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Inflate123's picture

I see some inflatable folks on there, but not as many as I thought. Who's there?


LutherVKane's picture

Predictably enough, I'm:



i am wondering if i should go?

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet


Sorry, the outright thievery on there leaves me a little cold.


I quit MySpace after finding three people pretending to be me. There seem to be many problems with it, if Microsoft made it better maybe I'd start again.

dragon_6860's picture

I'm on it, http://www.myspace.com/dragon_6860 as you would guess :) Tenshu, It's...intresting to say the least. There's a fair ammount of BE and body inflation enthusatiasts, and a lot of "girls" and i use the term loosely...Most of the girls there are problay guys, I mainly use it on my real/non-inflation account as a cheap verson of match.com :-D I've got both of you on my friends list, but it's not really a vibrant and creative community, more of a slow and stagnate one...I'd nominate Youtube any day, heh, at least they got videos :)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

bostoncowboy's picture


Inflate123's picture
kuumuzu wrote:
I quit MySpace after finding three people pretending to be me. There seem to be many problems with it, if Microsoft made it better maybe I'd start again.

1. Microsoft doesn't run MySpace. Fox does (now).
2. You're important enough to have three people pretending to be you?

Inflate123 wrote:
You're important enough to have three people pretending to be you?

lol, no definatley not...
I had loads of artwork stolen and people were posting it using my name.

I could give it another shot, I don't mean to bitch... It just kinda happens.


I have a non-inflation account, but I never use it.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/

darth_clone19's picture

Is it possible to create a second account on myspace? I keep trying but it wont let me put in a different email address when signing up.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


My myspace page


I don't know about myspace... I might get an account, I might not. I always felt a little iffy about it, though.

doubleintegral's picture

Which of the following best describes Myspace?

A. A somewhat useful site for people to network with each other.
B. Representative of all that is wrong with society today.
C. The penultimate archetype of web design abuse.
D. All of the above.

doubleintegral wrote:
Which of the following best describes Myspace?

A. A somewhat useful site for people to network with each other.
B. Representative of all that is wrong with society today.
C. The penultimate archetype of web design abuse.
D. All of the above.

Definitely D. Its probably why I haven't got an account yet. >.<


I have a myspace but I hardly ever use it.

its my "normal" page for my "real life"
I like to keep my fetish interests separate from strangers and such.

darth_clone19's picture
doubleintegral wrote:
Which of the following best describes Myspace?

A. A somewhat useful site for people to network with each other.
B. Representative of all that is wrong with society today.
C. The penultimate archetype of web design abuse.
D. All of the above.

Id vote D.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

EnsignMinneapolis's picture

This is my MySpace.

Just don't mention this place. Okay?


I sold out and made another account so I could download my friends album.
Other than that I just don't use it.

I'm going to vote D just because I'm miserable and severely dislike Myspace.

To be perfectly honest I'm as happy as can be right here. ^^

darth_clone19's picture

We all are. This is a great hanging out place. Too bad it can get slow to get discussions going heavy, but its great.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

darth_clone19's picture

I need help. Myspace doesnt want to log me in. Do they have an assistance mailing address or something?

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I'm an anti-myspace user and proud of it! >X)


Does that mean you don't have one either, BI? XD

*high five*


Yes,I vote Cruddy-space!
My friend asked me to get on,and it just loses almost every note that I post when I submit them.
I have too many little pages around on sites and I think Im going to delete the Whyspace acct.
Anyone know any good inflation/R.inflation pages on Yahoo??
I tried to find "Julies belly group" as someone mentioned it on Exp.Mans. and I cant find it.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

I have a couple myspaces, and I hate the site too, but I have a friend there who hasnt been on msn messenger for a while and I wanted to check on her, and my friggin account doesnt want to log in.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


My problem is that I have different sign in lines and diff. passwords and when I havent been on a site for awhile I will forget exactly what they were.I know it sounds dumb.
Whyspace seems real slow to me also.
Oh,by the way darth',your DA artist suggestions are very good.
But you knew that already {^_-}

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!