, the dream has supplied me with a pump that I knew could inflate people.

I focus on the woman who's talking. She's older, blonde, wearing a loose flower print dress. I think her name is Marge. Her words are an endless drone. Even when I listen I can't tell what she's saying. I try to stuff the hose into her mouth. She swats it away.

"What are you doing?" Finally, I can understand her. She looks at me like I'm crazy. This often happens in these dreams, and it's reassuringly familiar.

I hand her the hose. "Go ahead, try it."

She shrugs and complies. It's very rare for a dream character to push beyond the initial protest. The rest of the people are relieved that she's no longer speaking. The cluster shifts, reforms, and the two of us are outside of it.

Excellent. No audience.

I push down on the handle. There's a whooshing sound, and Marge's belly swells. Marge is shocked, and she presses her hands against her middle to confirm what's happening. The pump puts out a lot more air than is possible for its size. I'm pleased by this. If it behaved like a real pump, then I'd wear my arms out trying to fill her up.

The handle spring back up, and I press it down again. Marge's torso grows to the size of a barrel, and some of the air goes into her arms. She's having trouble keeping them bent. She looks at me with disbelief. I see that her face has swollen some as well. It used to be thin and wrinkled, but now her skin is plumped and smooth. I pause for a bit, fascinated by this. A few more pumps and Marge's dress is pulled tight around her but stretching quite a bit and staying together. Her body is a slightly oblong ball with fat, stubby limbs protruding. She makes muffled noises of protest. I remove the hose.

I leave Marge standing there. She's unable to speak, only making unintelligible moans that are almost inaudible over the background of music and talking. She seems surprised rather than angry or afraid. Nobody else at the party notices her condition.

Marge was just a test run. I only inflated her because she was nearby. But now I know for certain that the pump works in this world. And since I'm dreaming, I can do whatever I want with it. I go to the living room to find another target.

I see Laura. She's a friend of one of my neighbors. She's a short, skinny, cute brunette. Like the group of friends she's with, she's young, pretty, and perky, but she catches my attention. I'm feeling confident now. Without saying a word, I walk up to her, place the hose in her mouth, and start pumping.

She only gets out a sharp squeak of surprise before she inflates. She looks around frantically at her friends for help, thrashing her arms. Laura blows up differently from Marge. Her body grows round, but her arms are unaffected. They stay slender as her body bulges up around them. It happens quickly. It only takes about ten seconds to get her almost completely spherical.

Then her friends react. At first they don't even acknowledge me.

"Holy shit, what's happening to Laura?"

"Somebody help her!"

Then one of them turns to me. "What are you doing to her? What the hell is wrong with you?"

I stop pumping and retreat to the kitchen. Nobody follows me, but a crowd gathers around Laura.

Lucidity starts to waver. While the dream hasn't completely turned against me, it's starting to enforce its rules of conduct. I can't just go around inflating people without consequence. I'm annoyed because now I have to figure out how to get someone away from the crowd in order to inflate her. That's much trickier.

While I'm contemplating this, Sarah approaches. I know Sarah from work, she's in a different group in a different office but we've met a few times.

It only takes a moment for me to size her up as a potential target. She's quite attractive, tanned, toned and fit. I know her, so I could probably draw her away from main party if she were there by herself.

But she's not. Sarah's with her husband. This is strange. While I know that Sarah is married, I've never met her husband, seen a picture of him, or even know his name. In my dream he shows up as tall, rugged, and very muscular. The kind of guy who could easily break my face if I did anything inappropriate. For some reason I instantly like him. I'm more concerned about offending him than I am about being beaten.

"I saw what you did to Laura," Sarah says. She says it casually, but I feel threatened. She only the second person in this dream to acknowledge that someone was inflated and that I'm responsible for it.

"Yeah, that didn't work out as planned," I reply.

"You made her pretty big." Sarah isn't at all upset or disapproving at all. If anything, she seems amused by it.

"Could you do that to her?" Hubby asks, tilting his head towards Sarah. "You know, maybe you could blow her up, and we could have some alone time."

I'm caught completely off-guard. I turn to Sarah. "Do you want to do that?"

She nods, clearly excited. "Uh huh."

"Um, okay, let's find somewhere private."

It's a big party, and the house is quite full. I look around for a spare room that we could use, but there are people hanging around in every room we check. Eventually I realize there wouldn't be anyone in my bedroom so I lead them there.

"We can use my room. Sorry, it's a bit of a mess. But I can blow you up here, and you two can use my bed." I'm happy to offer it if it means I can inflate someone.

"You wanna stick around and watch?" Sarah asks. It's like she's offering a customary courtesy. Hey, we're going to use your bedroom to fuck, the least we could can do is put on a show for you.

"Um, I think it might be kind of awkward to watch one of my coworkers have sex," I replied. I'm still trying to get my brain around having a willing subject for inflation.

Sarah shrugs. "Okay." She and Hubby sit down on my bed. I hand the hose to Sarah, and she puts it in her mouth. She turns to Hubby and strokes his leg. She's nervous, but she's also bouncing gently on the bed with excitement. She looks back at me and nods. She's ready.

I press down on the pump, and Sarah clenches her eyes shut, wincing with strain. It takes more force this time, and the effect is much less; her belly swelled enough to lift her blouse and expose her midriff, but that's all. I hesitate. Hubby holds one of her hands while she gestures to me to continue with the other. Pushing as hard as I can, I pump again. Sarah plumps up a bit more, then the hose flies out of her mouth.

"Dammit!" she shouts.

Hubby hugs her. "Don't worry, honey, we can try again." He hands the hose to me. "How bout I pump and you hold the hose?"

"Okay," I say. He stands up and takes the pump from me. Sarah lays down on the bed. I hold the hose to her mouth with one hand and the back of her head with the other.

"Ready?" I ask Sarah. She nods and gives me a thumbs up. "Go ahead and pump now," I say to Hubby.


The pump is much more effective in Hubby's hands. The rush of air is more than Sarah or I expect. Her eyes snap open wide with surprise and she jolts, arching her back as her stomach balloons to an enormous size. In an instant, most of the buttons go flying from her blouse and the front of her skirt starts to split. After one pump her belly was already half as wide as my queen-sized bed. And Hubby doesn't give her time to catch her breath.


The air spreads through her entire body this time. Her breasts, spared by the first pump, rapidly fill until they were several times larger than her head. The remaining buttons on her blouse give out and her bra snaps. Her arms and legs stick out stiffly and grow thick.


Sarah's cheeks puff up and her lips grow plump. Her whole body expands outward. Her breasts grow huge, but are stretched across her torso to form vast domes. Towards the end of this search, her skin faintly groans. I look at Sarah's face for any signs of distress; her eyes are closed, her expression blissful. I wonder if I should take the hose out. She seems very close to bursting and I'm not sure if she can handle another pump.

I wonder too long.


Sarah creaks and squeals, quivering as she grows larger. I look up at the curve of her belly. Her navel is much closer to the ceiling than it is to the bed now. Her skin is visibly strained, stretched farther than I thought possible.

I remove the hose. "I think that's enough."

Hubby nods and sets the pump down. Sarah is panting, eyes still closed, lips curled in an ecstatic smile.

I run my hand across her incredibly taut, tanned belly as I head for the door. "You two have fun." Hubby was already taking his shirt off as I left.

I enter the hallway. There's something going on out in front of the house. I can't tell what because everyone's crowded in the entryway and spilling out onto the front yard. I can see flashing lights and a big crowd.

After I spend a while trying to get a look at what's going on, Sarah and Hubby emerge from my bedroom. She's deflated and fully dressed, her clothes intact again. Both of them look quite happy.

Sarah puts her arms around me. "That was amazing," she said. "Too bad you weren't there to watch." My first reaction is fear, since Hubby's standing right there. He just looks on, smiling.

She looks around and sees that the rest of the guest are focused on whatever's happening outside. She kisses me.

"Maybe next time you can stick around," she says. "There can be a next time, right?"

I'm a bit dazed. "Yes, of course."

"Good. Maybe it can be just the two of us. And you can do more than just watch."

Now I'm terrified. I look over at Hubby, and he just smiles, nods, and walks away.

Then we both notice that a camera crew has pulled up in front of the house. The local news station is filming. We push away from each other, both thinking the same thing. We don't want our bosses seeing us making out on the evening news. She goes to find Hubby, and the dream fades out. I wake up.


Woah, I wish I could have lucid dreams.
And I wish my english was better so I could read your whole story...

I had an inflation dream too. I dreamt I won the suit they used in the commercial I posted this week. I tried it with clothes over it and it felt nice, but it felt apart and I came to the conclusion the suit I have in real life is way better and I was releaved.


Wow that was a hell of a story, I'm surprised you could recall it in such details :D

bostoncowboy's picture

that was amazing LVK.


I actually had an inflation-related dream just a few weeks ago - a rather bizarre one, but relevant nonetheless. Now, I almost never experience dreams that cater to my fetish in even the vaguest sense, and when I do, the inflation/expansion tends to be 'hinted at' rather than shown (a nagging sense that somewhere nearby - yet just out of reach - some lovely lass is inflating). Hence, when a dream does come along where inflation is not only featured, but is explicitly shown as well, it tends to stick with me. This particular dream was especially impressive because, not only was the inflation shown in exquisite detail, but it also boasted a surprisingly coherent plot to go along with all the mind's-eye-candy.

The description is a bit long, so bear with me.

As the dream begins, I find myself existing as a disembodied presence - an unseen observer, rather than an active participant in the events. A fly on the wall, as it were. The scene opens upon a gorgeous, fairytale-like garden, bursting with bright, blooming flowers, great old trees with lush canopies of leaves, and soft, green grass underfoot. Early afternoon sunlight shines down upon the idyllic landscape, and birds sing merrily as they flit about. A number of people - most of them female - are milling about the garden, enjoying the scenery. Some are clad in Victorian-like finery, while others resemble something out of a Peter Pan fanfic gone horribly awry. All appear to be in high spirits. The overall mood is one of happiness and serenity.

Suddenly, a cackling feminine laugh splits the tranquil air, and the crowd turns to see a strangely-dressed (by comparison) young woman standing in the branches of one of the larger trees, gazing down at them with cold contempt. She is astoundingly voluptuous - think Jessica Rabbit, only with ginger-colored hair and wearing an impossibly-tight, pink and yellow latex catsuit - and holds what appears to be a glass scepter in one hand. She utters some stereotypically megalomaniacal threats of the sort that would make Skeletor proud, causing those present to shrink back in fear. She then proceeds to tilt back her head and suck in an enormous breath of air, causing her breasts and belly to expand hugely. She holds this immense breath in for a moment, then purses her lips and exhales a shimmering cloud of silvery-blue sparkles, which gust towards the onlookers with surprising force.

The crowd immediately screams in panic and breaks into a run, desperate to escape this gusty blast of apparently deadly glitter. Their efforts are in vain however, and as the sparkles touch their skin, they transform - one by one and with an abrupt "pop" - into balloons. Not balloon-like versions of themselves, but actual party balloons, which bob helplessly in the air, apparently neutrally buoyant.

Seeing the crowd reduced to a herd of bobbing balloons, the strange, latex-clad woman breaks into a fit of maniacal, triumphant laughter, causing her prodigious bosom to bounce and jiggle in a decidedly eye-popping fashion. She is only moments into her gloating however, when a piercing, defiant scream - worthy of the lead singer of Manowar - splits the air, interrupting her sadistic revelry. She turns sharply, eyes blazing, clearly enraged at the intrusion. As she does, we see a viking (yes, you heard me) - complete with a braided, man-eating beard and shaggy mane of dirty-blond hair, clad in naught but a bearskin loincloth and horned helm - charging toward her, spear in hand, atop the back of an eight-legged horse.

The latex-clad woman glares at the intruder, her eyes burning with furious hatred. She draws in a tremendous breath - even larger than her first - causing her body to balloon so large she can scarcely see over it, before unleashing another devastating blast of transmogrifying sparkles at her attacker. The viking - battle-hardened warrior that he is - manages to evade the blast, but his steed is not so fortunate, and immediately dissolves into balloons beneath him, throwing him into the air. As he strikes the ground, the viking rolls with the impact, coming up on one knee. The woman is already inhaling another breath, puffing herself up until she is nearly spherical. The viking wastes no time however, and while his opponent is still engorging herself with air in preparation for another attack, he pulls out a bow and arrow. Moving with the utmost haste, he draws an arrow from his quiver, takes aim, and fires.

The arrow strikes its impossibly bloated target dead-on and, with a loud BLAM, the latex-clad woman explodes - bursting apart in a shower of glitter. As the sparkles rain down on the garden, they touch the flock of helpless balloons that were once people. A series of gentle "pops" fill the air as, one by one, the balloons revert to their original, human forms. Much cheering ensues, and the viking takes a bow, humbly accepting the praise of the grateful crowd.

Then there was cake.

And then I woke up.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Mentalyinsane's picture

Kurg, that was awsome.

Personally, any drems I have been having that have inflation in them, don't ACTUALLY have inflation in them (bear with me here). Instead, most of the time they have non existant inflation art work in them, sometimes from artists who don't actually exist (yet I always know of them in my dreams).

The name's Noitalfin, http://noitalfin.deviantart.com/

Inflate123's picture
LutherVKane wrote:
Hubby hugs her. "Don't worry, honey, we can try again." He hands the hose to me. "How bout I pump and you hold the hose?"

I think this is the really interesting part. (Well, okay, it's all fascinating.) But where there was an established relationship between Sarah and another man, your powers didn't work. But when he took the controls, incredible results. It's like your ethical concerns and natural discomfort overruled your own dreams.


most of my inflation dreams have to do with my wife teasing me about inflation, then something accidentally goes wrong


While this thread did inspire me to start taking notes about my dreams as soon as I wake up, none of them have been about any sort of inflation, in fact, the majority of them are pretty vague.

Oh, here's a good one, *ahem*, Here's what my notecard says, verbatim:

"-giant fiery Phoenix is attacking city
-Trying to escape via car, nothing in car is working
-I wake up"

I'm just terrible at dreaming, I guess, even looked up "lucid dreaming" on Wikipedia to get tips.


Note to self, see about turning LV and Kurg's dreams into comics.

mosherballoon's picture
Note to self, see about turning LV and Kurg's dreams into comics.

that sounds to me like a good idea :) I was thinking to myself the other day of maybe making quick comicstrips out of my dreams, inflation or otherwise. I mite start to do so and I think that you all should aswell :)


Yes I think that Kurg's dream was awesome and thought about trying to adapt that to a little comic somehow :D


my wife would slotter me if she found out i turned my dreams into comics lol

Mentalyinsane wrote:
That's like my flying dreams, no matter how hard I try I just never can get my airplane to climb above the power lines, smokestacks, building etc. Maddening! :x

That's actually a common dream that people have. But I forget the reason behind it... oh well.

Yes, I believe that's called a frustration dream. I seem to have a recurring one where I'm in the wilderness and I'm being chased by something big and hairy, not sure what it is since I only catch glimpse's of it. Eventually I trip and fall down, and the moment I do my entire body feels very weak and fatigued. No matter how hard I try I cannot move fast enough and I can hear the creature getting closer. I then get extremely frustrated at myself, and then I wake up...


I dreamt last night I wore my inflation suit but it was blue en tight. Someone inflated it with water. Just a little, I didn't want to destroy my suit.
Heh, since this topic I have regulary an inflation dream. :D


I actually had a bit of an inflation dream just the other night. I dreamt that I was in some sort of store like at the mall, and I was wondering around in the electronics department and stopped to look at the TV displays. This commercial suddenly came on that showed this cartoon about little balloony characters that inflated themselves. I only caught a glimpse of this and then it went back to whatever was on before that.

Needless to say, I began to race home in an effort to catch it on TV, but I got stuck in traffic and then woke up. Yes it was pretty strange, but just thought I'd share it ^^


I get them at least 3+ times a week (Most are blueberry expansion, but I do get the regular air/helium inflation every now and then), always have had 'em. Plus the fact that that lucid dreams aren't that rare to me make for some fun dreams.

Sadly though most of them aren't that creative and tend to include the basic Wonka expansion story and trying to face the world at the side of Violet Beauregarde... Just because they're regular doesn't mean that they're not awesome though. ;D

Chewing gum isn't a bad habit, it's a wish for something better. <3

Inflate123's picture

I rate inflation dreams on happiness, not originality. :)


Hm, odd one last night. O:
Me and someone else snuck into a graveyard to find this entrance to 'Wonderland Church'. We managed to get through the incredibly tight squeeze and came out the other end to find a bunch of bunnies and chicks and a giant banquet on the table... I eat one of the bars of chocolate and next thing you know the bunnies turned anthro and I'm a giant strawberry on the table and my only response was 'Couldn't I have been a blueberry instead?' to the disdain of my friend.~
God I love it when dreams mess up like that, they're always fun.

Chewing gum isn't a bad habit, it's a wish for something better. <3

darth_clone19's picture

Wow Kurg, that was a very metalhead, inflation dream \m/

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Jnff's picture

ive had a few. but the one i wish was true the most is one about this alien chick, with pointy ears, and a one piece suit. she gets huge! and blows up realistically. god, shes H-O-T!

make um big, and make um real.


I dreamt last night I was playing with balloons and putted a big one in my pajamas and blew it up. I was very round! And it felt really nice! But there was a leak so I couldn't enjoy it for a long time.

WakkaFan's picture

A few days ago I had a short dream. It took place in some large city, full of skyscrapers, and two girls were falling from the sky.

Well there was this third girl wearing a white top with black pants and she was standing on one of the buildings and chose to catch them.

So she leaps off the building and somehow inflates herself large enough to wedge herself between two of the buildings and catch the two.

The first girl bounces off her back and lands safely (I don't remember where) and the second bounces off her too but her hands were sharp for some reason and punctures the girl in white and black causing her to deflate all over the place.

Probably one of my more satisfying BI dreams, despite the length, since that particular scenario is among my favorites.

http://wakkafan.deviantart.com/ Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

retrobane's picture

Hm, why not?

I've had quite a few inflation dreams when I was younger (I have mostly forgotten these, and the ones I do remember are incredibly strange and/or more boring than average for dreams), and some rather more adult ones in the last year or so.

The oldest "adult" one I had that I can remember made absolutely no sense. I was all hells of blueberrified and some older woman, evidently from some kind of law enforcement agency, was trying to either arrest or shoot me for no readily apparent reason. She kept hiding behind a door and taking potshots at me, and as I was a blueberry I couldn't really do much about that. I think she managed to nick one of my breasts, which was a bit of a downer, though the rest of me didn't pop.

The most recent one was last month, I had a dream I was a sort of inflatable courier. I had to deliver packages in a wildly futuristic setting, but the caveat was that it was basically delivery via hot air balloon (or, well... helium-filled girl balloon), with me as the balloon. I really enjoyed this one, as my subconscious was not trying to pop me and I was free to enjoy it and pay no mind to the fact that a wildly futuristic setting would use such an implausible means of parcel delivery.

Of course, I'm not sure the reasons for that one were so sound as I was terribly bloated at the time, and I later discovered that it was because my sdfghsing appendix burst. If not for the excruciating pain, it might have been enjoyable, as my stomach was really inflated-like. >>

Myself in three words? Killer alien vagina.

Auriga's picture

Setting which makes inflation the only possible mean of transport, E.g. between flying isles, is one of my favorite dreams.
Novel about it is quite abandoned. Ahem. And part translated to english is, well, tiny.


Over the years, I have had a few inflation dreams, but more frequently have had dreams involving balloons and floating. One dream had me stuffing two helium balloons in my shirt causing me to float away. In a few others I was sucking on a hose from a helium tank until I would float. Often these dreams ended as a "wet dream". I think my earliest nocturnal orgasm was in connection with a floating dream.

LisAinflation's picture

I never have dreams like this wonder why

Inflate me! Pop! Oops! hee! ^^


Many of my artworks came from dreams.


Actually, I can remind of an inflation dream I had some months ago.
In the dream I was on the beach with some friends of mine, when we see a gigantic pool dug into the sand which was filed with liquid chocolate.
A friend of mine would like to have a drink, but I tell her: "You can't drink it all, ***, you'll explode!".
She doesn't listen to me and starts drinking; at the end the pool is completely empty and she's become a huge mountain of fat.
The funny thing is that this friends of mine is really short and skinny, so isn't simple to image her as an immobile SSBBW.


I had a dream last night, that my girlfriend was looking through my computer and found the pictures that I had saved. And she said "we need to talk" And she said "I really like this too and want to get into it" then she looked at the pictures and was saying playfully "it will take more than one big pump for me to be satisfied" Then the dream becomes fuzzy and I don't remember much and then there was a vague part where she was lying on the bed with a hose drinking loads of water saying how she doesn't feel bloated yet, when she clearly had gone past human limits. I think that was my second inflation dream in my whole life. Which its all weird because its hard to imagine my girlfriend being like that, one of those dreams that just seemed so real though =D


My dreams from yesterday night will soon become drawings you'll maybe see on Deviantart someday.

Fleetingsanity's picture

I can't say I've ever had a Breast expansion dream and the one time I stumbled into lucid dreaming I flew and it was awesome but, the thought of busting out some BE on a woman in my dream never occurred to me. My dreams are generally fucked in the head and fun as hell but they're normally not erotic in any way so I guess that's why I've never had any dreams about expansion.

Falcon Pawnch!


I had this really weird dream once, ages ago. Its the only one ive ever been able to remember.

Well, I was in a mall, in the ceiling there was a lot of pooltoys, sliding towards the center, and down a tube, ending in a pile on the floor. Walked over to them, and saw they started popping, revealing inside of them, some living inflatable girls, looked like real girls, but with skin like latex, and valves on the bodies.
They walked over to me, grabbed my hands and took me into a room, let me sit down on a bed, and then started touching each other, noticing how rubbery their skin were, like pressing a balloon. They then took out some pumps, attached one to one of the girls, and slowly started pumping her bigger and bigger, seeing the latex body getting huge and tight. She then walked over to me, while the others started inflating each other, always trying to get just a little bigger.
She pushed me down onto the bed, and placed her tightly inflated body on top of mine, teased me, touching herself and her hugely inflated breasts... Only to all of the sudden burst like an overinflated balloon that just couldnt handle it anymore. One of the other girls got jealous, wanting me for herself, so she had poked a needle into the other girls body, causing her to now be a empty deflated body on the floor.

And then I woke up. I guess its pretty clear what im into :P but, if by chance anyone else is into this kinda thing, please throw me a PM, havent had much luck finding others into something like this.

Auriga's picture

Nice dream.


I've been lucid dreaming a lot lately, and pretty much every time I take the opportunity to inflate my belly as big as I can. It takes some practice, but I've gotten pretty good at it.

I had one lucid dream where I was near a car when I started to become lucid, and once I was lucid I inflated my belly to huge proportions. I tried to get in the car, but my belly was so big the door wouldn't close.

I was wearing a black T-shirt with some writing on it, and the writing warped around the curve of my huge, spherical belly. It had a certain stable jiggliness to it: kinda like a tight water balloon, only much bigger. It protruded like 3 or 4 feet in front of me.

That was a good dream.


Lucid dreams makes our fantasy possible. :D
I once had one and tried to inflate myself but I failed and I got so excited I wake up. :s

Ratbiker's picture

i've had many crazy inflation related dreams. some of them are re-occuring. while others are hardly memorable by the time i wake up. i'll post them when i'm not busy.



Had another one, just the other night, first dream ive been able to remember, after the other one, might as well write it down, in case I forget it shortly :)

I was in my bedroom, noticed a girl on my bed, she was wearing a skin-tight latex suit, spreading her legs. In her hands she was holding a pump, with a hose leading down between her legs, she would slowly start pumping, watching the suit expand more and more.


I onced dreamt i was in this room and i has a playstation joystick. And whenever the joystick vibrated i started inflating so big. It felt so real.


I have a few pretty freaky dreams, and quite a few of them are inflation related. The most recent one I had (I'm quoting this exactly as I saw it) was an imaginary reality TV show called "Hot Girls Inflating Very Fast" (that's what it said word for word),that looks into the lives of young girls with the ability to blow up. There were a few inflations in it. 

The first was a girl in a red polo shirt with huge spherical breasts, which almost made her entire chest look like a ball between her stomach and her neck. 

The second was a girl wearing a bikini who had the biggest belly I've ever seen, yet the rest of her was thin. I found that one rather sexy. 

The third was the longest one. It first showed this short "interview" with one of the inflatable girls, who was wearing a short sleeved red shirt and a long black skirt, and she was talking about herself being able to inflate. It then showed the same girl just about to enter a large store when she is stopped by a reporter who supposedly works for the show and asks her to demonstrate her inflation. She smiles and says that she will. She then breathes as if she's trying to calm down. She then takes a deep breath, and as she inhales, her breasts and belly both inflate simultaneously. And she inflates pretty big too. The dream then showed the shows title screen with the name "Hot Girls Inflating Very Fast" and advertising when it's on TV before I woke up.

If you're turned on by the idea of a girl turning herself into a balloon by taking a really deep breath, this is the guy to talk to.

Take a deep breath in. You'll need it.