Thinking Of Writing A Story

I'm thinking of writing a female inflation story. My plan is to start with belly inflation then go to full-body, possibly x-rated material. Problem is, I can't come up with a viable plot. Suggestions?

darth_clone19's picture

She is inflated with helium by her boyfriend's lover!

Why x rated?

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Inflate123's picture

Define "viable." :)

A few scenarios that you could spin into your belly-to-body story (and I like Darth's suggestion too--revenge fantasies always work well):

Spies! Female agent undercover gets caught, "tortured" by mad scientist.

Genetics! There's this one girl who's basically a mutant, normal to all appearances but for the fact that she can breathe really deeply. It makes her oversensitive and her new boyfriend completely crazy with lust.

Wonka! An older Violet returns to Wonka for a second visit, realizing that she has been craving another inflation and it's taken on a more sensual context.

Don't expect your first story to do everything right, but don't hold back either--see where writing a story takes you, and then when you've had time to think about the first one, then you can choose a new scene and try a second one. But the only way to do it do it. Does that make sense?

I swear, one day, I'm going to do the body inflation Mad Libs. :)


This is not spam...You should check out the one story I worte for ideas. I dont mean to brag, seriously I dont, especially since the final edit was done by Alec Deluxe.(believe you, me I dont think I could ever write that fluently) If female x-rated inflation is what youre lookin for, thats what its got. Its called 'Inflation Ranch' and its on the Yahoo group Pop-In or Id be happy to send it to you.


First, consider doing something that hasn't been done a hundred times before. Even if it is weird.

Second, consider where you want the story to go.
A) Is she going to be frightened or exhilerated by the inflation, or is it going to go from one to the other (e.g., start frightened then she gets off, or it started controlled and she lost control)
B) Is she alone? Interaction with another or her own thoughts are different.
C) Is she doing it to herself or is someone else doing it to her?

Third, what is the motivation for the inflation? Consenual for pleasure is very different than a murder attempt or torture.

Fourth, consider where you want the story to end. Is she going to become an inflation enthusiast, is she going to float away, is she going to pop?

Fifth, consider the tone. That may be dictated by your other descisions, i.e. a murder/revenge is unlikely to be light-hearted, someone discovering the joys of inflation can be light, dark, or both.

Sixth, after you've written your story but before you publish it spellcheck it, style/grammar check it, proofread it, and correct your mistakes. Nothing turns off readers quicker than redng stuf tha luks lick mokeies bangng u're kybored. It isn't 'just the internet' it is the impression you leave on your readers.

To show I'm not just blowing smoke:
Nabiki's Expansion Is one I wrote, it includes both fear and exhileration, nonconsensual and consensual. I haven't posted it here because it is NOT child or work friendly.

darth_clone19's picture

I dont know if Ive said this before, but for some odd reason I cant name, there's only a handful of straight, helium-tank-hose-in-the-mouth-and-inflated-by-a-mad-woman stories. lol

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darth_clone19 wrote:
Why x rated?

Just because inflation tends to be a sexual thing for me. Also, just because I can, I suppose. Call me a pervert, but I find inflation stories much more appealing that way. :)


Inflate123 wrote:
I swear, one day, I'm going to do the body inflation Mad Libs. :)

Nooooes! That was my idea! 8O

Not that anyone will believe me, at this point...

Ah well. :P